Justice still out of reach for millions of women, UN Women says

25 Nov 2011

Justice still out of reach for millions of women, UN Women says

Flagship report from UN's new organization for women recognizes progress, but calls on governments to take urgent action to end the injustices that keep women poorer and less powerful than men in every country in the world

24 November 2011, UN Women Timor-Leste:

Justice remains out of reach for millions of the world's women, a flagship report launched on 24 November by UN Women and the Ministry of Justice warns.

On 24 November at the Legal Training Centre, Rua de Caicoli, Dili, UN Women and the Ministry of Justice launched the first flagship report of UN Women, Progress of the World's Women: In Pursuit of Justice. This publication is UN Women's first major report, following the organization's launch in 2010. It recognizes the positive progress made – 139 countries and territories now guarantee gender equality in their constitutions, for example – but also shows that too often, women continue to experience injustice, violence and inequality in their home and working lives.

The Progress report highlights ten recommendations to make justice systems work for women:

1. Support women's legal organizations
2. Support one-stop shops and specialized services to reduce attrition in the justice chain
3. Implement gender-sensitive law reform
4. Use quotas to boost the number of women legislators
5. Put women on the front line of law enforcement
6. Train judges and monitor decisions
7. Increase women's access to courts and truth commissions during and after conflict
8. Implement gender-responsive reparations programmes
9. Invest in women's access to justice
10. Put gender equality at the heart of the millennium development goals

To ensure justice becomes a reality for all women, UN Women calls on governments to:

- Repeal laws that discriminate against women, and ensure that legislation protects women from violence and inequality in the home and the workplace.

- Support innovative justice services, including one-stop shops, legal aid and specialized courts, to ensure women can access the justice to which they are entitled.

- Put women on the frontline of justice delivery. As police, judges, legislators and activists, women in every region are making a difference and bringing about change.

- Invest in justice systems that can respond to women's needs. Donors spend US$4.2 billion annually on aid for justice reform, but only 5% of this spending specifically targets women and girls.

"With half the world's population at stake, the findings of this report are a powerful call to action. The foundations for justice for women have been laid: in 1911, just two countries in the world allowed women to vote – now that right is virtually universal. But full equality demands that women become men's true equals in the eyes of the law – in their home and working lives, and in the public sphere."

Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women.
For media enquiries, please contact:
In Dili, Timor-Leste: Kari Gibson,
Tel. : +670 799 4014
Email: kari.gibson@unwomen.org
In Bangkok, Thailand: Montira Narkvichien,
Tel. : + 66 81 668 8900
Email: montira.narkvichien@unwomen.org

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Boletín Imprensa

Justisa sei sees hosi feto millaun, UN Women dehan

Relatóriu kapitánia hosi ONU nia organizasaun foun ba feto sira hodi rekoñese progresu, maibé husu ba governu hodi hola asaun urjente atu hapara injustisa ne'ebé halo nafatin feto sira kiak liután no ladún iha kbiit duké mane sira iha nasaun hotu-hotu iha mundu tomak

24 Novembru 2011, UN Women Timor-Leste:

Justisa nafatin sees hosi millaun mundu feto sira-nian, relatóriu kapitánia hala'o ona lansamentu iha 24 Novembru hosi UN Women no Ministériu Justisa tuir avizu.

Iha loron 24 Novembru iha Sentru Treinamentu Legál, Rua de Caicoli, Dili, UN Women no Ministériu Justisa lansa primeiru relatóriu kapitánia UN Women nian, Progresu Mundu Feto sira-nian: Buka Justisa. Publikasaun ida-ne'e nu'udar UN Women nia primeiru relatóriu prinsipál, tuir organizasaun nia lansamentu iha 2010. Ida-ne'e rekoñese halo ona progresu pozitivu – agora territóriu no nasaun 139 maka garante igualdade jéneru iha sira-nia konstituisaun sira, porezemplu – maibé hatudu mós dalaruma de'it, feto sira kontinua hodi esperiénsia injustisa, violénsia no dezigualdade iha sira-nia uma-laran no moris serbisu nian.

Relatóriu progresu ne'e realsa rekomendasaun sanulu hodi halo serbisu sistema justisa nian ba feto sira:

1. Apoiu ba feto sira-nia organizasaun legál sira
2. Apoiu loja ida-para no servisu espesiál hodi hamenus atritu iha korrente justisa nian
3. Implementa reforma lei sensitivu-jéneru
4. Uza kuota hodi aumenta númeru feto lejisladora sira
5. Tau feto sira iha liña oin ba ezekusaun lei nian
6. Fó treinu ba juís sira no monitoriza desizaun sira
7. Hasa'e feto sira-nia asesu ba tribunál no komisaun lialoos durante no depois konflitu
8. Implementa programa reparasaun responsivu-jéneru
9. Investe iha feto sira-nia asesu ba justisa
10. Tau igualdade jéneru iha fuan ba millennium development goals

Atu konvense justisa sai realidade ba feto sira hotu, UN Women husus ba governu sura atu:

- Hasai lei sira ne'ebé halo diskriminasaun hasoru feto sira, no konvense katak lejislasaun proteje feto sira hosi violénsia no dezigualdade iha uma-laran no serbisu-fatin.

- Apoiu ba servisu justisa inovativa, inklui loja ida-para, apoiu legál no tribunál espesializadu, hodi konvense katak feto sira bele iha asesu ba justisa ne'ebé sira intituladu.

- Tau feto sira iha liña oin entrega justisa nian. Nu'udar polísia, juís, lejisladór no ativista sira, feto sira iha rejiaun hotu-hotu halo hela diferensa no kala lori mudansa mai.

- Investe iha sistema justisa nian ne'ebé bele responde ba feto sira-nia nesesidade sira. Doadór sira tinan-tinan gasta billaun US$4.2 ba apoiu ba reforma justisa nian, maibé gastu ida-ne'e 5% de'it liuliu ba alvu feto no labarik-feto sira.

"Ho mundu nia populasaun metade iha partisipasaun, rezultadu hosi relatóriu ida-ne'e iha kbiit hodi hala'o asaun. Fundasaun ba justisa feto sira-nian ne'e koloka ona: iha 1911, só nasaun rua iha mundu maka fó lisensa ba feto sira hodi vota – ne'e loos agora universál loloos. Maibé ezijénsia igualdade tomak ne'ebé feto sira sai hanesan loloos mane sira iha lei nia oin – iha sira-nia uma-laran no moris serbisu nian no iha fatin públiku."

Michelle Bachelet, Tuir-Sekretáriu-Jerál no Diretór Ezekutivu UN Women nian.

Ba konsulta média, favór kontaktu:
Iha Dili, Timor-Leste: Kari Gibson,
Tel. : +670 799 4014
Email: kari.gibson@unwomen.org
Iha Bangkok, Thailand: Montira Narkvichien,
Tel. : + 66 81 668 8900
Email: montira.narkvichien@unwomen.org
