UNMIT Launches Ground-Breaking Report on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Timor-Leste

20 Sep 2011

UNMIT Launches Ground-Breaking Report on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Timor-Leste

Dili, 20 September 2011 –The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) launched the first public report by a peace-keeping mission on the rights of persons with disabilities. The report covers Timor-Leste's achievements in fulfilling cultural rights and its efforts to create policies that respect the rights of persons with disabilities to education, healthcare and community-based rehabilitation.

Human rights violations against persons with disabilities are also documented in the report.

Women, children and persons with mental disabilities are the most vulnerable to discrimination on the basis of disability, according to the report. UNMIT recommends the government to take urgent action to protect these groups at high risk, and to raise awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities.
Joaozito dos Santos from Ra'es Hadomi Timor Oan, an organization for persons with disabilities in Timor-Leste, participated in the launch of the report.
"Change has to happen because there is not equality. There is not a balance of rights, and disability has to become a priority for the government," said dos Santos. "It is a development issue. We have to develop our communities, including persons with disabilities, for our country's future. Development should be inclusive, so all people can realize their rights."
The report also finds that electoral laws and registration processes need to address accessibility for all persons with disabilities to exercising their right to vote in the upcoming elections in 2012.
Timor-Leste has not yet ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into force in 2008. A national policy on disability is currently under consideration by a working group formed by the Council of Ministers.
Louis Gentile, Chief of UNMIT's Human Rights Section, noted that the report also calls on the United Nations to reflect on how it can promote and fulfil these rights.
"We hope that this report will make a valuable contribution to the national policy on disability and help pave the way for Timor-Leste's ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities," said Gentile. "We also hope it will encourage those of us serving in the United Nations to set our own standards and goals equally high when it comes to the accessibility of our facilities and information to persons with disabilities."
The report is available online in English, Tetum, Portuguese and Braille-accessible formats on the UNMIT website at http://unmit.unmissions.org.
For further information contact:
Gyorgy Kakuk, UNMIT Spokesperson
kakukg@un.org, +670 723 0749
Hipolito da Cruz, UNMIT National Spokesperson
dacruzh@un.org, +670 731 1782
Komunikadu Imprensa UNMIT nian
UNMIT lansa Relatóriu Inovadór kona-ba Direitu Ema sira ho Difisiénsia iha Timor-Leste
Dili, 20 Setembru 2011—Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) lansa ona relatóriu públiku ba dahuluk ne'ebé fó sai hosi misaun manutensaun pás nian ida kona-ba direitu ema sira ho difisiénsia. Relatóriu ne'e kobre Timor-Leste nia progresu hodi kumpri direitu kulturál no ninia esforsu atu kria polítika sira ne'ebé respeita direitu ema sira ho difisiénsia ba edukasaun, kuidadu saúde no rehabilitasaun ne'ebé bazeia iha komunidade.
Violasaun sira ba direitus umanus hasoru ema sira ho defisiénsia mós dokumenta iha relatóriu ne'e.
Haktuir ba relatóriu ne'e, feto, labarik no ema sira ho defisiénsia mentál mak sai vulneravel liuhotu ba diskriminasaun tanba difisiénsia. UNMIT rekomenda ba governu atu foti asaun urjente hodi proteje grupu sira ho risku aas, no hasa'e koñesimentu kona-ba direitu ema sira ho difisiénsia.
Joaozito dos Santos hosi Ra'es Hadomi Timor Oan, organizasaun ida ba ema sira ho difisiénsia iha Timor-Leste, partisipa iha lansamentu relatóriu ne'e nian.
"Mudansa tenke akontese tanba laiha igualdade. Laiha balansu ba direitu, no defisiénsia tenke sai prioridade ida ba governu," dos Santos hatete. "Buat ne'e nu'udar kestaun ida dezenvolvimentu nian. Ita tenke dezenvolve ita-nia komunidade sira, inklui ema sira ho difisiénsia, ba ita-nia rain nia futuru. Dezenvolvimentu tenke sai inkluzivu, atu nune'e ema hotu bele realiza sira-nia direitu," nia hatete.
Relatóriu ne'e mós haree katak lei sira no prosesu rejistu eleitorál presiza atu rezolve asesibilidade ba ema sira hotu ho difisiénsia hodi ezerse sira-nia direitu atu vota iha eleisaun tuirmai iha tinan 2012.
Timor-Leste seidauk ratifika Konvensaun kona-ba Direitu Ema sira ho Defisiénsia, ne'ebé tama iha rigór iha tinan 2008. Polítika nasionál ida kona-ba defisiénsia oras ne'e daudaun tama hela iha diskusaun hosi grupu traballu ida ne'ebé forma hosi Konsellu Ministru.
Louis Gentile, Xefe UNMIT nia Seksaun Direitus Umanus nota katak relatóriu ne'e mós apela ba Nasoins Unidas atu refleta kona-ba oinsá maka Nasoins Unidas bele promove no kumpri direitu sira-ne'e.
"Ita hein katak relatóriu ida-ne'e sei halo kontribuisaun boot ba iha polítika nasionál kona-ba difisiénsia no ajuda loke dalan ba Timor-Leste nia ratifikasaun ba Konvensaun kona-ba Direitu Ema sira ho Difisiénsia, " Gentile hatete. "Ita mós hein katak relatóriu ne'e sei enkoraja ita sira ne'ebé serbii iha Nasoins Unidas atu trasa mós ita-nia padraun no objetivu sira ho aas bainhira ko'alia kona-ba asesibilidade ba ita-nia fasilidade sira no informasaun ba ema sira ho defisiénsia."
Relatóriu ne'e disponivel iha on-line iha lia-Inglés, Tetun, Portugés no mós formatu Braille ne'ebé asesivel iha sítiu-ínternet UNMIT nian ho enderesu http://unmit.unmissions.org.
Karik presiza informasaun kle'an liután, favór kontakta:
Gyorgy Kakuk, Portavós UNMIT nian
kakukg@un.org, +670 723 0749
Hipolito da Cruz, Portavós Nasionál UNMIT nian

dacruzh@un.org, +670 731 1782

