Community initiates traditional dialogue to diffuse tension in the aftermarth of spontaneous violenc

16 Sep 2011

Community initiates traditional dialogue to diffuse tension in the aftermarth of spontaneous violenc

Dili, 15th September 2011 –
The Ministry of Social Solidarity and the United Nations Development Programme co-facilitated a traditional peace-building dialogue in Zumalai Sub-district, Covalima District on Friday 9 September. The meeting, known locally as a 'Simu Malu', was requested by the community through the Ministry's Department of Peace Building and Social Cohesion in response to recent violence in the area.

The day-long event took place in the village of Tashilin, also the location where most of the violence occurred. Hundreds of local community members came to witness and participate in the mediation session that was presided over by the Secretary of State for Social Assistance and Natural Disasters, Mr. Jacinto Gomes de Deus, and other dignitaries including National Parliamentarian, Mr. Natalino dos Santos Nascimento, Vice Minister of Justice, Mr. Ivo Jorge Valente, President of the Regulatory Commission for Martial Arts, Mr. Firminio Dias Quintas, President of the National Youth Council, Mr. Leovigildo Hornai, as well as the local sub-district chief, village chief, and other community leaders.
Violence erupted in the area three weeks ago, instigated by an argument between two local martial arts groups, which according to the Secretary of State and the village chief, resulted in 58 houses being burnt completely, 9 being partially destroyed, and the death of an off-duty police officer.
The 'Simu Malu' is a traditional dialogue process used to arbitrate local disputes, emphasizing mutual acceptance. It provides a forum for parties to the conflict to express their grievances and concerns, and to understand and mutually commit to accept each other's positions and interests in order to eventually restore relationships and foster stability in the community.
The meeting saw members of the martial arts groups and other concerned community members stand up in front of the extended community and honestly explain their point of view. It culminated in official statements being prepared and read aloud by each group, then exchanged as a formal declaration of truce and as a show of commitment to work together to resolve the existing problems and to restore lasting peace in the area.
UNDP Programme Officer, Jose Belo, who co-facilitated the peace-building dialogue said: "This dialogue is a mechanism to prevent an escalation of the conflict in the future. Today, here in Tashilin, the 'Simu Malu' has helped everyone understand that violence is detrimental to all and that problems can be resolved in a peaceful manner.''
Village Chief, Alexandre Pereira stated that: "This dialogue will help recreate good relations so that conflict will not happen again like in the past. For the future we have to create unity and to contribute to peace and stability so that people can safely go about their daily lives."
UNDP supports the Department of Peace Building and Social Cohesion of the Ministry of Social Solidarity through technical support and capacity building both at the national and community levels.
For further information, please contact the UNDP Communications and Media Unit
Contacts - John Fenech, Ph: 732 7211, email:
or Sandra Magno, Ph: 732 7211, email:
UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor-Leste
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Dili, 15 fulan-Setembru tinan-2011 – Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál hamutuk ho Programa Dezenvolvimentu Nasoins Unidas nian ko-fasilita diálogu tradisionál ida hodi harii-pás iha Zumalai Sub-distritu, Distritu Kovalima iha Sesta-Feira loron-9 fulan-Setembru. Enkontru, ne'ebé lokalmente bolu 'Simu Malu', ne'e husu husi komunidade liuhosi Ministériu nia Departamentu ba Harii-Pás no Koezaun Sosiál nu'udar resposta ba violénsia ne'ebé foin lalais mosu iha fatin ne'e.
Eventu ba loron-naruk ida-ne'e hola fatin iha suku Tashilin, mós iha fatin ne'ebé violénsia barak liu akontese. Komunidade lokál hamutuk atus-ba-atus mai iha fatin hodi fó sasin no partisipa iha sesaun mediasaun ne'ebé prezide husi Sekretáriu Estadu ba Asistensia Sosial no Dezastre Naturáis, Sr. Jacinto Gomes de Deus, no signatáriu sira seluk inklui membru Parlamentu Nasionál Sr. Natalino dos Santos Nascimento, Vise Ministru Justisa, Sr. Ivo Jorge Valente, Prezidente ba Komisaun Reguladora ba Arte Marsiál sira, Sr. Firminio Dias Quintas, Prezidente Konsellu Juventude Nasionál Youth Council, Sr. Leovigildo Hornai, no mós administradór sub-distritu, xefe suku, no lider komunitária sira seluk.
Violénsia ne'e mosu iha área ida-ne'e semana tolu liubá, hetan soran husi argumentu ida entre grupu arte marsiál lokál rua, ne'ebé Sekretáriu Estadu no Xefe Suku haktuir, rezulta uma hamutuk 58 hetan sunu to'o motuk, 9 mak hetan estragu, no halakon membru polisia ida-ne'ebé folga hela, nia vida.
Prosesu diálogu tradisionál 'Simu Malu' ne'ebé uza atu tesi lia ba disputa lokál sira, realsa aseitasaun mútua. Ne'e fó forum ida ba parte sira ho konflitu atu espresa sira-nia keixa no preokupasaun sira, no atu komprende no hamutuk kompromete atu simu ida-idak nia pozisaun no interese sira ho intensaun atu ikusmai restaura relasaun di'ak no haburas estabilidade iha komunidade nia leet.
Iha enkontru ne'e haree membru sira husi grupu arte marsiál sira no membru komunidade sira seluk hamriik iha ema barabarak nia oin no ho onestu esplika sira-nia pontu-de-vista. Enkontru ne'e kulmina ho deklarasaun ofisiál sira-ne'ebé prepara tiha ona no lee ho lian maka'as husi grupu ida-idak, depois troka nu'udar deklarasaun formál trégua nian no nu'udar amostra kompromisu ida atu serbisu hamutuk atu rezolve problema sira-ne'ebé iha no atu restaura pás rohan-laek iha área ne'e.
Ofisiál Programa PNUD nian, Jose Belo, ne'ebé ko-fasilita diálogu ba harii-pás hateten: "Diálogu ne'e nu'udar mekanizmu ida atu prevene konflitu ne'e aumenta iha futuru. Ohin, iha-ne'e iha Tashilin, diálogu 'Simu Malu' ne'e ajuda ona ema hotu-hotu atu komprende katak violénsia sei halo aat ba ema hotu-hotu no katak problema sira bele rezolve ho maneira pasifika".
Xefe Suku, Alexandre Pereira, hateten katak: "Diálogu ida-ne'e sei ajuda harii filafali relasaun di'ak atu konflitu labele mosu filafali hanesan iha tempu liubá. Iha tempu oinmai ita tenke harii unidade no kontribui ba pás no estabilidade atu povu bele hala'o sira-nia moris loroloron nian ho seguru".
PNUD apoia Departamentu ba Harii-Pás no Koezaun Sosiál husi Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál liuhosi apoiu tékniku no kapasitasaun tantu iha nivel sira nasionál mós iha nivel komunidade.
Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór kontakta Unidade Mídia no Komunikasaun PNUD nian
Kontaktu sira – John Fenech, tel.: 732 7211, email:
ka Sandra Magno, tel.: 732 7211, email:
UN House, Estrada Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste