Human Rights day 2010 celebrated

15 Dec 2010

Human Rights day 2010 celebrated

Dili, 14 December 2010 –Timor-Leste celebrated the 62nd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with numerous events throughout the country.

On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, human rights defenders from all walksof life gathered at venues across the country to debate human rights progress and to promote the continued improvement of respect and protection of human rights for all.
Advocates included officials and representatives from the Office of the President, from Parliament and Government, from the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice, from civil society and from the international community.
The third Sergio Vieira de Mello Human Rights Award was presented to six individuals and organizations by President José Ramos-Horta. The UN extends congratulations to the recipients: Ms. Simone Barbosa de Assis of Casa Vida, a shelter for victims of domestic and sexual violence, the NGOs HIAM Health, Hope Family Community, the Primary School and Kindergarten "Maria Auxiliadora", Orphanage Santa Bakhita and Ms. Soraya Vieira Nepomuceno.
The first annual Human Rights Prize of the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice was awarded by Provedor Sebastiao Dias Ximenes to the PNTL of Manufahi District for their record in respect of human rights.
Further highlights of the day were Parliament's third annual special session devoted to human rights, which this year focused on Economic, Social and Cultural rights, and the Government-led, partnership-run, 16-day campaign to End Violence Against Women, which came to a close in Baucau.
This year, under the slogan "Speak up – Stop Discrimination", the UN saluted human rights defenders around the world, whom UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay commended for their "magnificent battle to stop discrimination".
Urging everyone to "be inspired by those seeking to make our world more just", UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said we should all "remember that everyone can be a human rights champion".


Dili, 14 Dezembru 2010 Timor-Leste selebra ona loron aniversáriu Deklarasaun Universál Direitus Umanus nian ba dala 62 ho eventu oioin iha nasaun laran tomak.
Iha 10 Dezembru, Loron Internasionál Direitus Umanus nian, defensór sira Direitus Umanus nian iha nivel moris hotu-hotu sei halibur hamutuk iha fatin sira iha nasaun laran tomak hodi debate progresu Direitus Umanus nian no atu promove dezenvolvimentu kontinua husi respeitu no protesaun Direitus Umanus nian ba ema hotu.
Defensór hirak-ne'e inklui ofisiál no reprezentante sira husi Gabinete Prezidente nian, husi Parlamentu no Governu, husi Provedoria Direitus Umanus no Justisa, husi Sosiedade sivíl no mós husi komunidade internasionál.
Prémiu Kondekorasaun Anuál datoluk Direitus Umanus Sergio Vieira de Melo nian aprezenta ona husi José Ramos-Horta. ONU kongratula simu na'in sira: Sra. Simone Barbosa de Assis husi Casa Vida, uma mahon vítima sira violénsia doméstika no violénsia seksuál, ONG sira hanesan HIAM Health, Hope Family Community, eskola Primária no Jardín infantíl "Maria Auxiliadora", Orfanatu Santa Bakhita no Sra. Soraya Vieira Nepomuceno.
Prémiu anuál Direitus Umanus dahuluk husi Provedoria Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian entrega hosi Provedór Sebastião Dias Ximenes ba PNTL Distritu Manufahi ba sira-nia avansu ba respeita direitus umanus.
Hafoin kontinua iha loron ne'e mak parlamentu nia sesaun anuál espesiál datoluk ne'ebé dedika ba direitus Umanus, ne'ebé tinan ida-ne'e foku liu ba direitu ekonomia, Sosiál no Kulturál, no kampaña loron-16 Hakotu Violénsia Kontra Feto, ne'ebé lidera hosi Governu no parseiru sira, ne'ebé besik ona iha Baukau.
Tinan ida-ne'e, tuir slogan "Ko'alia Maka'as – Hapara Diskriminasaun", ONU kongratula defensór direitus umanus sira iha mundu tomak, ne'ebé hetan apresiasaun husi Altu Komisária Nasoins Unidas ba Direitus Umanus Navi Pillay ba sira-nia "luta maka'as hodi hapara diskriminasaun".
Enkoraja ema hotu atu bele "hetan inspirasaun husi ema sira-ne'ebé haka'as an atu halo ita-nia mundu sai justu liután", Sekretáriu Jerál ONU Ban Ki-moon hateten katak ita hotu tenke "hanoin katak kualkér ema ida bele sai hanesan kampiaun direitus umanus ida".
