PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities over three units

29 Sep 2010

PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities over three units

Dili, 28 September 2010 -
Today, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (DSRSG), Shigeru Mochida, and Secretary of State for Security, Dr. Francisco da Costa Guterres, presided over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) over three units – the Immigration Department, the Border Patrol Unit and the Interpol Office.

DSRSG Mochida congratulated Secretary of State for Security Guterres and the Timorese people on their achievement. He pledged that the United Nations would increase its support including mentoring PNTL officers to face remaining challenges.

DSRSG Mochida pointed out that "these units are charged with critical and often sensitive dealings with foreign countries and nationals by Timor-Leste, and so their handover to Timorese responsibility today is a most significant occasion."

With today's handover UNMIT has taken a further step in the transformation of the PNTL to a professional and credible police force. Since last May, when the resumption of responsibilities began in Lautem, ten districts and six units have been handed over to the PNTL. Only three districts remain under UN policing command. This month PNTL resumed responsibility in four districts: Liquica, Ermera, Aileu and Manufahi.

In his speech UNMIT Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho noted the growing capacity of PNTL, which is assisted by international police officers coming from more than 40 countries.

"This provides a unique opportunity for PNTL officers to work side by side with their UNPOL colleagues, to gain valuable knowledge and experience. We all have the same goal and that is the development of the PNTL into a dedicated and professional organisation," said the UNMIT Police Commissioner.

The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT are jointly implementing the resumption process. Government and UNMIT teams, comprising UN Police and PNTL, apply mutually agreed criteria to assess PNTL's readiness to resume primary policing responsibilities.

UN Police will remain in the districts where the PNTL has resumed responsibilities, in order to monitor, advise and support the PNTL.



PNTL kaer filafali responsabilidade primária polisiamentu iha unidade tolu

Dili, 28 Setembru 2010 – Ohin, Reprezentante Espesiál Adjuntu husi Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian ba Timor-Leste (REASJ), Shigeru Mochida, no Sekretáriu Estadu ba Seguransa, Dr. Francisco da Costa Guterres, prezide ba serimónia ne'ebé marka momentu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste nian (PNTL) kaer filafali responsabilidade primária hodi hala'o operasaun polisiál sira iha unidade tolu – Departamentu Imigrasaun, Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira no mós Gabinete Interpol.

REASJ Mochida fó parabéns ba Sekretáriu Estadu ba Seguransa Dr. Guterres no povu Timor-Leste nian tanba susesu ida-ne'e. Nia promete katak Nasoins Unidas sei aumenta sira-nia apoiu, inklui mentorizasaun ba membru sira PNTL nian atu hasoru dezafiu sira ne'ebé sei iha.

REASJ Mochida subliña katak "unidade sira-ne'e kaer knaar ne'ebé importante tebes, no dala barak sensivel loos, hodi hala'o ligasaun no tau matan ba asuntu entre Timor-Leste no nasaun i ema rai-li'ur nian, i nune'e sira-nia entrega ba responsabilidade timoroan sira-nian iha loron ohin ne'e okaziaun signifikativu tebetebes."

Ho transferénsia ne'ebé halo ohin UNMIT hakat ba oin tan iha prosesu halo PNTL nakfilak ba forsa polisiál ne'ebé profisionál no kredivel. Dezde Maiu tinan ne'e, bainhira prosesu kaer filafali responsabilidade hahú iha Lautém, UNPOL entrega tiha ona distritu 10 no unidade 6 ba PNTL. Só distritu tolu maka sei kontinua daudaun ho komandu polísia ONU. Iha fulan ida-ne'e PNTL kaer filafali responsabilidade iha distritu haat: Likisá, Ermera, Aileu no Manufahi.

Iha ninia diskursu, Komisáriu Polísia UNMIT nian Luís Carrilho temi kapasidade PNTL nian ne'ebé di'ak liu ba beibeik, ho asisténsia husi membru internasionál polísia nian ne'ebé mai husi nasaun liu 40.

"Ida-ne'e fó oportunidade di'ak tebetebes ba membru PNTL sira hodi serbisu lisuk ho sira-nia kolega husi UNPOL, atu hetan benefísiu husi kolega sira-nia koñesimentu no esperiénsia. Ita hotu iha objetivu ida de'it, maka dezenvolvimentu PNTL hodi sai instituisaun ne'ebé iha dedikasaun no profisionalizmu maka'as," Komisáriu Polísia UNMIT nian hateten.

Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT implementa daudaun hamutuk prosesu kaer filafali responsabilidade ne'e. Ekipa konjunta sira husi Governu no UNMIT, inklui Polísia ONU no PNTL, aplika kritériu oioin ne'ebé uluk konkorda hamutuk tiha ona hodi avalia se PNTL prontu ka lae atu kaer filafali responsabilidade primária polisiamentu.

Polísia ONU sei mantein sira-nia prezensa iha distritu sira-ne'ebé PNTL kaer tiha filafali responsabilidade, atubele monitoriza, fó konsellu no apoia PNTL.
