Civil Service Commission begins data validation in Suai

21 Sep 2010

Civil Service Commission begins data validation in Suai

Suai, 20 September 2010 -
President of the Civil Service Commission (CSC), Mr. Libório Pereira, visited Suai, Covalima District today, to observe the CSC's efforts to validate the personal information and employment data of the district's civil servants.

The CSC has already completed the data validation process in eight of Timor-Leste's 13 districts. This process began in May and is expected to be completed in December.

UNDP and UNMIT are assisting the Civil Service Commission in terms of policy development, and management strategy. They are also supporting the establishment and implementation of the CSC Personnel Management Information System (PMIS) database.

Commission President Pereira was accompanied by Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) Finn Reske-Nielsen, European Union Ambassador to Timor-Leste Juan Carlos Rey, and representatives of Australia, USA, New Zealand, France and Norway.



Komisaun Funsaun Públiku nian hahú halo validasaun ba dadus iha Suai

Dili, 20 Setembru 2010 - Prezidente Komisaun Funsaun Públiku (KFP) nian, Sr. Libório Pereira, ohin halo vizita ba Suai, Ditritu Kovalima, atu observa esforsu KFP nian hodi halo validasaun ba dadus informasaun pesoál no empregu funsionáriu públiku nian iha distritu.

KFP kompleta ona prosesu validasaun ba dadus iha distritu ualu husi distritu 13 ne'ebé iha Timor-Leste. Prosesu ne'e hahú iha Maiu no fiar katak sei remata iha Dezembru.

UNDP no UNMIT apoia Komisaun Funsaun Públiku iha área polítika dezenvolvimentu, no jestaun estratéjiku. Sira mós fó apoiu ba estabelesimentu no implementasaun Sistema Jestaun Informasaun Pesoál (SJIP) baze de dadus nian.

Prezidente Komisaun nian Sr. Pereira ne'ebé akompaña husi Arjuntu Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian (ARESJ) Sr. Finn Reske-Nielsen, Embaixador Uniaun Europeia nian ba Timor-Leste Sr. Juan Carlos Rey, no mós reprezentante Austrália, USA, Nova Zelândia, Fransa no Norwegia.
