DSRSG Mochida arrives in Timor-Leste

31 Aug 2010

DSRSG Mochida arrives in Timor-Leste

Dili, 31 August 2010 - Shigeru Mochida of Japan arrived today in Timor-Leste to assume his duties as Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law with the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT).

Mr. Mochida will oversee UNMIT's efforts to develop the National Police (PNTL), and to support the Government in security sector development (including the defence sector), as well as UNMIT's activities with regard to military liaison, human rights and transitional justice, and investigation of serious crimes from 1999.

Mr. Mochida's appointment was announced by the Secretary-General on 9 July 2010. He succeeds the late Takahisa Kawakami of Japan, who passed away on 15 March 2010.

Mr. Mochida's 30-plus years of United Nations service includes extensive management and operational experience in the political, security and conflict-resolution fields. Before joining UNMIT, he served as Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok, an appointment he took up in 2005.

Prior to his ESCAP assignment, Mr. Mochida held a series of increasingly responsible posts at UN Headquarters, more recently serving from 2000 to 2005 as Deputy Director of the Africa I Division of the Department of Political Affairs (DPA). He joined DPA in 1992, having served in the Office for Research and the Collection of Information in the Office of the Secretary-General from 1988 to 1992.

Mr. Mochida began his career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in 1975, first as Attaché with the Political Affairs Division of the United Nations Bureau (1975-1976) and then as Liaison Officer in the Security Affairs Division of the American Affairs Bureau (1978-1980). Mr. Mochida holds a Master's Degree in Public Affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs of Princeton University, United States, and a Bachelor of Arts from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan.



VRESJ Mochida to'o iha Timor-Leste

Dili, 31 Agostu 2010 – Shigeru Mochida hosi Japaun to'o tiha ona iha Timor-Leste atu asumi nia knaar sira hanesan Vise Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál (VRESJ) ba Apoiu Setór Seguransa no Estadu Direitu ho Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT).

Sr. Mochida sei superviziona esforsu sira UNMIT nian atu dezenvolve Polísia Nasionál (PNTL), no apoia Governu iha dezenvolvimentu setór seguransa (inklui setór defeza), no mós UNMIT nia atividade sira kona-ba ligasaun militár, direitus umanus no justisa tranzitória, no mós investigasaun krime grave sira hosi tinan 1999.

Sr. Mochida nia nomeasaun anunsia hosi Sekretáriu-Jerál iha loron 9, fulan-Jullu 2010. Nia troka matebian Takahisa Kawakami hosi Japaun, ne'ebé mate iha loron 15, fulan-Marsu 2010.

Sr. Mochida nia tinan 30 resin hala'o servisu Nasoins Unidas nian inklui jestaun estensivu no esperiénsia operasionál iha área polítika, seguransa no rezolusaun konflitu. Molok tama iha UNMIT, nia serbí hanesan Vise Sekretáriu Ezekutivu Komisaun Ekonómiku no Sosiál Nasoins Unidas nian ba Ázia no Pasífiku (ESCAP) iha Bankoke, nu'udar nomeasaun ida ne'ebé nia hetan iha tinan 2005.

Molok nia knaar ESCAP nian, Sr. Mochida kaer série postu sira ne'ebé iha responsabilidade liután iha Sede-Jerál ONU nian, foin dadauk ne'e hosi tinan 2000 to'o tinan 2005 hanesan Vise Diretór Divizaun I Áfrika ba Departamentu Asuntu Polítiku (DPA). Nia tama iha DPA iha tinan 1992, hafoin tiha serbí iha Gabinete ba Peskiza no Kolesaun Informasaun iha Gabinete Sekretáriu-Jerál nian hosi tinan 1988 to'o tinan 1992.

Sr. Mochida hahú nia karreira iha Ministériu Negosiu Estranjeiru Japaun nian iha tinan 1975, uluk nana'in hanesan Ataxé iha Divizaun Asuntu Polítiku ba Servisu Nasoins Unidas nian (1975-1976) no depois hanesan Ofisiál Ligasaun iha Divizaun Asuntu Seguransa ba Servisu Amérika nian (1978-1980). Sr. Mochida hetan Grau Mestradu iha Asuntu Públiku hosi Eskola Públiku Wilson Woodrow no Asuntu Internasionál hosi Universidade Princeton, Estadus Unidus, no Baxarelatu hosi Universidade Hitotsubashi, Tókio, Japaun.
