SRSG Haq commends Portugal for its vital contributions to Timor-Leste

23 Jun 2010

SRSG Haq commends Portugal for its vital contributions to Timor-Leste

Dili, 23 June 2010 - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Timor-Leste (SRSG), Ms. Ameerah Haq expressed deep appreciation to Portuguese leaders, and through them the people of Portugal, for their vital contributions to the development of Timor-Leste .

SRSG Haq briefed the Portugese leaders on the latest situation in the country highlighting the progress made since the 2006 crises and provided updates since the last report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/85). She acknowledged Portugal's support to the security sector, most notably its personnel contributions to UNMIT Police and the Military Liaison Group.

SRSG Haq expressed her deepest condolences on the death of Hermenegildo Almeida Marques on 21 June in a car accident in Manatuto while on duty. She noted that progress in the development of a "professional, modern, democratic national police service owes much to the important work of dedicated international police officers like Officer Marques."

The Minister of Home Affairs Rui Pereira and Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) National Director Superintendent Francisco Maria Correia de Oliveira Pereir responded positively to the SRSG's request for additional police officers. She had asked them to identify and deploy police officers with the required skill sets to mentor and train their PNTL counterparts.

President Cavaco Silva, Foreign Minister Amado and other leaders cited the "special relationship" between Portugal and Timor-Leste and affirmed Portugal's strong commitment to assisting Timor-Leste, while working closely with the SRSG and UNMIT.

Portugal's valuable contributions in strengthening democratic and judicial institutions, in language training, poverty alleviation, agriculture, health and education were also acknowledged in the meetings.

During her two day official visit to Portugal, 21-22 June 2010, SRSG Haq paid courtesy calls on the President, Professor Aníbal Cavaco Silva and former President, Mr. Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio and met with the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Luís Amado, Minister of National Defence, Professor Augusto Santos Silva and the Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Rui Pereira. She also addressed the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Commission, met with the heads of the Guarda Nacional Repulicana (GNR) Lieutenant - General Luis Nelson Ferreira dos Santos and Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) Chief - Superintendent Francisco Maria Correia de Oliveira Pereira and the Fundação Oriente and interacted with the press.

The SRSG's visit to Lisbon will be followed by a visit to Paris to participate in a meeting of the UN Senior Advisory Group on the Review of International Civilian Capacities and a visit to Madrid to discuss police matters with senior officials of the Government of Spain.

RESJ Haq hahi'i Portugál tanba fó kontribuisaun importante tebes ba Timor-Leste

Dili, 23 Juñu 2010 - Reprezentante Espesiál Husi Sekretáriu Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian ba Timor-Leste (RESJ), Sra. Ameerah Haq hato'o apresiasaun kle'an ba Portugál nia na'i-ulun sira, ne'ebé dirije mós ba povu Portugál tomak, tanba sira-nia kontribuisaun importante tebes ba dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste.
RESJ Haq fó esplikasaun badak ba Portugál nia na'i-ulun sira kona-ba situasaun iha rai-laran no subliña progresu ne'ebé alkansa dezde krize 2006 no fó mós informasaun foun dezde relatóriu ikus liu fó-sai husi Sekretáriu Jerál (S/2010/85). Nia rekoñese Portugál nia apoiu ba setór seguransa, liuliu ninia kontribuisaun ho pesoál ba Polísia UNMIT no Grupu Ligasaun Militár.
RESJ Haq hato'o ninia kondolénsias tanba matebian Hermenegildo Almeida Marques ne'ebé mate iha loron 21 fulan-Juñu nu'udar rezultadu husi asidente karreta iha Manatutu enkuantu hala'o ninia knaar. Nia hatete katak "Elementu polísia hanesan Sarjentu Ajudante Marques fó kontribuisaun maka'as hodi dezenvolve servisu polísia nasionál ne'ebé demokrátiku, modernu no profisionál".
Ministru Interiór Rui Pereira no Diretór Nasionál husi Polísia Seguransa Públika (PSP) Superintendente Francisco Maria Correia de Oliveira Pereira fó resposta pozitivu ba RESJ nia pedidu atu aumenta númeru elementu polísia. Nia husu sira atu identifika no destaka elementu polísia ne'ebé iha abilidade apropriadu atu fornese mentorizasaun no formasaun ba sira-nia kontraparte husi PNTL.
Prezidente Cavaco Silva, Ministru Negósius Estranjeirus Amado no na'i-ulun sira seluk temi "relasaun espesiál" entre Portugál no Timor-Leste no deklara katak Portugál iha kompromisu forte atu tulun Timor-Leste, enkuantu serbisu metin ho RESJ no UNMIT.
Liuhosi enkontru sira ne'e nia mós rekoñese Portugál nia kontribuisaun valiozu hodi hametin instituisaun demokrátika no judisiál, fó formasaun kona-ba lian, hamenus kiak, no dezenvolve agrikultura, saúde, no edukasaun.
RESJ Haq halo vizita ofisiál durante loron rua entre 21-22 Juñu 2010, no hasoru malu ho Prezidente, Profesór Aníbal Cavaco Silva no eis-Prezidente, Sr. Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio no mós hasoru malu ho Ministru Estadu no Negósius Estranjeirus, Sr. Luís Amado, Ministru Defeza Nasionál, Profesór Augusto Santos Silva no Ministru Interiór, Sr. Rui Pereira. Nia mós ko'alia iha Komisaun Parlamentu nian kona-ba Negósius Estranjeirus, hasoru malu ho xefe sira husi Guarda Nasionál Republikana (GNR) Tenente-Jenerál Luis Nelson Ferreira dos Santos no Polísia Seguransa Públika (PSP) Superintendente-Xefe Francisco Maria Correia de Oliveira Pereira no Fundasaun Oriente, no mós halo interasaun ho imprensa.

Liutiha RESJ nia vizita ba Lizboa, nia sei bá París atu hola parte iha reuniaun husi Grupu Asesoria Senior ONU nian kona-ba Revizaun ba Kapasidade Sivíl Internasionál no vizita mós Madrid atu analiza kestaun polítika oioin ho membru sira husi Governu España nian.
