UNMIT Mourns Deputy SRSG Takahisa Kawakami

15 Mar 2010

UNMIT Mourns Deputy SRSG Takahisa Kawakami

Dili, 15 March 2010 - It is with great sadness that the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) announces the untimely death of our dear colleague Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General Takahisa Kawakami. Mr. Kawakami passed away overnight of natural causes, at his residence in Dili.

This is a time of great sorrow as we honour our dear colleague.

Mr. Takahisa Kawakami of Japan served with UNMIT in Timor-Leste from September 2008, when he was appointed Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Mr. Kawakami demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the people of Timor-Leste and to the wider efforts of the United Nations by working in partnership with his Timorese counterparts to support the development of the national police and continued peace, security and stability in Timor-Leste.
Mr. Kawakami had a distinguished career with the United Nations, both in the field and at headquarters. Prior to joining UNMIT, he held the position of Chief of Staff in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) from 2007 to 2008. He also served in Cambodia with the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) from 1992 to 1993 and with the United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC) from 1991 to 1992. Mr. Kawakami served with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations at United Nations Headquarters from 1995 to 2000, during which time he played an important role in the establishment of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) in 1999.
He earlier served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. He was posted to the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations in New York from 1987 to 1991 and 2003 to 2007. When Japan was a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2005 and 2006, he served as Coordinator on Timor-Leste.

Mr. Kawakami is survived by his wife, Chieko, and daughter, Mao, to whom UNMIT and the United Nations family offer our deepest condolences.

15 Marsu 2010

UNMIT Lamenta ba Vise RESJ,Takahisa Kawakami

Dili, 15 Marsu 2010 - Ho laran triste tebes maka Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) anunsia kona-ba ita-nia kolega Vise Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian, Takahisa Kawakami nia mate ne'ebé derepente. Nia fila hikas tiha ona horikalan tanba problema naturál sira, iha nia rezidénsia iha Dili.

Ida-ne'e nu'udar tempu laran triste boot bainhira ita fó onra ba ita-nia karu kolega ne'e.

Sr. Takahisa Kawakami hosi Japaun serbii ho UNMIT iha Timor-Leste hosi fulan-Setembru, tinan 2008 bainhira nia nomeadu sai hanesan Vise Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál nian ba Apoiu Setór Seguransa no Estadu Direitu hosi Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian, Ban Ki-moon. Sr. Kawakami hatudu tiha ona nia kompromisu ne'ebé dedikadu ba povu Timor-Leste no ba esforsu sira luan liután Nasoins Unidas nian hodi servisu ho parseria hamutuk ho nia kontraparte Timoroan sira hodi apoia dezenvolvimentu polísia nasionál no dame ne'ebé kontínuu, seguransa no estabilidade iha Timor-Leste.

Sr. Kawakami hala'o tiha ona karreira ida-ne'ebé distintu hamutuk ho Nasoins Unidas, tantu iha kampu operasaun no iha sede-jerál. Molok tama ba iha UNMIT, nia kaer pozisaun Xefe Gabinete nian iha Misaun Asisténsia Nasoins Unidas nian iha Afagenistaun (UNAMA) hosi tinan 2007 to'o 2008. Nia mós serbii iha Kambodia ho Autoridade Tranzitória Nasoins Unidas nian iha Kambodia (UNTAC) hosi tinan 1992 to'o 1993 no ho Misaun Avansadu Nasoins Unidas nian iha Kambodia (UNAMIC) hosi tinan 1991 to'o 1992. Sr. Kawakami serbii ho Departamentu Operasaun Manutensaun Pás iha Sede-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian hosi tinan 1995 to'o 2000, durante tempu ne'ebé nia hala'o knaar importante iha estabelesimentu Administrasaun Tranzitóriu Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNTAET) iha tinan 1999.

Antes ne'e nia serbii iha Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru Japaun nian. Nia hetan nomeasaun ba Misaun Permanente Japaun nian ba Nasoins Unidas iha Novaiorke hosi tinan 1987 to'o 1991 no 2003 to'o 2007. Bainhira Japaun sai nu'udar membru naun-permanente Konsellu Seguransa nian iha tinan 2005 no 2006, nia serbii hanesan Koordenadór ba Timor-Leste.

Sr. Kawakami mate soe hela nia ferik-oan, Chieko, no oan-feto, Mao, ne'ebé UNMIT no família Nasoins Unidas nian oferese sira-nia kondolénsia ne'ebé klean tebes.
