National Police resume responsibility over the Maritime Unit

14 Dec 2009

National Police resume responsibility over the Maritime Unit

Dili, 14 December 2009 – Today Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law, Mr Takahisa Kawakami and Secretary of State for Security,

Dr Francisco da Costa Guterres, presided over a ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibility for the conduct of maritime police operations by the Maritime Unit of the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL).
PNTL's Maritime Unit is the sixth entity in which the PNTL has resumed primary policing responsibility since the resumption process started in May 2009, when primary policing responsibility was transferred to the PNTL in the District of Lautem. This process continued in the Districts of Oecussi in June, Manatuto in July, and was followed by the transfer of responsibility for the administration and management of the Police Training Centre in September. In December, the PNTL resumed responsibility in the Viqueque District.
The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT are implementing the resumption process in a gradual manner – district by district, unit by unit. The decision for the PNTL to resume primary policing responsibility for the Maritime Unit was based on the result of assessments of the preparedness of PNTL. The assessments were conducted by joint teams comprising representatives of the Government and UNMIT, including PNTL and the United Nations Police (UNPol), using mutually agreed criteria.
UN Police will maintain their presence in areas where the PNTL have resumed responsibility, in order to support, advise, train and monitor the PNTL in their roles.
The Maritime Unit was originally established in 2001 and is responsible for coastal security, protection of the marine environment, the safeguarding of human life through search and rescue and prevention of criminality and illegal immigration at sea.


Polísia Nasionál asumi hikas responsabilidade ba Unidade Marítima
Dili, 14 Dezembru 2009 Ohin Vise Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál ba Apoiu Setór Seguransa no Estadu Direitu, Sr.Takahisa Kawakami no Sekretáriu Estadu ba Seguransa, Dr Francisco da Costa Guterres, prezide seremonia ida-ne'ebé marka retomada responsabilidade prinsipál ba kondusaun operasaun sira polísia marítima nian hosi Unidade Marítima Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) nian.
PNTL nia Unidade Marítima nu'udar entidade ba daneen ne'ebé PNTL asumi hikas tiha ona responsabilidade polisiamentu prinsipál dezde prosesu retomada responsabilidade polisiamentu hahú iha fulan-Maiu, tinan 2009, bainhira responsabilidade polisiamentu prinsipál transfere ba PNTL iha Distritu Lautem. Prosesu ne'e kontinua iha Distritu Oecussi iha fulan-Juñu, Distritu Manatuto iha fulan-Jullu, no tuir fali ho transferénsia responsabilidade ba administrasaun no jestaun Sentru Formasaun Polísia iha fulan-Setembru. Iha fulan-Dezembru, PNTL asumi hikas responsabilidade polisiamentu iha Distritu Viqueque.
Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT implementa daudaun prosesu retomada responsabilizasaun iha maneira ida-ne'ebé graduál—distritu ba distritu, unidade ba unidade. Desizaun ba PNTL atu asumi hikas responsabilidade polisiamentu prinsipál ba Unidade Marítima ne'e bazeia ba rezultadu avaliasaun preparasaun PNTL nian. Avaliasuan sira ne'e hala'o hosi ekipa konjunta sira ne'ebé komposta hosi reprezentante sira Governu no UNMIT nian, inklui PNTL no Polísia Nasoins Unidas (UNPol), ne'ebé uza kritéria maka konkorda mutualmente.
Polísia ONU nian sei mantein sira-nia prezensa iha área sira ne'ebé PNTL asumi tiha ona responsabilidade polisiamentu atu apoia, akonsella, treina no monitoriza PNTL iha sira-nia knaar sira.
Unidade Marítima ne'e orijinalmente estabelese iha tinan 2001, no responsabiliza ba seguransa tasi-ibun, protesaun ambiente mariña nian, salvaguarda ba vida umana liuhosi buka no salva no prevensaun kriminalidade, no mós imigrasaun ilegál iha tasi.