Progress leads to PNTL certification

6 Nov 2012

Progress leads to PNTL certification

Dili, 31 October 2012 – The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) was today certified by the Prime Minister and Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General, following a joint assessment by the PNTL and United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste Police (UNPOL).


The certification of the PNTL brings to an end operational support from UNPOL, whose main focus over the past 18 months has been capacity building and institutional development support to PNTL.
Security has remained stable since the PNTL resumed policing responsibility in March 2011, with continued low reported crime rates. In 2012, the PNTL successfully provided security through three rounds of presidential and parliamentary elections.
A ceremony was held today at the Palácio do Governo in Dili to mark the certification of the PNTL.
Certification comes as a result of PNTL meeting three criteria that were jointly agreed by the Government and UNMIT. These are:
  • The PNTL making significant progress in the five major areas of legislation, training, administration, discipline and operations as set out in the PNTL and UNPOL Joint Development Plan
  • The PNTL's continued exercise of responsibility for police operations with adequate responses to public order incidents
  • Progress in addressing any gaps and weaknesses identified in the joint assessments of policing in all Districts and Units.
There will be a significant drawdown of UNPOL personnel during November, with all UNMIT Police to depart Timor-Leste by the end of December.
"The PNTL has made significant progress in strengthening its capacity," said Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. "Since the PNTL resumed responsibility for policing in March 2011, there has been no increase in crime rates and law and order has been maintained. Today, I am pleased to announce that PNTL is assuming full responsibility for maintaining law and order in Timor-Leste. I extend my thanks to the United Nations and the international community for its assistance in strengthening our nation's policing capabilities."
"PNTL and UNPOL have worked side-by-side for more than six years to develop PNTL's capacity to maintain law and order in Timor-Leste," said Finn Reske-Nielsen, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General and the Head of the UN's mission in Timor-Leste.
"The PNTL has taken big steps forward in that time and has performed well since taking on policing responsibility. The PNTL has also made significant progress in improving discipline, training, legislation, administration and operations as set out in the PNTL and UNPOL Joint Development Plan."
"Timor-Leste's progress towards peace and stability and in strengthening key institutions including the national police means the country is ready for UNMIT to leave.
"But developing a professional police service is a long-term commitment and it will be important for PNTL to build on the major improvements already made. We urge the Government and PNTL to continue to work closely with bilateral partners to continue to drive progress after UNMIT has left Timor-Leste."
For more information, please contact:
Ben Wilson
UNMIT Spokesperson
Tel: +670 7702 4858
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Komunikadu-Imprensa Konjuntu
PNTL hetan sertifikasaun nu'udar rezultadu husi progresu
Dili, 31 Outubru 2012 – Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) ohin loron hetan sertifikasaun husi Primeiru Ministru no Reprezentante Espesiál Interinu Sekretáriu-Jerál nian, depoizde PNTL no Polísia Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNPOL) halo ona avaliasaun konjunta sira.
Sertifikasaun ba PNTL hakotu UNPOL nia apoiu operasionál, ne'ebé durante fulan 18 ikus ne'e iha foku prinsipál atu fó kapasitasaun no apoiu ba dezenvolvimentu institusionál PNTL nian.
Dezde PNTL foti filafali responsabilidade ba polisiamentu iha Marsu 2011 seguransa estavel nafatin, ho taxa kriminalidade la aas. Iha 2012, PNTL konsege fornese seguransa durante eleisaun prezidensiál nia volta rua no mós durante eleisaun parlamentár.
Ohin loron serimónia ida hala'o iha Palácio do Governo iha Dili hodi marka sertifikasaun ba PNTL.
Sertifikasaun ne'e akontese tanba PNTL prenxe ona kritériu tolu ne'ebé Governu no UNMIT aseita hamutuk. Hanesan tuirmai:
  • PNTL hetan ona progresu signifikativu iha área lima prinsipál:
    lejizlasaun, formasaun, administrasaun, dixiplina no operasaun, hanesan determina iha PNTL no UNPOL nia Planu Konjuntu ba Dezenvolvimentu.
  • Oinsá PNTL kontinua ezerse ninia responsabilidade ba operasaun polísia ho resposta adekuada ba kualkér insidente relasiona ho orden públika.
  • Hetan ona progresu hodi tau matan ba kualkér lakuna no frakeza ne'ebé identifika ona iha avaliasaun konjunta ba polisiamentu iha kada Distritu no Unidade.
Númeru pesoál UNPOL sei hamenus maka'as iha fulan Novembru, no Polísia UNMIT hotu-hotu sei sai husi Timor-Leste molok Dezembru nia rohan.
"PNTL hetan ona progresu signifikativu iha área kapasitasaun," Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hateten. "Dezde PNTL foti filafali responsabilidade ba polisiamentu iha Marsu 2011, taxa kriminalidade la sa'e no lei no ordein durante ne'e mantein hela daudaun. Ohin loron, ha'u laran-ksolok atu fó-sai katak PNTL foti responsabilidade tomak hodi mantein lei no orden iha Timor-Leste. Ha'u hato'o obrigadu ba Nasoins Unidas no komunidade internasionál ba sira-nia asisténsia hodi hametin kapasidade polisiamentu iha ami-nia nasaun."
"PNTL no UNPOL serbisu hamutuk durante liu tinan neen hodi dezenvolve PNTL nia kapasidade atu mantein lei no orden iha Timor-Leste," Finn Reske-Nielsen, Reprezentante Espesiál Interinu Sekretáriu-Jerál nian no Xefe Misaun ONU iha Timor-Leste hateten.
"PNTL foti ona pasu boot ba oin durante tempu ne'e no hatudu dezempeñu di'ak dezde foti responsabilidade prinsipál ba polisiamentu. PNTL hetan ona progresu signifikativu iha área hadi'ak dixiplina, formasaun, lejizlasaun, administrasaun no operasaun, hanesan determina iha PNTL no UNPOL nia Planu Konjuntu ba Dezenvolvimentu."
"Timor-Leste nia progresu hodi estabelese pás no estabilidade no mós atu hametin instituisaun prinsipál sira, inklui Polísia Nasionál, signifika katak Timor-Leste prontu atu simu UNMIT nia retirada.
"Maibé, atu dezenvolve servisu polísia ida ne'ebé profisionál nu'udar kompromisu tempu naruk, no importante ba PNTL hodi aumenta tan progresu boot ne'ebé hetan tiha ona. Ami enkoraja Governu no PNTL atu kontinua serbisu metin ho parseiru bilaterál sira hodi kontinua sai motór ba progresu depoizde UNMIT sai husi Timor-Leste."
Karik hakarak informasaun klean liután, favór ida kontakta:
Ben Wilson
Portavós UNMIT
Telemóvel: +670 7702 4858
