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  1. Strengthening the national police service in Timor-Leste

    12 April 2012 CAPACITY BUILDING

  2. UN Police “Operation Blue Breeze” Kicks Off New UN Mission in Timor-Leste

    7 July 2008 28 August 2006, DILI — An initial measure kicking off the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) commenced this past weekend with "Operation Blue Breeze," part of a projec

  3. UNMIT reaction to recent media reports

    9 October 2009... in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) has seen the media report of the alleged presence of UNMIT staff at the Moon Bar in Dil ...

  4. UN Police community project for becora orphanage “Orfanato Santa Bakhita”

    12 May 2009

  5. Ceremony marks UNMIT’s formal arrangement for permanent police post

    7 July 2008... held today marked the inauguration of the Bairro Pite Police Post, formalising arrangements previously made between UNMIT and the ...

  6. Police Manual Launched in Timor-Leste Today

    4 July 2008... of a textbook and handbook to be given to every national police officer ...

  7. Record number of Timorese police officers pass UN peacekeeper recruitment test

    17 May 2012... Dili, 17 May 2012 - Seventeen Timorese police officers passed the recent recruitment test to serve as peacekeepers in ...

  8. UN in Timor-Leste Investigates Serious Traffic Accident in Dili

    13 November 2008

  9. UNMIT Press Release: Comoro community and police work together to solve problems

    2 August 2011

  10. Comoro community and police work together to solve problems

    2 August 2011
