Samoan police women arrive for service in Timor-Leste

16 Jul 2010

Samoan police women arrive for service in Timor-Leste

Dili, 16 July 2010 - The first all-women Samoan police contingent to join the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor Leste (UNMIT) arrived in Dili, Timor-Leste this morning.

Contingent Commander Inspector Kukuana Toga Fiu, Sergeant Vaalele Tofa and Sergeant Deborah Pata-Ioane were selected by Samoan authorities to support UNMIT in order to underline the importance of gender equality in police work.

Sergeant Pata-Ioane said all three were very proud to be selected for the mission because it is "putting in place the gender equality policy".

For women in Timor-Leste the message is clear; according to the sergeant: "Have courage, be able to stand-up. You can do it. If men can do it, we can do it as well".

It is the first UN peacekeeping deployment for all three officers.


Dili, 16 Jullu 2010 - Kontinjente primeiru ne'ebé kompostu hosi feto de'it to'o mai Dili, Timor-Leste loron ohin, hodi tuir UNMIT (Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste).

Autoridade Samoa sira hili Komandante Kontinjente Inspetora Kukuana Toga Fiu, Sarjentu Vaalele Tofa no Sarjentu Deborah Pata-Ioane hodi apoia UNMIT atu salienta importánsia igualdade jéneru nian iha servisu Polísia nian.

Sarjentu Pata-Ioane hatete katak sira na'in tolu orgullu tebe-tebes hetan selesaun ba misaun ida-ne'e tanba "realiza polítika kona-ba igualdade jéneru".

Tuir Sarjentu nia haree, mensajen ne'ebé hato'o ba feto Timor-oan sira klaru: "Tenke iha korajen hodi hamriik. Ita mós bele. Se mane sira bele, ita feto bele halo hotu."

Ida-ne'e primeiru Destakamentu Manutensaun Pas ONU nian ba ofisiál na'in tolu ne'e.
