Solar way forward for Timor-Leste

15 Jul 2008

Solar way forward for Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste, 15 July 2008
At the end of The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affair's (UNDESA) three-year program in Timor-Leste, the head of UNDESA believes that solar energy can become a viable alternative energy source in Timor-Leste.

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The project to bring solar power to rural communities was piloted in communities on Atauro Island and in Aleiu District. Community members who wanted to be involved in the project agreed to pay US1.80 per month for the use of solar lanterns.

UNDESA estimates that so far, communities on Atauro using the lanterns have saved over US$1,800, leading other communities to express interest in also using the lanterns.

UNDESA Chief Sarina Kilham is optimistic about the future of solar power:

"This pilot project has shown that solar can become a real energy option for rural communities. With proper support, communities have the potential to manage their energy needs in an affordable and sustainable way. However, the key is ongoing support."

This solar project has been one of the main activities under UNDESA's Ba An Rasik program established to help the Government strengthen management of water and renewable energy services at the community level.

Another main activity has been the community water management project. This project has entailed working with communities to establish and support sustainable water supply systems including providing infrastructure in some areas.

UNDESA's Community Development Officer Oscar de Silva explains the importance of active community participation in these water management projects.

"Water management will not work without full community ownership of the water facilities. But communities also need adequate support to implement, maintain and manage them."

For UNDESA's Renewable Energy Officer, by Paulo de Silva, finding solutions to the country's energy needs is critical to development.

"The way in which Timor-Leste attempts to meet the energy needs of its growing population will determine how quickly and sustainably the country can develop. It is critical that the Government continue to support alternative energy supplies. We have already seen that with the proper support, solar power does work."

Facts for journalists:
UNDESA began work in Timor-Leste in 2005. Their three-year program will end on 31 July 2008.
UNDESA's main government counterpart has been the Ministry of Economy and Development. UNDESA has also worked with the Department of Water and Sanitation under the Ministry of Infrastructure and supported the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health.
The Ba An Rasik program has included;Community Development Planning; Community Action Plans for Infrastructure; Water User Groups; Community Facility Solar Systems; Solar Lanterns; Agricultural Training; Environmental Health Training.
For both the water and solar projects, community management groups were established called the Water User Groups and Lantern Management Committees.
UNDESA Ba An Rasik program was implemented in:
- Laclo, Manatutu: support of water supply systems, construction of 3 water systems and rehabilitation of one water system, the provision of one solar pump, agricultural training, distribution of seeds and environmental health training.
- Laulara, Aleiu: support of water supply systems, rehabilitation of 7 water systems, establishment of a solar project, agricultural training and environmental health training.
- Ataruo: support to Water Management Groups (not including infrastructure), installation of 14 community solar systems and management groups, provision of 470 solar lanterns, agricultural training and environmental health training.

For more information, please call Allison Cooper on +670 7230453 or Hipolito Gama on +670 7311839.


Enerjia Solar Ba Futuru Timor-Leste

Timor Leste, 15 Jullu 2008 - Hafoin Nasoins Unidas nia Departamentu ba Asuntu Ekonómia no Sosiál ka UNDESA ramata ninia programa tinan-tolu nian iha Timor Leste, xefe UNDESA deklara katak enerjia solar bele sai hanesan rekursu enerjia alternativa ida nebe kontinuu iha Timor Leste.

Projetu nebe lori solar sel ba iha komunidade rurais, hala'o uluk ona iha ila Atauro no Distritu Aileu. Membru sira komunidade nian nebe hakarak invólve iha projetu ne'e aseita ona atu selu $1.80 (dolar ida sentavos ualu-nulu) kada fulan ida ba ahi-oan solar nebe sira ida-idak uza.

To'o ohin loron UNDESA justifika katak, komunidade iha Atauro nebe utiliza ahi-oan solar, liu 1,800 dolares amerikanu, halo komunidade sira seluk mos espresa sira nia interese atu uza ahi-oan solar nebe eziste ona.

Xefe UNDESA, Senhora Sarina Kilham, optimistiku tebes ba futuru solar sel nian.

"Projetu pilotu ne'e hatudu ona katak solar sel bele sai hanesan opsaun enerjia real ba komunidade rural sira. Ho apoiu propriu, komunidade iha pontensia atu maneja sira nia nesesidade enerjia nian ho dalan ida nebe fasil no sustentavel. Maibe, importante mak kontinuasaun apoiu."

Projetu solar ne'e sai hanesan atividade ida nebe prinsipal iha programa UNDESA Ba An Rasik nia okos, nebe estabelese atu tulun governu hodi reforsa jesataun bee no servisu enerjia nebe renovavel iha nivel komunidade.

Atividade prinsipal seluk mak hanesan projetu ba jestaun bee komunidade. Projetu ne'e hanesan responsabilidade servisu nian ho komunidade atu estabelese no suporta fornesimentu sistema bee nebe sustentavel inklui fornesimentu infraestrutura iha area balun.

Ofisial ba Dezenvolvimentu Komunidade UNDESA nian, Oscar da Silva, esplika kona-ba importansia partisipasaun komunidade nian nebe ativu iha projetu jestaun bee ne'e nian.

" Jestaun bee sei la lao sein fasilidade be'e komunidade nian nebe kompletu. Maibe komunidades sira mos presiza apoiu adekuadu atu implementa, halo manutensaun no maneja sira nia fasilidades nebe iha."

Ba Ofisial Enerjia Renovavel UNDESA, husi Paulo da Silva, buka solusaun ba nasaun ne'e nia nesesiedade enerjia nebe kritiku ba dezenvolvimentu.

"Dalan nebe Timor Leste tenta atu atinji nesesiedade enerjia ba ninia numeru populasaun nebe sae ne'e sei determina oinsa nasaun bele hetan dezenvolve lalais no sustentavel. Ne'e kritiku bainhira governu kontinua fo apoiu dezerva enerzia alternativu nian. Ami haree ona katak ho apoiu propriu, solar sel bele lao diak."

Faktus ba Jornalistss sira:
UNDESA hahú ninia servisu iha Timor Leste iha tinan 2005. Sira nia programa ba tinan-tolu ne'e sei remata iha loron 31 fulan-Jullu 2008.
UNDESA servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Ekonomia no Dezevolmento. UNDESA mos suporta Departamentu Bee no Saneamentu iha Ministeriu Infraestrutura, Ministeriu Agrikultura no mos Ministeriu Saude.
Programa Ba An Rasik An ne'e inklui: Planeamentu Dezenvolvimentu Komunidade; Planu Asaun Komunidade nian ba Infraestrutura; Grupus Utilizador Bee; Solar Lanternas; Treinamentu Agrikultura; Treinamentu Saude Ainvairomentu.
Ba projetu bee no solar hirak ne'e, grupu sira jestaun komunidade nian estabelese ona no hanaran Grupu Utilizador Bee no Komisaun ba Jestaun Lanterna nian.
Programa UNDESA Ba An Rasik ne'e implementa iha:
- Laclo, Manatutu: suporta systema fornesementu bee inklui infraestrutura, provizaun solar bompa ida, treinamentu agrikultura, distribuisaun bibeiros no treinamentu saúde envairomentu
- Laulara, Aleiu: suporta sistema fornesimentu bee, rehabilitasaun sistema bee 7, estabelsimentu projetu ida ba solar nian, treinamentu agrikultura no treinamentu saúde envairomentu
- Atauro: suporta Grupus Jestaun Bee (la inklui infraestrutura), atu installasaun ba sistema fasilidade solar komunidade 14 no grupus jestaun, provizaun solar lanterna 470, treinamentu agrikultura no treinamentu saúde envairomentu.

Atu hetan informasaun liután, halo favór kontakta Allison Cooper iha +670 7230453 no mos Hipolito Gama iha +670 7311839.