UNDP Press Release: Crucial equipment handed over to kickstart new phase in Bolsa da Mae Programme

9 Sep 2011

UNDP Press Release: Crucial equipment handed over to kickstart new phase in Bolsa da Mae Programme

Dili, 8th September 2011 -
The United Nations Development Programme transferred crucial pieces of equipment including motorbikes and laptops over to the Ministry of Social Solidarity in support of the Bolsa da Mae Programme at a ceremony in Dili on Monday.

Attended by the Secretary of State for Social Assistance and Natural Disasters, H.E. Mr. Jacinto Gomes de Deus, and UNDP Deputy Country Director, Mrs. Noura Hamladji, the materials were officially received by the Secretary, on behalf of the project and 13 newly appointed focal points for each of Timor-Leste's 13 districts.

UNDP assists the Ministry of Social Solidarity's Bolsa da Mae Programme to provide direct support to vulnerable families conditional on their children's attendance at school and health clinics. This assistance is provided under a Joint-UN programme funded by MDG Spanish Fund and focused on strengthening certain institutions and mechanisms to protect women and girls against poverty and gender-based violence.
The assistance focuses on the idea of co-responsibility between the state and family; families need to send their children to school and health clinics, while the Government builds the infrastructure and facilities needed.
An information management system was also created and it will enable the Bolsa da Mae Programme to better identify beneficiary families in a fair and transparent way and to enable improved tracking and monitoring of payments.
The district focal points will run this information system and received appropriate training in data collection, data entry, and IT troubleshooting. Aside from use of the motorbikes and laptops, the district focal points will also benefit from other equipment supplied by UNDP including printers, generators, projectors, and fixed internet connections.
With the introduction of the information system and receipt of new equipments the Bolsa da Mae Programme will improve delivery and monitoring of the programme and ensure more transparency and accountability.
UNDP Deputy Country Director, Mrs. Noura Hamladji: "UNDP is honored to be in partnership with the Ministry of Social Solidarity in supporting the Bolsa da Mae Programme. Today, with the procurement and transfer of these equipments to the Ministry, we hope that the Programme will be able to improve its registration of beneficiaries and reach those families most vulnerable".
For further information, please contact the UNDP Communications and Media Unit
Contacts - John Fenech, Ph: 732 7211, email: john.fenech@undp.org
or Sandra Magno, Ph: 732 7211, email: sandra.magno@undp.org
UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor-Leste
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Programa Nasoins Unidas nian ba Dezenvolvimentu
Entrega ekipamentu importante hodi hahú faze found iha programa Bolsa da Mae nian

Dili, 8 Setembru 2011 –
Programa Nasoins Unidas nian ba Dezenvolvimentu transfere ona ekipamentu hirak-ne'ebé importante inklui motorizada no laptop ba Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál hodi apoia Programa Bolsa da Mae iha serimónia ida-ne'ebé realiza iha Dili iha loron-Segunda Feira.
Serimónia ne'ebé partisipa husi Sekretáriu Estadu Asisténsia Sosiál no Dezastre Naturál, S. E. Sr. Jacinto Gomes de Deus, no Vise Diretora PNUD Timor-Leste nian, Sra. Noura Hamladji, ekipamentu hirak-ne'e ofisialmente simu husi Sekretáriu Estadu ne'ebé reprezenta projetu ne'e no mós pontu fokál na'in-13 ne'ebé foin daudaun nomeia ba kada distritu husi distritu 13 iha Timor-Leste.
PNUD tulun Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál nia Programa Bolsa da Mae atu fó apoiu direta ba família vulneravel sira tuir kondisaun hodi sustenta sira-nia oan ba eskola no klínika saúde. Asisténsia ida-ne'e fornese liuhosi programa Konjunta-ONU nian ne'ebé hetan fundu husi Fundu ODM Españól nian ho alvu atu hametin instituisaun no mekanizmu sira balu hodi proteje feto no labarik feto sira kontra kiak no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru.
Asisténsia ne'e foka ba idea responsabilidade hamutuk entre estadu ho familia; familia sira presiza haruka sira-nia oan bá eskola no klínika saúde, bainhira governu harii daudaun infraestrutura no fasilidade hirak-ne'ebé presiza.
Kria tiha ona mós sistema jestaun informasaun ida no sistema ida-ne'e bele halo programa Bolsa da Mae nian identifika ho di'ak liután familia benefisiáriu sira ho maneira ida-ne'ebé justu no transparénsia no mós atu bele hadi'ak prosesu akompaña no fiskaliza pagamentu ba benefisiáriu sira.
Pontu fokál distritál sira mak sei hala'o sistema informasaun ida-ne'e no sei hetan formasaun ne'ebé adekuadu iha rekolla dadus, hatama dadus, no mós solusaun problema TI nian. Aleinde uza motorizada no laptop, pontu fokál distritál sira mós sei benefisia hosi ekipamentu seluk ne'ebé PNUD fornese ona, inklui impresora, jeradór, projetór no ligasaun internet ne'ebé fiksu.
Ho introdusaun ba sistema informasaun no simu ekipamentu sira ne'ebé foun, Programa Bolsa da Mae sei hadi'a prestasaun no monitorizasaun ba programa ne'e, no asegura katak sei iha responsabilizasaun no transparénsia liután.
Vise Diretora PNUD Timor-Leste nian, Sra. Noura Hamladji hateten, "PNUD iha onra atu halo parseria ho Ministériu Sosiál Solidariedade hodi apoia Programa Bolsa da Mae. Ohin, ho aprovizionamentu no transfere ekipamentu hirak-ne'e ba Ministériu ne'e, ami hein katak Programa ne'e sei bele hadi'ak nia resjistu ba benefisiáriu sira no to'o mós ba familia hirak-ne'ebé vulneravel liuhotu."
Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór kontakta Unidade Mídia no Komunikasaun PNUD nian
Kontaktu sira – John Fenech, tel.: 732 7211, email: john.fenech@undp.org
ka Sandra Magno, tel.: 732 7211, email: sandra.magno@undp.org
UN House, Estrada Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste