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Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
In close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, FAO has been implementing emergency relief and rehabilitation activities in Timor-Leste since 1999, and established an Emergency and Rehabilitation Unit in Dili in 2000. FAO’s emergency activities include:
Website: http://www.fao.org/emergencies |
International Labour Organization (ILO)
ILO of the United Nations has been present in Timor-Leste since July 2001 as a strategic partner of the Ministry of Labour and Community Reinsertion (MTRC), now Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment and other constituents. The ILO Timor-Leste Decent Work Country Programme is structured around 3 major objectives:
Website: http://www.ilo.org |
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International Organization for Migration (IOM)
IOM’s involvement in Timor-Leste dates to its support to the out-of-country registration for the popular consultation of 1999. With the civil unrest of 2006, IOM began its work as one of the key organisations supporting the Government in its response to the unrest and the widespread internal displacement. Today, IOM has a number of projects in a variety of different programming areas, each discussed below.
Website: http://www.iom.int |
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Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
The Chief of the Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section (HRTJS) is the Representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Timor-Leste (OHCHR). The HRTJS works within the structure of the integrated UN Mission. OHCHR has been involved in Timor-Leste since December 1999 with the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET). At the time, the Section was known as the Human Rights Unit. However, with the commencement of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT), it became known as the Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section, reflecting the Mission's and Section’s commitment to promote justice and reconciliation in Timor-Leste.
The current work of the HRTJS focuses on strengthening Timor-Leste’s capacity to monitor, protect and promote human rights as a long-term strategy for peace and stability. HRTJS's work includes monitoring human rights, providing advice to Government institutions on human rights concerns, capacity building of governmental and non-governmental bodies, and providing technical assistance in the mainstreaming of human rights in the UN system development programmes and Government policies. OHCHR also supports capacity building initiatives of Timor-Leste's national human rights institution, The Ombudsperson for Human Rights and Justice. OHCHR also supports an International Prosecutor in the Office of the Prosecutor General tasked specifically with following-up cases that were recommended for prosecution by the United Nations Special Commission of Inquiry related to the crisis of 2006.
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United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
UNCDF assists the Least Developed Countries (LDC) through capital investment, capacity building and technical advisory services, in the areas of local development and microfinance. UNCDF works closely with UNDP to support the priorities of the Government and people of the country, and its programmes are in line with the priorities reflected in the National Priorities (NP). Local Governance Support Programme (LGSP) started in 2007 and aims at establishment of a fully-fledged and effective local governance system. Inclusive Finance for Under-Served Economy (INFUSE) programme aims at increased sustainable access to financial services for poor and low-income people, both male and female. Website: http://www.uncdf.org
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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UNDP began its involvement in Timor-Leste in December 1999, working initially with the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), in the areas of rehabilitation and reconstruction. With independence in 2002, came a gradual move in programming focus beyond the necessities of post-conflict recovery, and towards a sustainable development strategy.
Current UNDP programmes are clustered within the following thematic areas:
UNDP also administers the UNV Programme in Timor-Leste.
Website: http://www.tl.undp.org/
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United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) UNESCO’s involvement in restoring Timor-Leste’s cultural heritage will continue as it is keen to support the promotion, restoration, preservation and development of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the country such as preservation and recording of Timor-Leste’s oral history, its museum artifacts and restoration of other traditional sacred houses, to name a few. It has recently established its Timor Leste National Commission for UNESCO, a national cooperating body set up for the purpose of associating government and non-governmental entities in associating their work with UNESCO in its mandate for education, culture, science and communication and information. Website: http://www.unesco.org
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United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. UNFPA has been providing support to Timor-Leste since the crisis of September 1999. Under the first Country Program 2003-2007 UNFPA has been supporting the Government of Timor-Leste in three key areas:
Website: http://www.unfpa.org. |
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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Timor-Leste is a state party to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. As such, UNHCR Timor-Leste is also actively involved in supporting the government in strengthening and implementing its asylum legislation and carries out consultations with relevant government entities involved in activities related to UNHCR’s mandate, which includes the Ministries of the Security and defense, Foreign Affairs, Social and Solidarity and Justice. In particular, UNHCR works closely with the Asylum unit of Immigration department, dealing with asylum seeker and refugee issues. Website: http://www.unhcr.org
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United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
UNICEF has been at the forefront of Timor-Leste's efforts on behalf of children, working with the Government and civil society partners on a range of programmes - from immunisation and education to protecting children and youth from violence, abuse, HIV/AIDS and facilitating opportunities for their participation in the Nation-building process.The key areas of development assistance are:
Website: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/Timorleste.html
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United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
At the request of the Government of Timor Leste, UNIDO have initiated the preparation of an Industrial Strategy Paper, titled: ‘Industrial Policy and Strategies for Timor Leste: An Agenda for Action’. In this regard, UNIDO delegation undertook a technical programming mission in May 2009. The proposed industrial strategy paper is planned for completion by September 2009. UNIDO also has two key programs:
Website: http://www.unido.org
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women UN Women is the women’s fund in the United Nations and began its work in Timor-Leste in 2000. UN Women work in Timor-Leste includes:
Global Website: http://www.unifem.org
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United Nations Office for Project services (UNOPS) The United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS) is mainly a management agency. It manages projects for the UN and other bi-lateral and multi-lateral agencies. UNOPS opened its office in Timor-Leste in 2000 by establishment the East Timor Implementation Facility. Currently, in close partnership with UNDP, UNOPS executes a rural development projects in Timor-Leste, including the Ainaro and Manatuto Community Activation Project (AMCAP) and the UNDP/UNOPS/EC Oecusse Community Activation Programme (OCAP. UNOPS is also executing the UNOPS/UNDP/EC Access Improvements to Markets in the Eastern region project (AIM), a 2.5 years project in support of the NDP designed to facilitate the country's economic and social development through reconstruction of bridge network in the potentially rich agricultural areas in the districts of Viqueque and Lautem. The programme will construct 5 major bridges, while strengthening the capacity of the National Directorate of Roads, Bridges, and Flood Control. Website: http://www.unops.org
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United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Currently, over 150 International UNV volunteers serve with The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and the various UN agencies in the country. Currently there are 13 National UNV volunteers serving under UNDP Projects. The UNV programme has also been sending Timorese professionals to work as International UNV Volunteers in other countries. To date 44 Timorese nationals were deployed to different missions and UN agencies around the world. Website: https://www.unv.org
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World Food Programme (WFP) WFP provides food assistance to the country’s most food-insecure and vulnerable groups to improve their nutritional status, primary education access and livelihoods. WFP also has initiated the set-up of a multi-agency routine food security assessment system aimed to develop the capacity of government institutions in disaster preparedness and response. Furthermore, the preparatory work for a Logistics Special Operation was initiated to improve the government’s response capacity. And lastly, work was started to set up a facility to produce a local fortified food aimed at increasing the long term sustainable availability of nutritious food. Website: http://www.wfp.org
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World Health Organization (WHO) WHO collaborates with the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and other development partners to provide the greatest possible contribution to improving the health of the people of Timor-Leste. This is expected to be accomplished by advocating and supporting health policy and legislation development, donor coordination and partnership for health development and aid effectiveness, supporting health system development, and interventions for priority problems aimed at reducing the excess burden of diseases. Improving health conditions will also contribute to poverty alleviation and gender equity, in consistence with Timor-Leste’s national health development goals.
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Asian Development Bank (ADB) Timor-Leste joined the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on July 24, 2002. To date, there has been no lending to the country. However, like other international financial institutions and bilateral donors, the ADB has been actively involved in the reconstruction and development of the economy since late 1999. ADB is currently preparing a private sector development support program, with a likely focus on access to finance (secured transactions) and public-private-partnerships in infrastructure development. ADB has also intensified efforts to strengthen and divest the Microfinance Institute of Timor-Leste (IMfTL).
Website: http://www.adb.org
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The World Bank Group (WB) Timor-Leste joined the World Bank Group on July 23, 2002. It became eligible for assistance on October 9, 2002.. Thus far, however, there has been no lending to Timor-Leste, reflecting the GOTL's policy of avoiding external borrowing but the Bank has committed $36 million in the form of grants. The World Bank has been actively involved in reconstruction and development of the economy since 1999. In October 2004 Timor-Leste also joined the International Finance Corporation (IFC). IFC is a member of the World Bank Group, fosters sustainable economic growth in developing countries by financing private sector investment, mobilizing capital in the international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments.
Website: http://www.worldbank.org/tl Country Brief: http://tinyurl.com/nan53s