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Search results

  1. Comoro community and police work together to solve problems

    2 August 2011

  2. Oecusse District declared free from Illiteracy

    2 September 2010


    23 May 2011

  4. Timor-Leste says partnership with the UN will go on after mission leaves

    4 September 2012


    20 May 2011 Attributed to Sandra McGuire, Chief Communication and Public Information Officer of UNMIT

  6. PNTL and UNPOL crack down human trafficking ring

    6 July 2009

  7. Democratic Governance Support Unit

    14 March 2017

  8. UNMIT Announces Appointment of Acting UN Police Commissioner

    7 July 2008 2 September 2006, DILI — Police Advisor Antero Lopes has been designated ...

  9. UN Confident that Elections will be Free of Violence

    7 July 2008 Dili April 2, 2007 - Security for the presidential election is progressing well as ...

  10. Delta Nova incident investigation update

    4 January 2010
