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  1. UN congratulates Timor-Leste for peaceful and orderly run-off poll

    30 April 2012 New York , 16 April 2012 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and hi

  2. Political parties agree to dialogue and condemn violence in Ermera

    7 July 2008 Dili, Timor-Leste – Representatives from five political parties met yesterday in Ermera district to discuss how best to prevent further violence in the area during and after the election p

  3. Media backgrounder on the Joint Transition Plan

    12 September 2011  

  4. Strong partnership, unique relationship

    29 April 2009 Dili, 28 April 2009 - Marking the third anniversary of enhanced UN presence since the 2006 crisis in Timor-Leste, President José Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gu

  5. Tour-de-Timor race starts for 350 cyclists.

    25 August 2009

  6. UNMIT Press Briefing Obrigado Barracks Midday- Tuesday 10 April 2007

    11 July 2008 Allison Cooper, Spokesperson: Good afternoon everybody. Thank you for coming to our press briefing.

  7. TIMOR-LESTE: The slow death of domestic violence

    24 September 2010

  8. Transcript of UNMIT Press Conference

    17 August 2008 15 August 2008, 11:00 hrs UNMIT Headquarters, Obrigado Barracks, Dili, Timor-Leste

  9. Secretary-General's message - 10th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste

    28 May 2012

  10. UNMIT Press Release

    30 April 2012 UN Secretary-General appoints Ameerah Haq to head Department of Field Support in New York
