“…with the United Nations the World became a better place…”

25 Oct 2010

“…with the United Nations the World became a better place…”

Dili, 24 October 2010 -
This year's United Nations Day celebrations in Dili took place in front of the Government Palace, and were more engaging than ever. A three-dimensional photo exhibition, children's activities, singing and dancing performances... there was something for all participants.

All UN Agencies, Programmes, Funds and UNMIT came together to explain their work to the Timorese around the MDG themes. Part of the events was a special penalty shootout to "Score an MDG Goal", a Millennium Development one, with Timor-Leste's Nobel Peace Prize Laureate President José Ramos-Horta, Deputy Prime Minister José Luis Guterres, and Acting Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Timor-Leste (ASRSG) Finn Reske-Nielsen joining the Timorese youths. All participants received an MDG certificate while ten lucky winners among those who were able to beat the UN's Brazilian goalkeeper received an MDG ball autographed by the President.

The highlight of the celebration was the three-dimensional illuminated photo exhibition on the beach promenade, capturing the work of the UN in Timor-Leste. The focus of the 60 larger-than-life photos, taken by UNMIT's national and international photographers, was on MDGs and Youth, and other subjects including community policing, community health programs, livelihoods and landscapes of Timor-Leste. The exhibition will remain on display until Wednesday 27 October.

ASRSG Finn Reske-Nielsen, in his opening remarks, highlighted the engagement of the entire UN Family in Timor-Leste's development during its post-independence decade.

"While there is often an understandable focus on security issues, the work of the UN is far broader and the needs of the Timorese population, alongside the lives of millions of people around the world, are far greater," – ASRSG said.

The work of the United Nations family in Timor-Leste has been especially focused on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. In last month's summit it was determined that for the goals to be achieved, immediate action is necessary. Cooperation, smart leadership and accountability are needed, as well as prudent policies to create jobs, boost agriculture, food and nutrition security, and empower women and investments in health and health systems, all areas in which the UN works in Timor-Leste.

"During the past 65 years the United Nations was often been the target of criticism. We all know that. But we also know that with the United Nations the World became a better place,"- ASRSG Reske-Nielsen said.



"...Nasoins Unidas halo mundu sai fatin ne'ebé di'ak liu ..."

Dili, 24 Outubru 2010 - Tinan ne'e selebrasaun ba loron Nasoins Unidas nian hala'o iha Palásiu Governu nia oin, ho atividade ne'ebé kapás tebes, inklui espozisaun fotografia dimensaun tolu, atividade labarik nian, dansa no kanta ... iha atividade ba partisipante hotu.

Ajénsia, Programa no Fundu ONU nian hotu hamutuk ho UNMIT mai hamutuk hodi esplika sira-nia serbisu ba ema timoroan kona-ba tema Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu (ODM). Eventu ne'e inklui kompetisaun marka penalti hodi "Hatama Golu ODM ida", no Timor-Leste nia Prezidente José Ramos-Horta ne'ebé manan Prémiu Nobel, Vice Primeiru Ministru José Luis Guterres, no Reprezentante Espesiál Interinu husi Sekretáriu Jerál ONU nian Finn Reske-Nielsen joga hamutuk ho foin-sa'e timoroan sira. Partisipante hotu simu sertifikadu ODM, no ema na'in-sanulu ne'ebé manán konsege hatama golu liu guarda-rede brazileiru ida husi ONU mós hetan bola ODM ida ne'ebé Prezidente asina ona.

Parte di'ak liu hotu husi selebrasaun mak espozisaun fotografia dimensaun tolu ne'ebé leno ho lampu iha tasi-ibun, ne'ebé hatudu serbisu ne'ebé ONU hala'o iha Timor-Leste. Fotografia hamutuk 60 ne'ebé boot tebes, hasai husi UNMIT nia fotógrafu nasionál no internasionál, no foka ba ODM no Juventude, no tópiku sira seluk ne'ebé inklui polisiamentu komunitáriu, programa saúde komunitária, maneira buka moris no paizajen Timor-Leste. Espozisaun ne'e sei loke to'o loron kuarta 27 Outubru.

Reprezentante Espesiál Interinu husi Sekretáriu Jerál ONU nian Finn Reske-Nielsen, iha nia liafuan badak subliña envolvimentu família ONU tomak iha dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste durante dékada pós-independénsia.

"Maski dala barak iha foku ba kestaun seguransa, ONU halo serbisu luan liu, no populasaun timoroan, hanesan mós ema millaun hirak iha mundu, iha nesesidade boot liu", – RESJ interinu hatete.

Serbisu ne'ebé família Nasoins Unidas hala'o iha Timor-Leste foka liuliu hodi alkansa Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu. Iha simeira fulan kotuk iha desizaun katak tenke foti asaun imediata hodi alkansa objetivu sira. Tenke iha kooperasaun, lideransa ne'ebé matenek, responsabilizasaun, no mós polítika prudente hodi kria empregu, hadi'ak agrikultura, seguransa alimentár no nutrisaun, no habiit feto no investimentu iha saúde no sistema saúde, nu'udar área sira ne'ebé ONU serbisu iha Timor-Leste.

"Durante tinan neenulu-resin-lima (65) Nasoins Unidas sempre sai hela alvu ba krítika. Ita hotu hatene ida-ne'e. Maibé, ita mós hatene katak Nasoins Unidas halo mundu sai fatin ne'ebé di'ak liu,"- RESJ interinu Reske-Nielsen said.
