Bilingual edition of the Timor–Leste penal code is launched.
Dili, 22 February 2010 - A ceremony was held at the Court of Appeal in Dili on Friday, the 19th of February 2010 to release the printed bi-lingual edition of the penal code of Timor-Leste. 1000 copies of the book were printed with the financial support of the UNDP Justice System Programme (JSP). The book contains the Timor-Leste penal code in both Portuguese and Tetum. The UNDP JSP also continues to provide technical and human resource assistance to the Court of Appeal.
In his speech, Dr. Cláudio Ximenes said, "The Timorese Criminal Code needs to be read and understood, not only by those working in the courts, but also by citizens, who need to know when a conduct is a crime or to distinguish situations in which a particular conduct does or does not give rise to a penalty from those situations. It was essential that the penal code was translated into Tetum for those without a significant knowledge of Portuguese to be able to access and understand it. While I understood the difficulty of the translation of any legal text, made by a non-expert in translation, into a language still in development, I ventured to translate these laws into Tetum and in doing so encourage the development of Tetum legal terminology to make it more easily understood and used as a working language of the courts of Timor-Leste."
Acting Country Director, Nick Beresford also remarked that "this is the true meaning of access to justice, whereby citizens have an understanding of the laws by which they are governed. The Penal Code's translation into both Tetum and Portuguese should serve as a model for future practice. This will require greater focus on the development of Tetum legal terminology, an essential task that UNDP is committed to support."
The UNDP JSP has closely assisted the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Council of Judiciary, the PDO and the Office of the Prosecutor-General, to develop the national capacity of the Courts, the Prosecution and the Public Defender's Office, increasing the effectiveness of the justice system and improving access to justice for all citizens.
The UNDP Justice System Programme is supported by Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNDP Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery.
For more information please contact Shaila Noronha on +670-730-4445 or on
Dili, 22 Fevereiru 2010 – Seremónia ida halo iha Tribunál Rekursu iha Sesta-feira, loron-19 fulan-Fevereiru 2010 atu lansa Timór-Leste nia Kódigu Penál edisaun bi-linguál eh lian-rua . Libru hamutuk ezemplár 1000 ne'e imprime ona ho tulun finanseiru hosi PNUD nia Programa Sistema Justisa (PSJ). Libru ne'e kontén Timór-Leste nia Kódigu Penál iha lian Portugés no Tetun. PSJ-PNUD mós sei kontinua fó asisténsia téknika no rekursu umanu ba Tribunál Rekursu.
Iha ninia diskursu, Dr. Claúdio Ximenes hateten, "Kódigu Penál Timór nian ne'e presiza ema hotu lee no kompriende, la'ós de'it ema hirak-ne'ebé serbisu iha tribunál, maibé sidadaun sira mós, ne'ebé presiza hatene bainhira maka hahalok ruma ne'e krime eh atu distinje situasaun sira ne'ebé hahalok partikulár ida bele eh labele hamosu pena ida hosi situasaun hirak-ne'e. Importante tebes katak kódigu penál traduz ba iha lian Tetun hodi ema hirak-ne'ebé ladún iha koñesimentu lian Portugés nato'on bele asesa mós no kompriende. Maske ha'u kompriende susar tebes oinsá atu traduz kualkér testu jurídiku, halo hosi ema ruma ne'ebé ladún matenek iha serbisu tradusaun, ba iha lian ida ne'ebé sei dezenvolve an, ha'u husu atu traduz lei hirak-ne'e ba iha Tetun, halo nune'e maka sei dudu dezenvolve Tetun nia terminolojia jurídika atu sai nu'udar lingua serbisu ida ne'ebé fasil liután iha tribunál sira Timór-Leste nian."
PNUD nia Country Director interinu, Nick Beresford mós observa katak "ida-ne'e maka sentidu loloos hosi asesu ba justisa, ne'ebé sidadaun sira iha kompriensaun ida kona-ba lei sira ne'ebé ukun no bandu sira. Tradusaun Kódigu Penál ba iha lian Tetun no Portugés tenke serve hanesan modelu ida ba prátika iha futuru. Buat ida-ne'e sei ezije atensaun makaas liután ba dezenvolve Tetun nia terminolojia jurídika, knaar esensiál ida ne'ebé PNUD kompromete atu tulun."
PSJ-PNUD fó asisténsia ba Ministériu Justisa, Konsellu Supremu Majistratura, PDO no Prokuradória Jerál, Ministériu Públiku no Defensória Públika, hodi haboot sistema justisa nia efikásia no hadi'ak liután sidadaun hotu-hotu nia asesu ba justisa.
PNUD nia Programa Sistema Justisa ne'e hetan tulun hosi rai Austrália, Brazíl, Portugál, Noruega, España, Suésia no PNUD nia Gabinete Komisáriu Aas ba Direitus Umanus (G-KADU), nomós PNUD nia Departamentu Prevensaun Krize no Rekuperasaun.
Atu hetan informasaun liután halo favór ida kontakta de'it ho Shaila Noronha liuhosi +670-730-4445 eh iha