Dili, 25 June 2012 – Unarmed civil security guards today completed the final stage of a training programme designed to help them deal effectively with security issues relating to the protection of public buildings.
As part of the training, staff from the National Directorate of Security of Public Buildings (DNSEP) received self-defence instruction from French police officers.
"We learned a lot of new techniques on how to deal with security issues that may arise, or when faced with aggressive behaviour," said Adao Maria Ximenes, one of the course participants.
Training for the civil security services gives employees a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities, based on international standards and best practices. It also helps staff recognise where their role stops, and where the role of the national police begins.
"The training provides us with the knowledge and the ability to carry out our daily work, in line with legal procedures and international standards," said Jose Alves Caldo, another member of staff taking part in the training.
The programme developed a training curriculum and provided equipment to DNSEP, to ensure that training is ongoing. The programme also established a training unit within DNSEP, so that future training can be conducted without external support.
Since the first phase of the programme, 129 DNSEP staff received training and 39 DNSEP personnel are now accredited as instructors.
The civil security services' training was organised and funded by UNMIT, the Government of France, and the UN Development Programme.
For more information, please contact:
Carlos Araujo
UNMIT Spokesperson
Tel: +670 731 1513
Louise Stoddard
UNDP Media Officer
Tel: +670 732 7211
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Guarda seguransa sivíl hetan treinamentu hodi proteje edifísiu públiku
Dili, 25 Juñu 2012 – Guarda seguransa sivíl dezarmadu sira ohin remata faze finál husi programa formasaun ida ne'ebé dezenvolve hodi tulun sira atu tau matan ho efikásia ba kestaun seguransa oioin relasiona ba protesaun edifísiu públiku.
Nu'udar parte husi formasaun ne'e, funsionáriu Diresaun Nasionál Seguransa ba Edifísiu Públiku (DNSEP) hetan instrusaun ba auto-defeza husi polísia sira Fransa nian.
Adão Maria Ximenes, partisipante ida iha kursu ne'e dehan katak, "ami aprende téknika foun barak kona-ba oinsá mak atu tau-matan ba kestaun seguransa ne'ebé mosu, ka bainhira hasoru malu ho ema ho komportamentu agresivu".
Formasaun ba servisu seguransa sivíl fó biban ba funsionáriu sira atu komprende di'ak liután sira-nia papél no responsabilidade, bazeia ba padraun internasionál no prátika di'ak sira. Formasaun ne'e mós tulun funsionáriu sira hodi bele rekoñese sira-nia papél atu para iha ne'ebé, no papél polísia nasionál nian atu hahú iha ne'ebé.
"Formasaun ne'e fó koñesimentu no abilidade ba ami atu hala'o ami-nia serbisu loroloron nian, tuir prosedimentu legál no padraun internasionál," José Alves Caldo, nu'udar membru ida husi funsionáriu ne'ebé tuir formasaun, hatete.
Programa ne'e dezenvolve ona kurríkulu ida ba formasaun no fornese ekipamentu ba DNSEP, hodi asegura katak formasaun sei la'o nafatin. Programa ne'e mós estabelese unidade formasaun ida iha DNSEP nia laran, atu nune'e formasaun oinmai bele hala'o maski apoiu esternu la iha.
Dezde faze dahuluk husi programa ne'e, iha funsionáriu DNSEP na'in-129 ne'ebé simu ona formasaun no pesoál DNSEP na'in-39 mak oras-ne'e hetan ona akreditasaun nu'udar formadór.
UNMIT, Governu Fransa nian, no Programa Dezenvolvimentu ONU nian maka organiza no finansia formasaun ba servisu seguransa sivíl nian ne'e.
Atu hetan informasaun tan, favór kontakta:
Carlos Araújo
Portavós UNMIT nian
Tel: +670 731 1513
Louise Stoddard
Responsavel PNUD nian ba Mídia
Tel: +670 732 7211