Delta Nova incident investigation update

4 Jan 2010

Delta Nova incident investigation update

Dili, 4 January 2010 - On Saturday 2 January the Acting Police Commissioner Ibrahim Idris and the Acting General Commander of the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL), Afonso de Jesus, signed off on the Preventive Suspension of the PNTL officer under investigation in relation to the incident at Delta Nova, Comoro, Dili, on 28 December 2009.

"We suspended the PNTL officer concerned, effective from 2 January, due to the gravity of the alleged misconduct and in order to allow an objective disciplinary inquiry," said Acting Police Commissioner Ibrahim Idris.

"UNPOL and PNTL take this matter with the utmost seriousness, and the internal investigation will be completed thoroughly and without delay," said Idris. "The Acting General Commander and I have signed the Dispatch Order of Suspension in accordance with the provisions of the PNTL Disciplinary Regulations."

In addition to the internal police inquiry, UNPOL and PNTL have initiated a criminal investigation into the incident, and on 31 December 2009 referred the matter to the Office of the Prosecutor General.



Informasaun atualizada kona-ba Investigasaun ba Insidente iha Delta Nova

Dili, 4 Janeiru 2010 – Iha Sabadu 2 Janeiru Komisáriu Polísia interinu Idris Ibrahim no Komandante-Jerál interinu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste nian (PNTL), Afonso de Jesus, asina Suspensaun Preventiva ba membru PNTL ne'ebé hetan investigasaun daudaun ho relasaun ba insidente iha Delta Nova, Comoro, Dili, iha 28 Dezembru 2009.

"Ami suspende tiha ona elementu PNTL ne'ebé refere, hahú dezde 2 Janeiru, tanba komportamentu aat alegadu ne'e grave tebes no mós atu fó-biban atu hala'o inkéritu dixiplinár objetivu," Komisáriu Polísia interinu Idris Ibrahim hatete.

"UNPOL no PNTL konsidera kestaun ida-ne'e sériu tebetebes, no investigasaun interna kle'an sei halo kompletu la kleur," Idris hatete. "Komandante-Jerál interinu no ha'u asina tiha ona Despaxu hodi suspende nia konforme dispozisaun sira iha Regulamentu Dixiplinár PNTL nian."

Aleinde inkéritu internu polísia nian, UNPOL no PNTL hahú tiha ona investigasaun kriminál ida ba insidente ida-ne'e, no iha 31 Dezembru 2009 hatama kazu ne'e ba Prokuradoria Jerál Repúblika nian.