The Government and UNFPA celebrate the World Population Day 2010

7 Jul 2010

The Government and UNFPA celebrate the World Population Day 2010

Dili, 07 July 2010 -


In line with the upcoming Population and Housing Census in Timor-Leste, the Ministry of Finance supported by UNFPA will hold a press conference this Thursday 8 July in order to celebrate the World Population Day 2010.

The WPD event, which has as theme "Everyone Counts" this year, will occur at conference room of the Ministry of Finance with the objective of making sure that the national media and decision makers are aware of the celebration and of the current status of the Timor-Leste's census activities. The actual census will take place between the 11th and the 25th of July.

The World Population Day (WPD), 11 July, has been celebrated around the world for more than 20 years. During the last 5 years Timor-Leste has participated in the commemoration of the World Population Day by involving the participation of high level Government officials, including the President and the Prime Minister.

The WPD celebration is a good opportunity to create and/or raise awareness about critical population issues and how these issues are closely related to the development challenges faced by Timor-Leste and the rest of the world. This year's event focuses on the benefits of having access to updated, reliable population data and to give the public an idea about how to make the most use of the information collected during the 2010 Census.

The data collected during the 2010 Census will provide the Government of Timor-Leste and its development partners with a much-needed update of the country's demographics, as well as the necessary tools for the planning and implementation of adequate and realistic public policies and development programmes.


Thursday, 8 July 2010, 3:00p.m.


Conference room, Ministry of Finance

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H.E. Emilia Pires, Minister of Finance
H.E. Antonio Freitas, Director General of the Department of Policy Analysis and Research
H.E. Pornchai Suchitta, UNFPA Representative

Contact Information

Mariano Redondo: tel: +670 7346517,


Governo no UNFPA selebra loron populasaun mundial tinan 2010


Relasiona ho evento sensus uma kain no populasaun iha Timor-Leste tuir mai ne'e, Ministerio da Financas suporta husi UNFPA sei halao konferensia da imprensa ida nebe sei hala'o iha loron kinta feira, loron 8 fulan Julho tinan 2010 atu selebra Loron Mundial Populasaun. Evento loron mundial populasaun ne'e, nebe ho tema "sei sura ema hotu" tinan ida ne'e, sei realiza iha Ministerio das Financas ho ninia objetivo atu garante katak media nasionais no lideres sira sei hatene importansia husi selebrasaun ne'e no mos fo hatene konaba progreso aktividades sensus Timor-Leste nian. Sensus atual sei hahu husi loron 11 – 25 fulan Julho tinan 2010.

Loron Mundial Populasaun, loron 11 fulan Julho selebra iha mundo tomak durante tinan 20 resin ona. Durante tinan 5 ikus ne'e Timor-Leste partisipa tiha ona iha komemorasaun loron mundial populasaun nian ho partisipasaun husi ofisiais alto-nivel governo nian inklui Presidente no Primeiro Ministro.

Selebrasaun loron mundial populasaun nudar oportunidade diak ida atu kria ou hasae konsiensia kona ba problema serio populasaun nian, no oinsa problemas hirak ne'e nia relasaun ba iha dezafius dezenvolvemento nebe mak Timor-Leste no nasaun sira seluk iha mundo infrenta. Evento ba tinan ida ne'e fokus ba iha benefisios atu hetan asesu dadus populasaun nebe foun no seguro no mos atu fo ba populasaun idea kona ba oinsa atu uza informasaun nebe koleta durante sensus tinan 2010.

Data nebe koleta ona iha census tinan 2010 sei fornese governo Timor-Leste no ninia parseiros dezenvolvemento ho dadus demografikus importantes ne'ebe nasaun presiza tebes atu hala'o planeamento no implementasaun programas dezenvolvemento.


Kinta, loron 8 fulan Julho, 3:00 p.m.
Sala Conferencia Ministerio das Financas
Sua Excel. Emilia Pires, Minister of Finance
Sua Excel. Antonio Freitas, Director Geral de Analise e Pesquiza
Sua Excel. Pornchai Suchitta, Representante UNFPA
Mariano Redondo: tel: +670 7346517,