Government of Norway to Support Democratic Electoral Process in Timor-Leste

1 Dec 2011

Government of Norway to Support Democratic Electoral Process in Timor-Leste

Dili, 1 December 2011 -
The Government of Norway will support the consolidation of a democratic society in Timor-Leste based on legitimate institutions elected through free, transparent and fair elections in 2012. The Government of Norway has signed an agreement to provide US $650,000 to UNDP, UN Women and UNICEF.

It is expected that through this generous contribution from Norway, the United Nations Agencies will be able to implement programmes and activities focused on women's political empowerment, enhancing youth and first-time voter participation, and promoting democratic principles through Timor-Leste's Electoral Management Bodies in the lead-up to Presidential and Parliamentary elections in 2012.

The Government of Norway's support will make an important contribution to UNDP's electoral assistance programme. This programme applies an electoral cycle approach that covers pre-electoral, electoral and post-electoral periods and provides support through experts, advice and mentoring to the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) and the National Electoral Commission (CNE). This includes assistance in the development of the electoral legal framework, voter registration process, voter and civic education campaigns, electoral planning and operations, and support to political parties.

The Norwegian assistance to UN Women will strengthen active participation of women voters and women candidates. It will deliver training, capacity building and sensitization of both men and women on the issues of gender equality and women's empowerment for women's leadership and participation in politics and decision-making. This is of particular importance in light of the new provision in the recently revised electoral laws that calls for one in three female candidates in every party list, from the prior one in four.

With high numbers of youth expected to participate in the elections, the "Youth and first time voter initiative" supported by the Government of Norway and led by UNICEF and local partners aims at enhancing the levels of participation by first-time young voters by increasing their access to election information, using existing structures to positively mobilize youth and to advocate for non-violent dialogue mechanisms to promote peaceful elections.

For further information, please contact:
UNDP – John Fenech, +670 732 7211,
UN Women – Kari Gibson, +670 3313 294,
UNICEF – Mary Ann Maglipon, +670 723 1103,

UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor-Leste

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Governu Noruega sei fó Apoiu ba Prosesu Eleitorál Demokrátiku iha Timor-Leste

Dili, 1 Desembru 2011 - Governu Noruega sei fó apoiu ba konsolidasaun sosiedade ida-ne'ebé demokrátika iha Timor-Leste bazeia ba instituisaun lejítima sira mak eleitu liu liuhosi eleisaun ne'ebé livre, transparénsia no justu iha tinan 2012. Governu Noruega asina tiha ona akordu ida hodi fornese osan Dollar Amerikanu 650,000 ba PNUD, UN Women no UNICEF.

Espera katak liuhosi kontribuisaun ne'ebé oferese ho laran luak husi governu Noruega ne'e, Ajénsia Nasoins Unidas nian bele iha kbiit atu implementa programa no atividade hirak-ne'ebé foku liu ba polítika atu habiit feto-sira, aumenta partisipasaun votante foin-sa'e no dahuluk sira nian no promove prinsípiu demokrátiku iha Órgaun Jestaun Eleitorál Timor-Leste nian besik ba iha eleisaun Prezidensiál no Parlamentár iha tinan 2012.

Apoiu husi Governu Noruega nian ne'e sei sai nu'udar kontribuisaun importante ida ba Programa Asisténsia Eleitorál PNUD nian. Programa ne'e aplika ba siklu aproximasaun eleitorál ne'ebé kobre períodu molok eleisaun, eleisaun no depoisde eleisaun, no mós fó apoiu liuhosi peritu sira, konsellu no orientasaun ba Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) no Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE). Ida ne'e inklui mós fó asisténsia ba dezenvolvimentu enkuadramentu legál eleitorál nian, prosesu resenseamentu eleitorál, kampaña sira votante no edukasaun sívika nian, planeamentu operasaun no eleitorál no mós fó apoiu ba partidu polítika sira.

Asisténsia husi Noruega ba UN Women sei hametin liutan partisipasaun ativa husi votante no kandidatu sira feto nian. Liuhosi apoiu ida-ne'e, sei fó formasaun, kapasitasaun no sensibilizasaun ba mane no feto sira kona-ba kestaun igualdade jéneru no habiit feto-sira ba lideransa no partisipasaun iha polítika no foti desizaun. Ne'e nu'udar importánsia particular ida ba naroman dispozisaun foun nian iha lei eleitorál hirak-ne'ebé foin lalais ne'e halo revizaun hodi husu atu iha kandidatu feto ida husi kandidatu na'in-tolu iha kada lista partidária nian ne'ebé uluk hateten katak iha kandidatu feto ida husi kandidatu na'in-haat.

Ho númeru foin-sa'e nian ne'ebé aas mak hein hela atu partisipa iha eleisaun ne'e, "inisiativa votante foin-sa'e no dahuluk sira nian" ne'ebé hetan apoiu husi Governu Noruega no lidera husi UNICEF no parseiru lokál sira ho objetivu hodi aumenta nivel partisipasaun votante dahuluk foin-sa'e sira nian liuhosi hasa'e sira-ninia asesu ba informasaun eleisaun nian, utiliza estrutura ne'ebé iha atu pozitivamente bele mobiliza foin-sa'e sira no rekomenda mekanizmu diálogu naun-violentu nian hodi promove eleisaun sira ho pás.

Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór kontakta ba :
PNUD John Fenech, +670 732 7211,
UN Women - Kari Gibson, +670 3313 294,
UNICEF – Mary Ann Maglipon, +670 723 1103,

UN House, Estrada Kaikoli, Dili, Timor-Leste
