IOM Launches Radio Documentary Related to Internal Displacement in Timor-Leste

14 Jan 2009

IOM Launches Radio Documentary Related to Internal Displacement in Timor-Leste

Dili, 13 January 2009 - This week, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched
Historia ba Dame (History for Peace) a five-part radio documentary on national and local radio around the country. Historia aims to document the experiences of a broad range of stakeholders, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, members of host communities, civil servants participating in the humanitarian response and international humanitarian actors. The series addresses a wide variety of issues resulting
from the 2006 Crisis, including internal displacement, return and reintegration and humanitarian assistance.

Historia is part of IOM's continuing efforts to maximise the sustainability of the return and reintegration process. IOM believes that the opportunity for the local population to hear some of the countless perspectives on the 2006 Crisis will contribute to the country's recovery and longer-term peace-building efforts. "The different stories presented in Historia will allow people who might otherwise only see the conflict and its effects from their point of view to begin to understand the profoundly different effects it has had on other communities", said IOM Chief of Mission Luiz Vieira. "It is our hope that the broad range of perspectives presented in the programme will allow even very different communities to empathise with each other, thereby contributing to the dialogue and reconciliation processes ongoing around the country", added Vieira.

Historia, completed in close cooperation with the European Commission for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), is airing on both national and district-based community radio. The programme will air over a five-week period, with each episode airing numerous times over a one-week period. In addition to community radio in the districts, the programme will air on Radio Timor-Leste, 91.7 FM at 15.30 on Saturdays and Sundays.

Civil unrest beginning in April 2006 led to the internal displacement of approximately 150,000 people in Timor-Leste. Since 1 January 2008, IOM has worked closely with the Government of Timor-Leste to implement a comprehensive return and reintegration programme aiming to provide a durable solution to the approximately 100,000 IDPs remaining at that time. As of 1 January 2009, the vast majority of IDPs have returned home, and IOM is working with returnees and host communities to maximise the sustainability of the process.

For more information, please contact Brad Mellicker at or +670.735.1998.


IOM Hasemo Programa Dokumentáriu Rádiu nian Kona-ba Dezlokadu Internu iha Timor-Leste

Dili, 13 Janeiru 2009 - Semana ida-ne'e, Organizasaun Internasionál ba Migrasaun (IOM/IOM) hasemo tiha ona programasaun rádiu parte lima ida ne'ebé hanaran Istória ba Dame iha rádiu nasionál no rádiu lokál iha rai-laran tomak. Istória ba Damea ne'e ho hanoin ida atu dokumenta esperiénsia barabarak hosi parte hotu-hotu nian, inklui hosi dezlokadu (IDP), eiz-dezlokadu, membru komunidade, funsionáriu públiku sira ne'ebé hola-parte iha fó resposta umanitária no hosi autór umanitária internasionál nian sira. Série programasaun ne'e atu hatán ba kestaun barabarak ne'ebé Krize 2006 hamosu, inklui dezlokasaun interna, retornu no reintegrasaun no asisténsia umanitária.

Istória ba Dame nu'udar parte ida hosi IOM nia haka'as an kontínuu atu masimiza prosesu retornu no reintegrasaun nia sustentabilidade. IOM fiar katak oportunidade ba populasaun lokál atu rona hanoin sura la nahas balu kona-ba Krize 2006 sei kontribui ba país nia rekuperasaun no ba esforsu harii-dame loron naruk. "Istória sira oioin ne'ebé aprezenta iha Istória ba Dame sei habiban ema ne'ebé parese haree de'it konflitu ho nia efeitu sira hosi sira-nia pontudevista rasik atu hahú entende efeitu sira profundamente diferente ne'ebé krize ne'e lori ba mós komunidade siraseluk", katak Xefe Misaun IOM, Luiz Vieira. "Ne'e ita-nia dezeju katak perspetiva sira oioin ne'ebé aprezenta iha programasaun ne'e sei habiban mesmu komunidade sira diferente atu iha kompaisaun ba malu, ho nune'e sei kontribui ba prosesu diálogu no rekonsiliasaun kontínuu iha rai-laran tomak", aumenta Vieira.

Istória ba Dame, ne'ebé konsege kompleta liuhosi kooperasaun di'ak ho Komisaun Europeia ba Ajuda Umanitária (European Commission for Humanitarian Aid- ECHO), sei tatoli tuir anin iha rádiu nasionál no rádiu komunidade. Programasaun ne'e sei toka durante períodu semana lima nia laran, ho kada epizódiu sei toka beibeik iha semana ida nia laran. Ba rádiu komunidade iha distritu sira, programa ne'e sei tatoli tuir anin iha Radio Nasional Timor-Leste 91.7, iha loron Sábado no Domingo iha tuku 15.30.

Rungu-ranga ne'ebé hahú mosu iha fulan Abríl 2006 rezulta ema besik rihun atus ida limanulu (150,000) iha Timor-Leste mak tenke sai dezlokadu iha sira-nia rain rasik. Desde loron-1 fulan-Janeiru 2008, IOM servisu hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste implementa tiha ona programa retornu no reintegrasaun kompreensiva ida ne'ebé ho hanoin atu haraik solusaun ida durável ba dezlokadu besik rihun atus ida (100,000) ne'ebé iha momentu ne'eba sei iha. Apartir loron-1 fulan-Janeiru 2009, maiória dezlokadu konsege fila-hi'as tiha ona ba uma, no IOM agora servisu hamutuk daudaun ho eis-dezlokadu no komunidade lokál sira atu masimiza prosesu ne'e nia sustentabilidade.

Atu hetan infromasaun diak liután bele kontakta de'it ho Brad Mellicker iha ka +670.735.1998.