Joint Press Release from PNTL, UNPOL and UNDP: Strengthening Discipline in the Timorese Police

17 Oct 2011

Joint Press Release from PNTL, UNPOL and UNDP: Strengthening Discipline in the Timorese Police

Dili, 12 October 2011 –
160 national police officers from Timor-Leste's justice section are learning how to work on internal disciplinary and misconduct issues within the national police force. When they complete the courses they will serve as discipline leaders.

"The officers in PNTL's justice section welcome this training and the opportunity it provides to increase the responsiveness of Timor-Leste's police force to these important issues," said Carlos Almeida Sousa Jeronimo, PNTL Commander and head of the Police Academy.

The training was launched on 4 October and will run until 31 December 2011. It is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Police (UNPOL) and the Government of Norway. It is designed to increase awareness of Timor-Leste's Discipline Decree Law that governs police conduct and discipline and to teach officers how to strengthen human rights principles.

The training is part of a US$ 600 thousand program planned and organized by the PNTL, the UNPOL and UNDP which aims to increase the capacity of the national police force to deliver services of high quality to the people of Timor-Leste. The program supports the five priority areas identified in the PNTL/UNPOL Joint Development Plan: legislation, training, administration, discipline and operations.

"Discipline is a key pillar of police credibility," said the UNPOL Commissioner Luis Carrilho. "That's why both the PNTL and UNPOL consider this training as a high priority."

According to Alissar Chaker, UNDP Assistant Country Director and Head of Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit, 'A police force that takes proper action to address disciplinary breaches will gain trust and credibility in the community."

PNTL General Commander, Longuinhos Monteiro, underlined the institution's commitment to strengthening discipline within the force. "The PNTL has a strong disciplinary mechanism in place. Trainings such as these are essential to increase awareness among all officers of their responsibilities and accountability.

Carlos Almeida Sousa Jeronimo, PNTL Commander, Luis Miguel Carrilho, UNPOL Commissioner, and Alissar Chaker, UNDP Assistant Country Director and Head of Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit presided over the opening ceremony on 4 October.

For more information, please contact:
John Fenech, UNDP Media Officer, Ph: +670 732 7211, email:
Carlos Araujo, UNMIT Spokesman, Ph: +670 731 1513, email:


Haforsa Dixiplina iha Polísia Timor-Leste
Komunikadu Imprensa Konjunta hosi PNTL, UNPOL no PNUD

Dili, 12 Outubru 2011 – Membru polísia nasionál na'in 160 hosi Timor-Leste nia seksaun justisa nian oras ne'e daudaun aprende kona-ba oinsá atu haree ba kestaun sira mal-konduta no dixiplinária interna iha forsa polísia nasionál nia laran. Bainhira sira kompleta ona kursu sira-ne'e, sira sei serbii hanesan líder sira kona-ba dixiplina.

"Membru sira iha seksaun justisa PNTL nian sauda formasaun ida-ne'e no oportunidade ne'ebé formasaun ne'e fó atu aumenta responsividade forsa polísia Timor-Leste nian ba kestaun importante sira, " Komandante PNTL no Xefe Akademia Polísia, Carlos Almeida Sousa Jeronimo hatete.

Formasaun ne'e lansa iha loron 4, fulan-Outubru no sei hala'o to'o loron 31, fulan-Dezembru, tinan 2011. Formasaun ne'e apoia hosi Programa Nasoins Unidas nian ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD), Polísia Nasoins Unidas nian (UNPOL) no Governu Noruega. Formasaun ne'e dezeña atu aumenta koñesimentu kona-ba Timor-Leste nia Dekretu Lei ne'ebé administra kona-ba konduta no dixiplina polísia nian, no hanorin membru sira oinsá atu haforsa prinsípiu sira direitus umanus nian.

Formasaun ne'e nu'udar parte hosi programa osan dolár Amerikanu rihun 600 ne'ebé planeia no organiza hosi PNTL, UNPOL no PNUD, ne'ebé iha objetivu atu aumenta kapasidade forsa polísia nasionál hodi hato'o servisu ho kualidade aas ba povu Timor-Leste. Programa ne'e apoia área prioridade lima ne'ebé identifika iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Konjunta PNTL/UNPOL nian: lejizlasaun, formasaun, administrasaun, dixiplina no operasaun sira.

"Dixiplina sai nu'udar pilár importante ida ba kredibilidade polísia nian, " Komisáriu UNPOL, Luis Carrilho hatete. "Tanba ne'e mak tantu PNTL no UNPOL konsidera formasaun ida-ne'e nu'udar prioridade boot ida."

Haktuir ba Diretór Asistente País PNUD nian no mós Xefe ba Unidade Prevensaun Krize no Rekuperasaun katak, " Forsa polísia ida-ne'ebé foti asaun própriu hodi rezolve infrasaun sira dixiplinária nian sei hetan fiar no kredibilidade iha komunidade."

Komandante Jerál PNTL, Longuinhos Monteiro subliña kona-ba instituisaun ne'e nia kompromisu atu haforsa dixiplina iha forsa ne'e nia laran. "PNTL harii ona mekanizmu dixiplinária nian ida-ne'ebé forte. Formasaun sira hanesan ne'e importante atu aumenta koñesimentu entre membru sira hotu kona-ba sira-nia responsabilidade no responsabilizasaun."

Komandante PNTL, Carlos Almeida Sousa Jeronimo, Komisáriu UNPOL, no PNTL Commander, Luis Miguel Carrilho, UNPOL Commissioner, and Alissar Chaker, Diretór Asistente País PNUD nian prezide seremónia abertura ne'e iha loron 4, fulan-Outubru.

Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór kontakta:
John Fenech, Ofisiál Mídia PNUD nian, Tel: +670 732 7211, email:
Carlos Araujo, Portavós UNMIT nian, Tel: +670 731 1513, email:
