Forum to champion economic development for all in Timor-Leste
Dili, 7 February 2012 - A Forum on Inclusive Growth organized in support of the Government's efforts to create an economy in Timor-Leste which will strengthen the benefits to society as a whole was held this week. It was the first event of its kind to take place in the country and coincides with the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives. Under the slogan "Mai Ita Hamutuk Haburas Hanoin Ba Merkadu", the Forum brought together ideas to further develop the Timorese market and in doing so increase employment and entrepreneurship in a largely agricultural economy.
Cooperatives, micro, small, medium enterprises, private sector, civil society actors, national policy makers, regional experts, practitioners and other development partners came together to exchange knowledge and experience. The Minister of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of Indonesia and other experts from Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia, Philippines and Japan also attended and contributed their perspectives to the Forum.
It is expected that the two-day event will now contribute to the economic development pillar of the Timor-Leste Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030), which calls for a modern and diverse economy.
H.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste attended the event and stated "The People are the greatest wealth of our Nation, which is why we must invest in them in order for Timor-Leste to move forward. This means that we must provide the People with conditions to evolve in terms of their practices and behaviors, their knowledge and their adaptation to the new technologies needed for their development."
The event was a joint initiative from the Ministry of Economy and Development of the Government of Timor-Leste, UNDP and other development partners. In his welcome remarks to delegates H.E. João Mendes Gonçalves, Minister of Economy and Development, said "In its efforts to enhance investment in Timor-Leste the Government is supporting activities of the business sector, specifically facilitating access to credit and building institutions to encourage private enterprise. We welcome this opportunity to continue fostering growth and innovation."
Forum discussions focused on challenges and opportunities for inclusive growth and examined how to create economic and employment opportunities for the poor, women, youth and the disabled. The forum also included an exhibit of good practices of cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises and a business resource center for practical information and advice to help participants develop and sustain their business activities.
Mr. Finn Reske-Nielsen, Deputy SRSG and UNDP Resident Representative said that "Inclusive growth will not only promote equity in the development process but will also help Timor-Leste make further progress in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. I am encouraged by the many innovative and conscientious initiatives by Timorese enterprises and cooperatives."
Sponsors: GIZ, JICA, IPAD, Global Transitions and Development, UNMIT, ADB, ILO, Embassy of the Philippines, ABC of the Federal Republic of Brazil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea.
For more information, please contact:
Antonio Coelho
Advisor to Ministry of Economy and Development
UNDP Communications and Media Unit Contact:
Louise Stoddard
Media and Communications Coordinator
+670 732 7211
Sandra Magno
Media & Communication Analyst
UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor-Leste
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Komunikadu Imprensa Konjuntu: Ministériu Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu no PNUD
Forum atu defende dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku ba ema hotu iha Timor-Leste
Dili, 7 Fevereiru 2012 - Forum ida kona-ba Kreximentu Inkluzivu ne'ebé organiza atu fó apoiu ba Governu nia esforsu hodi kria ekonomia iha Timor-Leste ne'ebé sei haforsa benefísiu sira ba sosiedade tomak hahú iha semana ne'e nia laran. Ida-ne'e nu'udar tipu eventu ba dahuluk ne'ebé akontese iha nasaun ne'e, ne'ebé koinside ho Tinan Kooperativa Internasionál Nasoins Unidas nian. Ho ninia lema "Mai Ita Hamutuk Haburas Hanoin Ba Merkadu", forum ne'e atu halibur hanoin sira hodi dezenvolve liután merkadu Timor-Leste no ho nune'e hodi hasa'e empregu no empreza iha ekonomia agríkola predominante ida.
Kooperativa sira, empreza mikro, ki'ik, média, setór privadu, atór sira sosiedade sivíl nian, ema-sira ne'ebé foti desizaun polítika nasionál, peritu rejionál, profisionál sira no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira seluk sei halibur hamutuk hodi fahe sira-nia koñesimentu no esperiénsia. Ministériu Kooperativa no Empreza Mikro, Ki'ik no Média Indonézia nian no peritu sira seluk husi Indonézia, Brazil, Malázia, Filipinas no Japaun mós tuir hodi kontribui sira-nia perspetiva ba Forum ne'e.
Hein katak eventu loron-rua ne'e sei fó kontribuisaun ba pilár dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian (2011-2030), ne'ebé presiza ekonomia ida-ne'ebé modernu no oioin.
S.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Primeiru-Ministru Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste nian ne'ebé partisipa iha eventu ne'e afirma, "Povu nu'udar riku-soin ida-ne'ebé boot ba ita-nia Nasaun, tanba ne'e mak ita tenke investe iha sira ho intensaun atu Timor-Leste bele la'o ba oin. Ne'e signifika katak ita tenke providensia ba Povu ida-ne'e kondisaun hirak atu dezenvolve sira-nia prátika no hahalok sira, sira-nia koñesimentu no adaptasaun ba teknolojia foun ne'ebé nesesáriu ba sira-nia dezenvolvimentu."
Eventu ne'e nu'udar inisiativa konjunta ida husi Ministériu Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu Governu Timor-Leste nian, PNUD no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira seluk. Iha ninia diskursu benvindu ba delegadu-sira, S.E. João Mendes Gonçalves, Ministru Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu hateten, "Iha ninia esforsu sira hodi haboot-hadi'a investimentu iha Timor-Leste, Governu fó daudaun apoiu ba atividade setór emprezariál sira, espesifikamente fasilita asesu ba kréditu no harii instituisaun sira hodi enkoraja ba empreza privada. Ami simu ho laran-di'ak oportunidade ida-ne'e hodi kontinua haburas kreximentu no inovasaun."
Diskusaun sira iha Forum ne'e foka liu kona-ba dezafiu no oportunidade sira ba kreximentu inkluzivu no sei ezamina oinsá atu kria oportunidade ekonómika no empregu ba ema ki'ak, feto, foin-sa'e no defisiente sira. Forum ne'e mós sei inklui espozisaun ida kona-ba prátika di'ak sira kooperativa nian no empreza mikro, ki'ik no média no sentru ba rekursu negósiu nian ida-ne'ebé hodi hetan informasaun no konsellu prátika nian atu bele tulun partisipante sira hodi dezenvolve no mantein sira-nia atividade emprezariál sira.
Mr. Finn Reske-Nielsen, Reprezentante Espesiál-Adjuntu ba Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas iha TL no Reprezentante Rezidente PNUD nian hateten, "Kreximentu Inkluzivu sei la promove de'it ekuidade (igualdade) iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu maibé mós sei tulun Timor-Leste atu halo progresu liután hodi realiza Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu nian. Ha'u sente enkorajadu husi inisiativa inovadora no konxiente barabarak husi empreza no kooperativa sira Timor-Leste nian."
Patrosinadór sira: GIZ, JICA, IPAD, Tranzisaun no Dezenvolvimentu Globál, UNMIT, ADB, ILO, Embaixada Filipina, ABC Repúblika Federál Brazil nian, Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus no Komérsiu Repúblika Súl-Koreana.
Informasaun liután bele kontakta:
Antonio Coelho
Asesór ba Ministériu Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu
Unidade Mídia no Komunikasaun PNUD nian Kontakta Ofisiál Mídia no Komunikasaun nian ba
Loise Stoddard
+670 732 7211
no Sandra Magno
UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor-Leste