PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Baucau

16 Apr 2010

PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Baucau

Baucau, 16 April 2010 Today the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (DSRSG) Finn Reske-Nielsen and Guilhermina Ribeiro, Director General of the Secretariat of State for Security, presided over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) in the District of Baucau.

Baucau is the sixth district in which the PNTL has resumed primary policing responsibility since the resumption process started in May 2009, when primary policing responsibility was transferred to the PNTL in the district of Lautem. This process continued in the districts of Oecussi in June and Manatuto in July, and with the transfer of responsibility for the administration and management of the Police Training Centre in September, and the Maritime Police Unit and the Police Intelligence Service in December. Also in December 2009 the district of Viqueque became the fourth district in which the PNTL resumed responsibilities. Earlier this week the PNTL resumed responsibilities for Ainaro District, in the central highlands.

"The long term stability of the country depends to a large extent on the development of an effective and professional police service in which the community can have confidence. This is a big responsibility for all police officers, and we are all grateful to you for taking on this responsibility," said DSRSG Reske-Nielsen.
The DSRSG also pledged that the United Nations will increase its focus on the mentoring and support of PNTL officers, as requested by the national authorities and endorsed by the Security Council of the United Nations.
The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT are jointly implementing the resumption process in a gradual manner – district by district, unit by unit. PNTL is assessed in each district by a joint team comprising Government and UNMIT representatives, including UN Police and PNTL. The team applies mutually agreed criteria to assess the readiness of PNTL to resume primary policing responsibilities.
UN Police will maintain their presence in the districts where the PNTL have resumed responsibilities, in order to monitor, advise and support the PNTL, including in the area of human rights protection.
Baucau is Timor-Leste's second largest city, 120 kilometres east of the capital Dili on the country's northern coast. With a district population of 104,571 (census 2004) and an area of 1,494 km2, Baucau is a hub for services in the country's eastern districts.
PNTL Foti filafali responsabilidade primáriu polisiamentu nian iha Baukau.
Baukau, 16 Abríl 2010 Ohin Vise Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian ba Timor-Leste (VRESJ) Finn Reske-Nielsen no Guilhermina Ribeiro, Diretora Jerál Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa nian prezide serimónia foti filafali responsabilidade primáriu ba servisu operasaun polísia nian hosi Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Distritu Baukau.
Baukau mak hanesan fatin ba daneen, ne'ebé PNTL foti filafali knaar primáriu polisiamentu nian dezde prosesu ne'e komesa ona iha Maiu 2009, bainhira knaar polisiamentu transfere ona ba PNTL iha Distritu Lautem, no kontínua iha Juñu 2009 ba Distritu Oekusi no Manatutu iha fulan Jullu., Hafoin ne'e kontinua ho transfere responsabilidade administrasaun no jestaun ba Sentru Formasaun Polísia nian iha Setembru, no iha Dezembru Unidade Polísia Marítima nian no Servisu Intelijénsia Polísia nian mós entrega ona. Iha fulan Dezembru 2009 distritu Vikeke mak ida ba dahaat ne'ebé PNTL foti filafali ona responsabilidade. Semana liu ba iha Ainaru, distritu ida-ne'ebé iha sentru foho leten ne'e foti filafali ona responsabilidade.
"Estabilidade ba tempu naruk nasaun ne'e nian depende ba dezenvolvimentu makaas ba polísia ida mak efetivu no profesionál atu nune'e komunidade bele iha konfiansa. Ida-ne'e responsabilidade boot ba membru polísia sira hotu, no ami hotu sente haksolok ho ita boot-sira tanba hala'o ona responsabilidade ne'e,"– VRSJ Reske-Nielsen fó-sai iha ninia diskursu, ne'ebé hato'o iha serimónia ne'e.
VRSJ mós promete katak, Nasoins Unidas sei aumenta konsentrasaun ba iha monitorizasaun no apoia ba membru PNTL sira, tuir saida mak husu husi autoridade nasionál sira no aprova husi Konsellu Seguransa Nasoins Unidade nian.
Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT hamutuk hala'o prosesu foti filafali knaar ne'e liuhosi maneira ida-ne'ebé graduál – kada distritu ba distritu, unidade ba unidade. Desizaun ba PNTL atu foti filafali knaar primáriu kona-ba polisiamentu iha Ainaru ne'e foti bazeia ba rezultadu avaliasaun ne'ebé rigorozu, kona-ba prontidaun PNTL nian. Avaliasaun ida-ne'e hala'o husi ekipa konjuntu ne'ebé kompostu husi reprezentativu Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT, inklui mós PNTL no UNPOL, uza kritériu ne'ebé parte hotu aseita hamutuk.
Polísia ONU nian sei mantein nafatin sira-nia prezensa iha distritu hirak ne'ebé PNTL foti filafali ona responsabilidade, hodi halo monitorizasaun, fó konsellu no apoia PNTL, inklui mós iha área protesaun direitus umanus nian.
Baukau nu'udar sidade daruak Timor-Leste nian, ne'ebé sítua iha parte leste-iha kosta norte nasaun ne'e, ho distánsia kilómetru 120 husi kapitál. Ninia populasaun hamutuk ema nain 104,571 (sensu 2004) no ninia luan 1,494 km2, Baukau mak sai nu'udar sentru ida ba servisu sira iha distritu hotu ne'ebé pertense ba parte leste nasaun ne'e nian.