PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Ermera

10 Sep 2010

PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Ermera

Dili, 10 September 2010 Today, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (DSRSG) Shigeru Mochida and Vice Prime Minister José Luís Guterres presided over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) in Gleno, the administrative capital of the District of Ermera.

DSRSG Mochida congratulated Vice Prime Minister Guterres and the Timorese people on their achievement. Noting that infrastructural and logistical challenges will still need to be overcome the DSRSG pledged that the United Nations would increase its support including mentoring PNTL officers.

"The long term stability of the country depends to a large extent on the development of an effective and professional police service in which the community can have confidence. This is a big responsibility for all police officers, and we are all grateful to you for taking on this responsibility," DSRSG added.

The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT are jointly implementing the resumption process district by district. PNTL is assessed in each district by a joint team comprising Government and UNMIT representatives, including UN Police and PNTL. The team applies mutually agreed criteria to assess the readiness of PNTL to resume primary policing responsibilities.

Ermera is the eighth district in which the PNTL has resumed primary policing responsibility since the resumption process began in Lautem District May 2009. In addition responsibility for the administration and management of the Police Training Centre, and the Maritime Police Unit and the Police Intelligence Service was handed over to PNTL in September and December respectively, last year.

UN Police will maintain their presence in the districts where the PNTL have resumed responsibilities, in order to monitor, advise and support the PNTL, including in the area of human rights protection.



PNTL kaer filafali responsabilidade primária polisiamentu iha Ermera

Dili, 10 Setembru 2010 – Ohin, Reprezentante Espesiál Adjuntu husi Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian ba Timor-Leste (REASJ) Shigeru Mochida no Vice-Primeiro-Ministro José Luís Guterres prezide ba serimónia ne'ebé marka momentu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste nian (PNTL) kaer filafali responsabilidade primária hodi hala'o operasaun polisiál iha Gleno, kapitál administrativa Distritu Ermera nian.

REASJ Mochida fó parabéns ba Vice-Primeiro-Ministro Guterres no povu Timor-Leste nian tanba susesu ida-ne'e. Nota mós katak sei iha dezafiu infraestrutura no lojístika nian ne'ebé sei presiza ultrapasa REASJ promete katak Nasoins Unidas sei aumenta nia apoiu inklui mentorizasaun ba membru sira PNTL nian

"Estabilidade ba tempu naruk iha nasaun ne'e depende mós maka'as ba dezenvolvimentu forsa polisiál ne'ebé efikás no profisionál ne'ebé komunidade bele fiar. Ida-ne'e responsabilidade boot ba membru polísia sira hotu, no ami agradese Ita-Boot sira tanba Ita-Boot sira simu responsabilidade ne'e," REASJ hatutan.

Governu Timor-Leste nian no UNMIT implementa daudaun hamutuk prosesu kaer filafali responsabilidade husi distritu ba distritu. PNTL hetan avaliasaun iha distritu ida-idak husi ekipa konjunta ne'ebé inklui reprezentante sira husi Governu no husi UNMIT, inklui Polísia ONU no PNTL. Ekipa ne'e aplika kritériu oioin ne'ebé konkorda hamutuk tiha ona hodi avalia PNTL nia prontidaun atu kaer filafali responsabilidade primária polisiamentu.

Ermera nu'udar distritu daualuk ne'ebé PNTL kaer filafali responsabilidade primária polisiamentu dezde prosesu transferénsia ne'e hahú iha distritu Lautém iha Maiu 2009. Aleinde ida-ne'e, responsabilidade ba administrasaun no jestaun iha Sentru Formasaun Polísia nian, no Unidade Polísia Marítima no Servisu Informasaun Polísia nian mós transfere tiha ona ba PNTL iha Setembru no Dezembru respetivamente, iha tinan kotuk.

Polísia ONU sei mantein sira-nia prezensa iha distritu sira-ne'ebé PNTL kaer tiha filafali responsabilidade, atubele monitoriza, fó konsellu no apoia PNTL, inklui iha área protesaun direitus umanus.
