PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Manufahi

24 Sep 2010

PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Manufahi

Dili, 24 September 2010 –Today, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (DSRSG), Shigeru Mochida, and Secretary of State for Security, Dr. Francisco da Costa Guterres, presided over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) in Same, the administrative capital of the District of Manufahi.

DSRSG Mochida congratulated Secretary of State for Security Guterres and the Timorese people on their achievement. He pledged that the United Nations would increase its support including mentoring PNTL officers to face remaining challenges.

"To all our Police Officers, both UNPOL and PNTL, I thank you for your hard work, and trust that you will continue to work together with the community to strengthen your relationships and build on a positive future for this District. To the communities of Manufahi, please know that we are all here to work with you for a better future. With your support, we trust that your district will be a safe and prosperous one."

The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT are jointly implementing the resumption process, district by district. Joint Government and UNMIT teams, including UN Police and PNTL, apply mutually agreed criteria to assess the readiness of PNTL to resume primary policing responsibilities.

Manufahi is the tenth district in which the PNTL has resumed primary policing responsibility since the process began in Lautem District, in May 2009. Responsibility for the administration and management of the Police Training Centre, the Maritime Police Unit and the Police Intelligence Service was handed over to PNTL in September and December respectively, last year. Next week, on September 28, three additional police units will be handed over to the PNLT: Border Patrol, Immigration, and Interpol.

PNTL simu hikas fali knaar responsabilidade polisiamentu primária iha distritu Manufahi

Dili, 24 Setembru 2010 – Ohin, Reprezentante Espesiál Adjuntu husi Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (REASJ) Sr. Shigeru Mochida, no Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa Dr. Francisco da Costa Guterres, maka prezide serimónia retomada responsabilidade primária ba Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) atu hala'o operasaun polisiamentu iha Same, kapitál administrativa distritu Manufahi.

REASJ Mochida kongratula Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa Guterres no povu Timor-Leste tomak ba sira-nia susesu. REASJ promete katak Nasoins Unidas sei aumenta tan ninia apoiu, inklui akompaña nafatin membru PNTL sira hodi ultrapasa dezafiu hirak ne'ebé sei iha.

"Ba ita-nia membru polísia hotu-hotu, UNPOL no PNTL, ha'u agradese Ita-Boot sira-nia serbisu maka'as no ha'u fiar katak Ita-Boot sira sei kontinua serbisu hamutuk ho komunidade atu hametin liután Ita-Boot sira-nia relasaun no harii futuru ida-ne'ebé pozitivu iha distritu ida-ne'e. Ba komunidade tomak distritu Manufahi nian, ha'u husu favór ba Ita-Boot sira atu hatene katak ami hotu iha ne'e atu serbisu hamutuk ho Ita-Boot sira ba futuru ida-ne'ebé di'ak liu. Ho Ita-Boot sira-nia apoiu tomak, ami fiar katak Ita-boot sira-nia distritu sei sai nu'udar distritu ida-ne'ebé seguru no prósperu".

Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT oras ne'e daudaun hamutuk implementa prosesu retomada husi distritu ba distritu. Ekipa konjunta sira husi governu no UNMIT, inklui UNPOL no PNTL, aplika kritériu ne'ebé parte rua ne'e konkorda hamutuk tiha ona atu halo avaliasaun ba prontidaun PNTL nian hodi simu hikas fali knaar responsabilidade polisiamentu primária.

Manufahi nu'udar distritu dasanuluk ne'ebé PNTL simu hikas fali ninia knaar responsabilidade polisiamentu primária dezde ke prosesu ne'e hahú husi distritu Lautein, iha Maiu 2009. Responsabilidade ba administrasaun no jestaun Sentru Formasaun Polísia nian, Unidade Polísia Marítima no Servisu Intelijénsia Polísia nian mós entrega tiha ona ba PNTL iha Setembru no Dezembru tinan kotuk. Semana oin mai, 28 Setembru, unidade polísia adisionál tolu ne'ebé kompostu husi Polísia Patrullamentu Fronteira, Polísia Imigrasaun no Interpol mós sei entrega ba PNTL.
