Dili, 1 March 2012 - The United Nations is hosting five resource centres where presidential candidates can access facilities to help plan their campaigns, hold meetings and get information on the election process.
"I hope the services offered at the resource centres will create an environment of equality among candidates and encourage open and tolerant election campaigning," said Finn Reske-Nielsen, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General at UNMIT and UNDP's Resident Representative.
"In addition to these facilities, the UN is also providing training to help candidates develop positive campaigns and plan fair and peaceful election activities."
The resource centres are located in Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Dili and Oecusse. During the 2012 election period, candidates can use the meeting rooms, computers and photocopy machines.
The resource centres were made possible through the generous financial support of the governments of Japan, Sweden, Norway and Ireland.
For more information contact:
Carlos Araujo
UNMIT Spokesperson
Phone: +670 731 1513
Ivo dos Santos Cancio
UNMIT National Spokesperson
Phone: +670 731 1537
Louise Stoddard
UNDP Media and Communications Coordinator
Phone: +670 732 7211
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Komunikadu Imprensa
Sentru rekursu sira ne'ebé hetan apoiu ONU nakloke ba kandidatu prezidensiál sira hotu
Dili, 1 Marsu 2012 - Nasoins Unidas sai nu'udar uma-na'in ba sentru rekursu lima ne'ebé kandidatu prezidensiál sira bele hetan asesu ba fasilidade sira hodi ajuda kandidatu sira planeia sira-nia kampaña, hala'o reuniaun no hetan informasaun kona-ba prosesu eleisaun nian.
"Ha'u hein katak servisu sira ne'ebé oferese iha sentru rekursu hirak-ne'e sei kria ambiente igualdade ida entre kandidatu sira no enkoraja kampaña eleisaun ne'ebé nakloke no tolerante," hateten Finn Reske-Nielsen, Reprezentante Espesiál Adjuntu Sekretáriu-Jerál ONU no mós Reprezentante Rezidente PNUD, iha UNMIT.
"Aleinde fasilidade hirak-ne'e, ONU mós fornese treinamentu hodi ajuda kandidatu sira dezenvolve kampaña pozitiva no planeia atividade sira eleisaun nian ne'ebé justu no pasífiku."
Sentru rekursu refere lokaliza iha Ainaru, Baukau, Bobonaru, Dili no Oekusi. Durante períodu eleisaun 2012, kandidatu sira bele uza sala reuniaun, komputadór no mákina fotokópia sira.
Sentru rekursu hirak-ne'e halo ho posibilidade liuhosi apoiu finanseiru ho laran-luak husi governu Japaun, Suésia, Noruega no Irlanda.
Atu hatene informasaun liután, favór kontakta:
Carlos Araujo
Portavós UNMIT nian
Telefone: +670 731 1513
Ivo dos Santos Cancio
Portavós Nasionál UNMIT nian
Telefone: +670 731 1537
Louise Stoddard
Koordenadór Mídia no Komunikasaun PNUD nian
Telefone: +670 732 7211