New York, 20 September 2011 - The Secretary-General met today with Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão of Timor-Leste, on the margins of the 66th session of the General Assembly.
The Secretary-General commended continued progress achieved in Timor-Leste under the Prime Minister's leadership. The Secretary-General and the Prime Minister discussed recent developments in the country, including the constructive dialogue among national leaders on 26 July and ongoing preparations for the 2012 elections. The Secretary-General reiterated the United Nations' continued readiness to provide support to the electoral process as requested. In acknowledging the significance of the resumption of policing responsibilities by the national police (PNTL) on 27 March, the Secretary-General highlighted UNMIT's commitment to continue working closely with the authorities to further strengthen PNTL's capacity-building, training and institutional development. The Secretary-General and the Prime Minister further reviewed progress by the Government and UNMIT in the joint transition planning process.
New York, 20 September, 2011
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Leitura hosi Sekretáriu-Jerál nia enkontru ho S.E. Sr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste nian, iha marjen Sesaun Asembleia Jerál nian ba dala 66.
Novaiorke, loron 20, fulan- Setembru, tinan 2011 - Sekretáriu-Jerál hasoru malu ohin ho Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hosi Timor-Leste, iha marjen sesaun Asembleia Jerál nian ba dala 66.
Sekretáriu-Jerál kongratula progresu kontínuu ne'ebé alkansa iha Timor-Leste liuhosi lideransa Primeiru Ministru nian. Sekretáriu-Jerál no Primeiru Ministru diskuti kona-ba dezenvolvimentu sira foin lalais nian iha rai laran, inklui dialogu konstrutivyu entre líder nasionál sira iha loron 26, fulan-Jullu no preparasaun sira ne'ebé kontínuu ba eleisaun iha tinan 2012. Sekretáriu-Jerál reitera Nasoins Unidas nia prontidaun ne'ebé kontínuu atu fornese apoiu ba prosesu eleitorál tuir pedidu. Bainhira rekoñese kona-ba importánsia ba retomada responsabilidade polisiamentu hosi polísia nasionál (PNTL) iha loron 27, fulan-Marsu, Sekretáriu-Jerál subliña kona-ba UNMIT nia kompromisu atu kontinua serbisu hamutuk ho autoridade sira hodi haforsa liután PNTL nia kapasitasaun, formasaun no dezenvolvimentu institusionál. Sekretáriu-Jerál no Primeiru Ministru hala'o revizaun liután kona-ba progresu ne'ebé hala'o hosi Governu no UNMIT iha prosesu planeamentu tranzisaun konjunta.
Novaiorke, loron 20, fulan-Setembru, tinan 2011