Secretary-General's message for the International Day of UN Peacekeepers

28 May 2010

Secretary-General's message for the International Day of UN Peacekeepers

New York, 29 May 2010 - On the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we honour the sacrifices of the men and women who lost their lives while serving under the UN flag.

This year's commemoration is a somber one. The past 14 months have been especially deadly for UN peacekeeping.
Ambushes in Darfur...

Terrorism in Kabul...

And a plane crash in Haiti...

These were among the tragedies that struck peacekeeping last year, killing 121 people.

That toll was nearly matched in a few seconds with the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti last January.

The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti lost 96 peacekeepers -- the biggest single loss of life in peacekeeping history.

But that dark day also became one of our finest hours, as the men and women of MINUSTAH set aside their own trauma, got the mission quickly back on its feet, and helped the people of Haiti cope with the horrific aftermath.

As we honour such moving displays of courage and dedication, we also pay tribute to the more than 122,000 military, police and civilian personnel who serve with distinction in our operations across the world.

Their efforts directly help millions of people...

By providing security and promoting reconciliation...

By clearing land-mines and demobilizing combatants...

By strengthening institutions and the rule of law...

By delivering aid and repatriating refugees and displaced persons

By supporting democratic elections, reforming the security sector... and so much more.

Peacekeeping is an indispensable part of the UN's work for a better world. Let us give it the support it needs to succeed.


Loron-29 fulan-Maiu tianan-2010

Iha ONU nia Loron Mundiál ba Manutensaun Pás na'in-sira, ita fó onra ba sakrifísiu sira ne'ebé mane no feto sira-nian ne'ebé lakon sira-nia vida durante hala'o sira-nia servisu iha ONU nia bandeira okos.

Komemorasaun tinan ida-ne'e triste duni. Fulan sanulu-resin-haat liubá mortál duni ba Manutensaun Pás ONU nian.

Emboskada sira iha Darfur ...

Terrorizmu iha Kabúl ...

No aviaun monu iha Haiti ...

Sira-ne'e maka trajédia entre sira seluk ne'ebé xoke manutensaun pás iha tinan liubá, oho ema na'in 121.

Iha tempu segundu hirak nia laran de'it, ho rai-nakdoko ne'ebé doko Haiti iha fulan-Janeiru liubá kuaze atu hanesan ho totál husi insidente hirak iha leten ne'ebá.

Manutensaun pás na'in sira, iha Misaun Estabilizasaun Nasoins Unidas nian iha Haiti, lakon vida hamutuk ema na'in 96 – totál ema barak liu hotu ne'ebé lakon vida iha dezastre dala ida nia laran durante istória manutensaun pás nian.

Maibé loron eskuru ida-ne'e sai nu'udar tempu ida-ne'ebé exelente liu ba ita, tanba ita-nia ema iha MINUSTAH, mane no feto sira, soe sira-nia trauma ida-ne'e iha sira-nia sorin, ho lalais halo misaun ne'e funsiona fali no ajuda povu Haiti hodi hakat-liu konsekuénsia terrivel depoizde rai-nakdoko ida-ne'e.

Iha momentu ita fó onra ba korajen no dedikasaun ne'ebé estraordináriu, ita mós fó omenajen ba pesoál militár, polísia no sivíl hamutuk na'in 122.000 ne'ebé serbí didi'ak iha ita-nia operasaun sira iha mundu tomak.

Sira-nia esforsu diretamente ajuda ema na'in tokon-ba-tokon ...

Tanba fó seguransa no promove rekonsiliasaun ...

Tanba hamoos minas no desmobiliza kombatente sira ...

Tanba hametin instituisaun sira no estadu-direitu ...

Tanba fó ajuda no repatria refujiadu no dezlokadu sira ...

Tanba apoia eleisaun demokrátika sira, reforma setór seguransa ... no sei barak liután.

Manutensaun pás nu'udar parte ida indispensavel ONU nian ba mundu ida-ne'ebé di'ak liu. Mai ita fó ita-nia apoiu ne'ebé manutensaun pás ne'e presiza atu hetan susesu.