Statement by UNMIT's Spokesperson on Comoro Road accident
As a result of the accident a five year old boy who was travelling on the motorcycle died.
"The United Nations expresses its deep condolences to the family of the deceased" said Carlos Araujo, UNMIT Spokesperson.
Dili, 5 Dezembru 2011 - Nasoins Unidas lamenta asidente tránzitu ne'ebé akontese iha Estrada Komoro, Dili, maizumenus iha tuku 7 Domingu kalan, ne'ebé envolve veíkulu UNPOL ida no motorizada ida.
"Nasoins Unidas hato'o ninia kondolénsia kle'an ba família matebian nian" dehan Carlos Araujo Portavos UNMIT nian.
"Autoridade Timoroan sira halo ona investigasaun ba asidente ne'e, no Nasoins Unidas sei tulun tuir nesesidade".
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