· PNTL and UNPOL have developed a capacity building plan, known as the Joint Development Plan (JDP) which is a guide for PNTL and UNPOL. This Plan focuses on five important areas: legislation, training, administration, discipline, and operations.
· Work on legislation will help develop and improve PNTL related legislation, as well as strengthen police members' understanding and implementation of the laws of the country.
· Work on administration will help develop the institution's human resources and functional structures, working norms and procedures, improving the PNTL management of assets, and human and financial resources.
· Work on discipline will help all PNTL officers to have a better knowledge of their rights and duties, as well as to respect and implement them strictly in order to be accountable for their actions and give therefore a sense of professionalism and transparency.
· Improvements to operations will allow PNTL to strengthen its capability to maintain public order, security and to promote community policing.
· Training is the basis of all the other four priorities, as it is the means for capacity development, focusing on developing the skills and knowledge of all PNTL members in operations, administration, legislation and discipline.
· PNTL and UNPOL continue to work side-by-side. For example, specialized training by the UN over the coming year will help ensure that the PNTL has a solid foundation and continues to strengthen its capabilities.
· UNPOL in the districts conducts on-the-job training as well as workshops and training courses with their PNTL counterparts. Course subjects include: legislation, domestic violence law, investigations, discipline, administration, report writing and training on arrest procedures, public order management and intelligence gathering.
· Beyond 2012, the PNTL Police Training Centre will continue to help Timor-Leste's national police to build their skills.
· In August 2006, the UN Secretary-General recommended the establishment of a United Nations multidimensional, integrated mission, with the mandate to support the Government of Timor-Leste and to assist in its efforts to bring about a process of national reconciliation.
· Following the political, social and humanitarian crisis of 2006, Security Council resolution 1704 of 25 August 2006 established UNMIT with a mandate to ensure the restoration and maintenance of public security, including interim law enforcement and public security.
· Beginning in the district of Lautem in May 2009, UNPOL began handing over responsibility for policing to PNTL district offices and PNTL units, based on joint assessments of their readiness.
· On 28 March 2011, PNTL resumed responsibility for the conduct and command and control of all police operations in Timor-Leste. This enabled PNTL to assume its role before the elections in 2012 and well before UNMIT's planned withdrawal at the end of 2012.
· Since that time, there have been no increases in crime rates or collapses in public order.
· For most countries, building a strong police service takes decades. PNTL and UNMIT have worked together for more than five years to strengthen Timor-Leste's national police service. Although challenges remain, PNTL has made significant progress.
· Following the resumption of policing responsibilities by PNTL, the main role of the UN Police shifted from law enforcement and public security to capacity building. UNPOL's role at this time is to provide advice, training and assistance. UNPOL will provide operational support during the parliamentary election period, as it did for the presidential elections.
· UNMIT will maintain a police force of 1,280 personnel to support the PNTL until after the elections. This force includes 790 regular UN police and four formed police units with a total of 490 personnel.
· UNMIT is planning to withdraw from Timor-Leste in December 2012 if certain conditions are met:
1. Stability prevails
2. National elections are free, fair, and peaceful
3. A government is formed based on the outcome of the elections and is able to govern
4. The political opposition has space to operate in line with democratic principles.
Habiit servisu polísia nasionál nian iha Timor-Leste
· PNTL no UNPOL dezenvolve tiha ona planu kapasitasaun nian ida, ne'ebé koñesidu hanesan Planu Dezenvolvimentu Konjuntu (PDK), ne'ebé sai nu'udar orientasaun ida ba PNTL no UNPOL. Planu ne'e foka ba iha área importante lima: lejizlasaun, formasaun, administrasaun, dixiplina, no operasaun sira.
· Serbisu kona-ba lejizlasaun sei tulun atu dezenvolve no hadi'ak lejizlasaun ne'ebé relasiona ho PNTL, no mós haforsa membru sira polísia nian komprensaun no implementasaun kona-ba lei sira rai laran nian.
· Serbisu kona-ba administrasaun sei tulun atu dezenvolve instituisaun ne'e nia rekursu umanu no estrutura funsionál, norma no prosedimentu sira serbisu nian, hadi'ak jestaun sasán sira PNTL nian, no rekursu finanseiru no umanu.
· Serbisu kona-ba dixiplina sei tulun membru PNTL sira hotu atu iha koñesimentu ida-ne'ebé di'ak liután kona-ba sira-nia direitu no knaar sira, no mós atu respeita no implementa direitu no knaar sira ne'e ho maka'as hodi nune'e bele iha responsabilizasaun ba sira-nia asaun sira no tanba ne'e, fó sensu profisionalizmu no transparénsia.
· Melloramentu ba operasaun sira sei permite PNTL atu haforsa nia kapasidade atu mantein orden públika, seguransa no promove polisiamentu komunitáriu.
· Formasaun sai nu'udar baze ba área prioridade haat sira seluk, tanba buat ne'e sai nu'udar meius ba dezenvolvimentu kapasidade, foka ba dezenvolvimentu abilidade sira no koñesimentu membru sira PNTL nian iha operasaun sira, administrasaun, lejizlasaun no dixiplina.
· PNTL no UNPOL kontinua atu serbisu hamutuk. Nu'udar ezemplu, formasaun espesializada hosi ONU iha tinan oin mai sei tulun atu garante katak PNTL iha fundasaun ida-ne'ebé forte no kontinua atu haforsa ninia kapasidade sira.
· UNPOL iha distritu sira hala'o formasaun iha serbisu fatin no workshop no mós kursu formasaun sira ho sira-nia kontraparte PNTL sira. Matéria sira kursu nian inklui: lejizlasaun, lei kona-ba violénsia doméstika, dixiplina, administrasaun, hakerek relatóriu no formasaun kona-ba prosedimentu sira kapturasaun nian, jestaun orden públika no mós formasaun kona-ba halibur intelijénsia.
· Liutiha tinan 2012, Sentru Formasaun PNTL nian sei kontinua atu tulun Timor-Leste nia polísia nasionál hodi aumenta sira-nia abilidade sira.
· Iha fulan-Agostu, tinan 2006, Sekretáriu-Jerál ONU nian rekomenda kona-ba estabelesimentu misaun integrada, multidimensional Nasoins Unidas nian ida, ho mandatu atu apoia Governu Timor-Leste no atu tulun nia esforsu sira hodi hala'o prosesu rekonsiliasaun nasionál.
· Depoizde krize polítika, sosiál no umanitária iha tinan 2006, Rezolusaun Konsellu Seguransa 1705 ho data 25 Agostu 2006 estabelese UNMIT ho mandatu ida atu garante restaurasaun no manutensaun seguransa públika, inklui kumprimentu ba lei no seguransa públika interinu.
· Bainhira hahú iha Distritu Lautem iha fulan-Maiu, tinan 2009, UNPOL hahú entrega responsabilidade polisiamentu nian ba eskuadraun distritál sira no unidade sira PNTL nian, ne'ebé bazeia ba avaliasaun konjunta sira kona-ba sira-nia prontidaun.
· Iha loron 28, fulan-Marsu, tinan 2011, PNTL asume hikas responsabilidade ba ezekusaun no komandu no kontrolu ba operasaun tomak polísia nian iha Timor-Leste. Buat ne'e halo PNTL bele asume nia knaar molok eleisaun iha tinan 2012 no molok UNMIT nia retirada planeada iha finál tinan 2012 nian.
· Dezde tempu ne'ebá, seidauk iha aumentu iha taxa krime nian ka kolapsu sira iha orden públiku.
· Ba rai barak, harii servisu polísia ida-ne'ebé forte lori tinan sanulu resin. PNTL no UNMIT serbisu hamutuk tiha ona durante liu tinan lima hodi haforsa Timor-Leste servisu polísia nasionál nian. Maski dezafiu sira kontinua iha, PNTL hala'o tiha ona progresu ne'ebé signifikante.
· Hafoin tiha retomada responsabilidade sira polisiamentu nian hosi PNTL, knaar prinsipál Polísia ONU nian muda hosi reforsa lei no seguransa públika no kapasitasaun. UNPOL nia knaar prinsipál oras ne'e mak atu fornese konsellu, formasaun no asisténsia. Konserteza, UNPOL prontu sei fornese apoiu operasionál durante períodu eleisaun parlamentár, nu'udar sira halo tiha ona iha eleisaun sira prezidensiál nian.
· UNMIT sei mantein forsa polísia ida ho pesoál na'in-1.280 atu apoia PNTL to'o depois eleisaun. Forsa ne'e inklui polísia ONU regulár na'in-790 no unidade polísia formadu ho totál pesoál na'in-490.
· UNMIT planeia hela namanas atu retira hosi Timor-Leste iha fulan-Dezembru tinan 2012 karik kondisaun sira balu ne'e prenxe:
1. Iha estabilidade
2. Eleisaun nasionál ne'e livre, justu no pasífiku
3. Governu ida forma ona, ne'ebé bazeia hosi rezultadu eleisaun nian no bele ukun
4. Opozisaun polítika iha espasu atu funsiona tuir prinsípiu sira demokrátika nian