Timorese national police resume responsibility in Lautem District

14 May 2009

Timorese national police resume responsibility in Lautem District

Lospalos (Timor-Leste), 14 May 2009 - Today in Lautem District the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) resumed primary policing responsibility in the first district since the establishment of UNMIT by the Security Council on 25 August 2006 with a ceremony led by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão and Special Representative of the Secretary-General Dr Atul Khare.

The ceremony was attended by the Minister for Education João Câncio Freitas, Secretary of State for Security Francisco Guterres, Secretary of State for Defence Júlio Tomás Pinto, Secretary of State for State Administration Arcângelo Leite, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General Takahisa Kawakami, UN Police Commissioner Luís Carrilho, PNTL General Commander Longuinhos Monteiro, Deputy PNTL Commander Afonso de Jesus, the Ambassadors of Australia, Malaysia, Portugal, Japan (Chair of the Core Group) and the United States and Representatives of Indonesia and the European Union.

"This is a credit to the national police in Lautem District, who will continue efforts to improve their ability to protect the people of this district," said SRSG Khare, speaking at the ceremony in Lautem. "It is also a credit to the people of Lautem who have cooperated so well with the police and other authorities to help guarantee the peace." SRSG Khare also noted the continued efforts of the Government "to put in place the policies and practices necessary to develop a police service that is effective, accountable, and non-partisan, and acts with due respect for human rights."

Speaking at the ceremony, Prime Minister Gusmão focused on the commitment and professional qualities of the Timorese national police. The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of, "police who have the respect of the whole community, police who respect human rights, and police who guarantee law and order for all citizens."

The resumption in Lautem District follows a joint assessment process completed by the Government and the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste. The assessment was based upon mutually agreed criteria related to professional integrity of police officers, operational capability and logistical support.

UN Police stay in the district of Lautem in the same numbers after the resumption, to monitor and advise Timorese police. There is a total of 149 PNTL officers in Lautem, and 24 UN Police.

"Today's event is reflective of larger changes in Timor-Leste," said SRSG Khare. "Now that stability has been restored, Timor-Leste is at a point where it is concerned with the measures needed to sustain that stability, through deepening democracy and the rule of law and through strengthening institutions."

Highlighting the importance of commitment to democratic values, to serving the community and to protecting human rights, SRSG Khare expressed his "satisfaction with the action taken by the authorities of Timor-Leste against non-certified PNTL officers." Looking to the continued resumption process across the districts, SRSG Khare said that he expected that "continued firm action, in accordance with applicable laws and procedures, will play an important role in ensuring the overall integrity of the institution and public confidence in the PNTL."

Describing the step of resumption of policing responsibilities in this first district as "an important milestone along the road to developing a resilient democracy," SRSG Khare noted that the resumption of responsibilities across the remaining 12 districts will be a gradual process to be determined by the achievement of the mutually agreed criteria by PNTL in each district.

For more information, please contact Kieran Dwyer on +670 723 0312 and Ivo dos Santos on +670 731 1782.


Full Text of Speech by the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Timor Leste, Dr. Atul Khare on the PNTL Resumption of Policing Responsibility in Lautem District

14 May 2009 - Today, we assemble for the beginning of the process of resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) here in Lautém District. It is a great pleasure to share this day with you. It is a credit to the PNTL of Lautém who, I am sure, will continue efforts to improve their ability to serve the people of this district, under the guidance of their Commander General Longuinhos Monteiro.

First, I must congratulate the PNTL officers of Lautem. Your performance up to this point has made you a model for the rest of the country. From this day forward, you will set the example, you will demonstrate to the rest of the country your commitment to the continuous development of the PNTL, its professionalism and its integrity. I wish you the greatest success as you discharge your duties under the direct command of Commander-General Longuinhos Monteiro, and, as always, with the assistance and support of UNPOL Commissioner Luis Carrilho.

It is a credit to the people of Lautém who have cooperated so well with the police and other authorities to help guarantee the peace. It is also a credit to the Government which, under the leadership of Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão and Secretary of State for Security Francisco Guterres, continues efforts to put in place the policies and practices necessary to develop a police service that is effective, accountable, and non-partisan, and acts with due respect for human rights, as per article 147 of the Constitution.

Finally, I must also recognize the efforts of the United Nations police. Under the leadership of Police Commissioner Luís Carrilho and Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General Takahisa Kawakami, they have performed admirably in collaboration with their PNTL colleagues to maintain security in Lautém and to support the PNTL in their preparations for today's resumption of responsibilities. The UN's work in maintaining security has of course been strengthened by the important collaboration with, and backup from, the ISF.

Today's event is reflective of larger changes in Timor-Leste. Now that stability has been restored, Timor-Leste is at the point where it is fully concerned with the measures needed to sustain that stability, through deepening democracy and the rule of law and through strengthening institutions. In order for this hard-won stability to be guaranteed long into the future, the challenge of building effective and resilient institutions will require just as much concerted effort as the past two-and-a-half years.

In the case of this particular transition, success will depend greatly on the commitment of PNTL to live up to their oath of service – to strictly abide by the rule of law, to ensure the democratic order, and to serve in an impartial manner. In part, strengthening institutions is about ensuring that proper procedures, laws and regulations are put into place. Much more important, however, is commitment – commitment to democratic values, commitment to serve the community, commitment to protecting human rights. It is commitment to these values and principles that will ultimately ensure the long-term health of the police service.

In this regard, I would like to express my satisfaction with the action initiated by the authorities of Timor-Leste against non-certified PNTL officers, and I fully expect that continued firm action, in accordance with applicable laws and procedures, will play an important role in ensuring the overall integrity of the institution and public confidence in the PNTL.

Today is possible because of the strong partnership between the United Nations and Timor-Leste. The entire resumption process is jointly owned and implemented. The criteria that determine the readiness of each district and unit are mutually-agreed. The teams which assess the districts and units consist of both UNMIT and Government appointed members. And this partnership will continue even after the PNTL resume responsibilities for a particular district or unit. Their UN police colleagues will remain to support, provide advice and monitor the PNTL – including in the area of human rights protection – as part of our ongoing commitment to the development of the institution.

PNTL professionalization and development is a long-term effort that must be approached carefully. That is why resumption of policing responsibilities is a gradual process, determined by achievement of criteria rather than driven by an artificial calendar. As we all know, the resumption process does not mean that the PNTL have achieved perfection as a police service or have no need for further institutional strengthening efforts. No service anywhere in the world is perfect. Rather, achievement of the benchmarks are one further step in the PNTL's development, an indicator that the PNTL now is ready to continue learning by doing things for themselves.

A person learning to drive cannot only read manuals and watch other drivers. One day she has to take the wheel herself to further develop her skills. So today in Lautém, PNTL are taking the wheel and, as I mentioned, the UN police will be there beside them to offer continuing support. The road to developing a resilient democracy is long, but I am confident that we are on the right path. Today let us celebrate an important milestone along that road.


PNTL kaer filafali responsabilidade iha distritu Lautém

Lospalos (Timor-Leste), 14 Maiu 2009 - Ohin iha distritu Lautém Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste nian (PNTL) hahú kaer filafali responsabilidade primária polisiamentu nian iha distritu dahuluk dezde Konsellu Seguransa estabelese UNMIT iha 25 Agostu 2006, ho serimónia ida ne'ebé Primeiru-Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál nian, Dr Atul Khare, maka lidera.

Serimónia ne'e hetan partisipasaun husi Ministru Edukasaun nian João Câncio Freitas, Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa nian Francisco Guterres, Sekretáriu Estadu Defeza nian Júlio Tomás Pinto, Sekretáriu Estadu Administrasaun Estatál nian Arcângelo Leite, Reprezentante Espesiál Adjuntu Sekretáriu-Jerál nian Takahisa Kawakami, Komisáriu UNPOL nian Luís Carrilho, Komandante-Jerál PNTL nian Longuinhos Monteiro, Komandante Adjuntu PNTL nian Afonso de Jesus, Embaixadór sira husi Austrália, Malázia, Portugál, Japaun (Prezidente husi Core Group) no Estadus Unidus no mós Reprezentante sira husi Indonézia no Uniaun Europeia.

"Ida-ne'e hanesan fó kréditu ba polísia nasionál iha distritu Lautém, ne'ebé sei kontinua haka'as an atu hadi'ak sira-nia kapasidade atu proteje povu husi distritu ida-ne'e", RESJ Khare hateten, bainhira nia ko'alia iha serimónia ne'e iha Lautém. "Ne'e mós fó kréditu ba povu Lautém nian ne'ebé koopera didi'ak ho polísia no autoridade seluseluk atu ajuda garante dame." RESJ Khare mós nota esforsu nafatin husi Governu "atu hala'o duni polítika no prátika hirak-ne'ebé presiza atu dezenvolve servisu polísia nian ne'ebé efikás, responsavel, no la hali'is ba partidu ida, no hala'o nia atividade ho respeitu loloos ba direitus umanus".

Bainhira ko'alia iha serimónia, Primeiru-Ministru Gusmão foka iha empeñu no kualidade profisionál sira husi polisia nasionál Timor-Leste nian. "Polísia ne'be komunidade tomak bele respeita", Primeiru-Ministru dehan. "Polísia ne'ebé respeita direitus umanus no polísia ne'ebé garante lei no orden ba sidadaun tomak".

Kaer filafali responsabilidade iha distritu Lautém ne'e akontese liutiha prosesu avaliasaun hamutuk ne'ebé Governu no Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste halo tiha ona. Avaliasaun ne'e bazeia ba kritériu sira ne'ebé konkorda hamutuk no relasiona ho integridade profisionál elementu polísia sira-nian, kapasidade operasionál no apoiu lojístiku.

Polísia Nasoins Unidas sei kontinua nafatin iha distritu Lautém ho númeru elementu UNPOL hanesan liutiha fó fali responsabilidade ba PNTL, atu monitoriza no fó konsellu ba polísia Timor-Leste nian. Iha elementu PNTL hamutuk na'in-149 iha Lautém, no UNPOL na'in-24.

"Eventu ohin ne'e haleno mudansa boot oioin ne'ebé akontese daudaun iha Timor-Leste", RESJ Khare hateten. "Agora estabilidade restaura tiha ona, Timor-Leste to'o iha pontu ida ne'ebé preokupasaun maka medidas ne'ebé presiza atu mantein estabilidade ne'e, liuhosi hametin demokrasia no Estadu Direitu nian no liuhosi haberan instituisaun sira".

Hodi subliña importánsia husi kompromisu ba valór demokrátiku sira, atu serbí komunidade no atu proteje direitus umanus, RESJ Khare fó-sai katak nia "haksolok ho asaun husi autoridade sira Timor-Leste nian kontra elementu PNTL sira ne'ebé la sertifikadu". Haree ba prosesu kaer filafali responsabilidade ne'ebé sei kontinua iha distritu sira, RESJ Khare dehan katak nia espera katak "asaun firme nafatin, konforme lei no prosedimentu hirak-ne'ebé aplikavel, sei iha papél importante hodi garante integridade globál instituisaun nian no povu nia fiar ba PNTL".

RESJ Khare deskreve primeiru pasu hodi kaer filafali responsabilidade polisiamentu iha distritu dahuluk ne'e nu'udar "marku importante ida iha dalan atu dezenvolve demokrasia reziliente ida", no nia hateten mós katak kaer filafali responsabilidade iha distritu 12 seluseluk ne'e prosesu graduál ida ne'ebé sei determina konforme PNTL iha distritu ida-idak konsege alkansa tiha kritériu sira ne'ebé konkorda hamutuk tiha ona.

Informasaun kompletu bele kontaktu Kieran Dwyer iha +670 723 0312 no Ivo dos Santos iha +670 731 1782

Testu Kompletu husi Diskursu Reprezentante Jerál Sekretáriu-Jerál nian iha Timor-Leste, Dr. Atul Khare kona-ba PNTL kaer filafali responsabilidade polisiamentu iha distritu Lautém

14 Maiu 2009- Ohin, ita halibur atu hahú prosesu asumi filafali responsabilidade sira prinsial hodi hala'o operasaun sira polísia nian hosi Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Distritu Lautém. Nu'udar prazer boot ida atu partilla loron ida-ne'e ho imi. Buat ne'e sai nu'udar kréditu ida ba PNTL Lautém nian, ne'ebé ha'u fiar, sei kontinua hala'o esforsu sira atu hadi'a sira-nia abilidade hodi serbii povu distritu ida-ne'e, liuhosi orientasaun sira-nia Komandante-Jerál Longuinhos Monteiro nian.

Uluk nanain, ha'u tenke kongratula ofisiál sira PNTL Lautém nian. Imi-nia atuasaun to'o pontu ida-ne'e halo tiha ona imi sai modelu ida ba parte seluk rai ne'e nian. Hosi ne'e ba oin, imi sei hatudu ezemplu, imi sei hatudu ba iha parte seluk rai ne'e nian imi-nia kompromisu ba iha dezenvolvimentu ne'ebé kontínuu PNTL nian , ninia profesionalizmu no ninia integridade. Ha'u dezeja susesu boot ba imi bainhira imi hala'o imi-nia knaar sira liuhosi komandu diretu Komandante-Jerál Longuinhos Monteiro nian, no hanesan sempre, ho asisténsia no apoiu Komisáriu UNPOL Luís Carilho nian.

Nu'udar kréditu ida ba povu Lautém nian ne'ebé koopera tiha ona ho didi'ak loos ho polísia no autoridade sira seluk hodi ajuda garante pás. Buat ne'e mós sai nu'udar kréditu ba Governu, ne'ebé liuhosi lideransa Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão nian no Sekretáriu Estadu ba Seguransa Francisco Guterres, kontinua hala'o esforsu sira atu hamosu polítika sira no prátika sira ne'ebé nesesáriu hodi dezenvolve servisu polísia ida-ne'ebé efikas, responsavel, apartidária, no atua tuir respeitu ba direitus umanus, tuir artigu 147 Konstituisaun nian.

Finalmenete, ha'u tenke mós rekoñese esforsu sira polísia Nasoins Unidas nian. Liuhosi lideransa Komisáriu Polísia Luís Carrilho no Vise Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál , sira atua tiha ona admiravelmente ho kolaborasaun ho sira-nia kolega PNTL nian atu mantein seguransa iha Lautém no atu apoia PNTL iha sira-nia preparasaun sira ba asumi filafali responsabilidade loron ohin nian. Serbisu ONU nian atu mantein seguransa konserteza haforsa tiha ona hosi kolaborasaun hamutuk no tulun hosi Forsa Estabelizasaun Internasionál (ISF).

Eventu loron ohin nian ne'e refleta ba mudansa sira boot iha Timor-Leste. Tanba estabilidade restaura tiha ona, Timor-Leste to'o tiha iha pontu
ida- ne'ebé Timor-Leste preokupa ho medida sira ne'ebé presiza atu sustenta estabilidade ne'e, liuhosi haklean demokrasia no estadu direitu no liuhosi haforsa instituisaun sira. Atu estabilidade ne'ebé hetan ho esforsu maka'as ne'e garantidu kaleur iha futuru, dezafiu atu harii instituisaun sira ne'ebé efikas no reziliente sei ezije esforsu sira konsertadu maka'as hanesan tinan rua ho balun liubá.

Iha kazu tranzisaun partikulár ida-ne'e, susesu sei depende maka'as ba iha kompromisu PNTL nian atu hala'o tuir juramentu serbisu—atu kumpri fortemente estadu direitu, garante orden, no atu serbii iha maneira ida-ne'ebé imparsiál. Iha parte ida, haforsa instituisaun sira maka kona-ba: garante katak prosedimentu sira ne'ebé própriu, lei sira no regulamentu sira-ne'e estabelese. Maibé, importante liután maka kompromisu—kompromisu ba valór sira demokrátiku nian, kompromisu atu serbii komunidade, kompromisu atu proteje direitus umanus. Ne'e nu'udar kompromisu ba valór sira no prinsípiu sira-ne'e maka sei, ikusmai, garante sáude servisu polísia nian iha tempu naruk.

Kona-ba ida-ne'e, ha'u hakarak atu hato'o ha'u-nia haksolok ho asaun ne'ebé inisia hosi autoridade sira Timor-Leste nian kontra ofisiál sira PNTL nian ne'ebé la sertifika, no há'u hein ho laran tomak katak asaun firme ne'ebé kontínuu, tuir lei aplikavel no prosedimentu sira, sei iha knaar importante atu garante integridade tomak instituisaun ne'e nian no konfiansa públiku ba iha PNTL.

Ohin sai posivel tanba parseria maka'as entre Nasoins Unidas nian ho Timor-Leste. Prosesu asumi filafali responsabilidade tomak ne'e pertense no implementa hamutuk. Kritéria ne'ebé determina prontidaun kada distritu no unidade nian ne'e konkorda mutualmente. Ekipa ne'ebé avalia distritu no unidade sira komposta hosi membru sira nomeadu UNMIT no Governu nian. No parseria ida-ne'e sei kontinua maske depois PNTL asumi filafali ona responsabilidade sira ba distritu ka unidade partikulár ida. Sira-nia kolega sira Polísia ONU nian sei kontinua atu apoia, fornese konsellu no monitoriza PNTL—inklui iha área protesaun direitus umanus – nu'udar parte ami-nia kompromisu ne'ebé kontínuu ba dezenvolvimentu instituisaun ne'e nian.

Profesionalizasaun no dezenvolvimetu PNTL nian sai nu'udar esforsu longu prazu nian ida-ne'ebé tenke aprosima ho kuidadu. Tanba ne'e maka asumi filafali responsabilidade sira polisiamentu ne'e sai nu'udar prosesu graduál ida, ne'ebé determina hosi progresu kritéria duké orienta hosi kalendáriu artifisiál ida. Hanesan ita hatene, prosesu asumi filafali responsabilidade la signifika katak PNTL alkansa tiha ona perfeitu hanesan servisu polísia ida ka laiha nesesidade atu hala'o esforsu sira institusionál liután. Laiha servisu ida iha mundu ne'e maka perfeitu. Maibé, progresu marku referénsia sai nu'udar pasu ida liután iha dezenvolvimentu PNTL nian, indikadór ida katak PNTL oras ne'e prontu atu kontinua aprende liuhosi hala'o servisu ba sira an rasik.

Ema ida-ne'ebé aprende atu kaer karreta labele lee de'it manuál sira no hateke de'it kondutór sira seluk. Loron ida nia tenke kaer volante rasik atu dezenvolve liután ninia téknika sira . Tanba ne'e ohin iha Lautém, PNTL kaer daudaun volante no, hanesan ha'u mensiona, Polísia ONU nian sei iha ne'e iha sira-nia sorin atu oferese apoiu ne'ebé kontínuu. Dalan atu dezenvolve demokrasia ida-ne'ebé reziliente ne'e naruk, maibé ha'u iha konfiansa katak ita la'o iha dalan loos. Ohin mai ita selebra marku miliáriu ida ne'e iha dalan ne'e.
