The UN Family in Timor-Leste Marks World Humanitarian Day
Dili, 19 August 2010 - Today is the second World Humanitarian Day, the day the United Nations General Assembly has designated in tribute to humanitarian workers and the work they do.
The day also serves to honour and commemorate those aid workers who have been killed or injured in the course of their work.
Humanitarian aid workers strive to ensure that all who experienced a traumatic event and need life-saving assistance receive it, regardless of where they are in the world, and regardless of their religious or social group or nationality.
On this date six years ago, the United Nations Office in Iraq was bombed and 22 people lost their lives. As the people of Timor-Leste know, the UN Special Representative Sergio Vieira de Mello, former SRSG in Timor-Leste, was among those who died in Baghdad on that tragic day.
While World Humanitarian Day has its origins in the events of 19 August 2003 in Iraq, we do well to remember that many other humanitarian workers lost their lives before and since that date. In 2009, a total of 102 humanitarian workers lost their lives while helping others. The most recent large scale loss occurred as a result of the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Timor-Leste this year moved beyond the need of major humanitarian assistance thanks to the concerted efforts of Government, UN, international and national partners. Whilst continuing to strengthen its capacity to deal with disasters, it can now focus most of its energies on long-term development.
Just as we in the UN family remember colleagues, partners who have given their lives in the service of humanitarian aid, Timor-Leste, with its own unique experience of humanitarian crisis, remains sensitive and responsive to the plight of victims worldwide.
Família ONU nian iha Timor-Leste selebra Loron Umanitária Mundiál
Dili, Loron 19 fulan-Agostu 2010 – Ohin nu'udar loron daruak ba Loron Umanitária Mundiál, loron ne'ebé Asembleia Jerál Nasoins Unidas determina ona atu fó tributu ba serbisu na'in umanitária sira no serbisu ne'ebé sira hala'o. Loron ne'e mós serve atu fó onra no komemora serbisu na'in sira ne'ebé fó ajuda, ne'ebé ema oho ka hetan kanek durante hala'o sira-nia serbisu.
Serbisu na'in ajuda umanitária nian sira halo esforsu atu asegura katak ema hotu-hotu ne'ebe hetan esperiénsia ona iha eventu traumátiku ida no presiza tulun salvasaun moris nian simu buat ne'e, la haree ba sira hela iha ne'ebé iha mundu ne'e, no la haree ba sira-nia relijiaun ka grupu sosiál ka nasionalidade.
Iha data ohin husi tinan neen nian liubá, Eskritóriu ONU nian iha Irake hetan atake ho bomba no ema na'in-22 lakon sira-nia vida. Hanesan povu Timoroan hatene, katak Reprezentante Espesiál ONU nian Sergio Vieira de Mello, antigu RESJ iha Timor-Leste, maka entre sira ne'ebé mate iha Bagdade iha loron trájiku ne'e.
Embora Loron Umanitária Mundiál nian hahú iha ninia orijen sira iha eventu loron 19 fulan-Agostu 2003 iha Irake, ita halo di'ak hodi hanoin katak serbisu na'in umanitária sira seluk lakon sira-nia vida antes no dezde data ne'e. Iha tinan 2009, serbisu na'in umanitária sira hamutuk na'in 102 maka lakon sira-nia vida bainhira fó tulun ba ema seluk. Eskala boot kona-ba ema mate foin daudauk ne'e nian akontese tanba rezultadu husi rai-nakdoko iha Haiti iha fulan-Janeiru 2010.
Timor-Leste iha tinan ida-ne'e hakat liu nesesidade asisténsia boot umanitária nian tanba esforsu hamutuk sira husi Governu, ONU, parseiru nasionál no internasionál sira. Apezarde kontinua reforsa ninia kapasidade hodi tulun dezastre sira, oras ne'e Timor-Leste bele foka liu ona ninia enerjia ba dezenvolvimentu prazu naruk nian.
Bainhira ita nu'udar família ONU nian hanoin maluk sira, parseiru sira-ne'ebé fó sira-nia vida ba servisu asisténsia umanitária, Timor-Leste, ho ninia esperiénsia úniku iha krize umanitária, kontinua sai sensivel no responsivu ba sofrimentu vítima sira nian iha mundu tomak.