20 Jun
UN provides election materials to support the 2012 parliamentary election in Timor-Leste
Dili, 19 June 2012 - The Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Timor-Leste, Finn Reske-Nielsen, hands over election materials to the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) ahead of the 2012 parliamentary election.
The election materials consist of 5,000 bottles of indelible ink, 2,000 T-shirts for the National Observers, 2,000 vests for the International Observers, 2,000 vests for polling staff, voter education posters and billboards.
"STAE together with the UN have one single objective, to deliver transparent and impartial elections," said the Director-General of STAE Tomas Cabral. "I believe that the elections in Timor-Leste can be an example for other Asian countries."
The election materials were procured by the UN as part of the long-term institutional support and technical assistance provided to Timor-Leste's electoral management bodies.
"The UN is committed to supporting the electoral process in Timor-Leste," said Finn Reske-Nielsen. "I am fully confident that under the able leadership of STAE, and with the support of stakeholders, these parliamentary elections will be fair, peaceful and successful."
Logistical and operational support is provided by the UN through a joint UNMIT and UNDP team, with funding from Japan, Sweden, Norway and Ireland.
For more information, please contact:
Carlos Araujo
UNMIT Spokesperson
Email: araujoc@un.org
Tel: +670 731 1513
Louise Stoddard
UNDP Media Officer
Email: louise.stoddard@undp.org
Tel: +670 732 7211
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ONU fornese materiál sira eleisaun nian hodi apoia eleisaun parlamentár 2012 nian iha Timor-Leste
Dili, 19 Juñu 2012 - Reprezentante Espesiál Interinu Sekretáriu-Jerál ONU nian ba Timor-Leste, Finn Reske-Nielsen, entrega materiál sira eleisaun nian ba Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) molok eleisaun parlamentár 2012 nian.
Materiál eleisaun nian hirak-ne'e kompostu husi tinta ne'ebé la bele hamoos botir 5.000, kamizola 2.000 ba Observadór Nasionál, kolete 2.000 ba Observadór Internasionál, kolete 2.000 ba ofisiál eleisaun nian, poster ba edukasaun votante no kuadru anúnsiu nian.
"STAE hamutuk ho ONU iha objetivu ida de'it, atu hala'o duni eleisaun ne'ebé transparente no imparsiál", Diretór-Jerál STAE, Tomás Cabral hateten. "Ha'u fiar katak eleisaun sira iha Timor-Leste bele sai nu'udar ezemplu ida ba Nasaun seluseluk iha Ázia."
Materiál eleisaun nian hirak-ne'e prodús husi ONU nu'udar parte husi apoiu institusionál no asisténsia téknika tempu naruk nian ne'ebé fornese ba órgaun jestaun eleitorál Timor-Leste nian.
"ONU iha kompromisu atu apoia prosesu eleitorál iha Timor-Leste," Finn Reske-Nielsen hateten. ""Ha'u laran-metin tebes katak ho lideransa di'ak STAE nian, no mós ho apoiu husi parte interesada sira, eleisaun parlamentár ne'e sei sai justu, pasífiku no susesu."
Apoiu lojístiku no operasionál nian fornese husi ONU liuhosi ekipa konjunta husi UNMIT no PNUD, ho fundus hudi Japaun, Suésia, Noruega no Irlanda.
Atu hetan informasaun tan, favór kontakta:
Carlos Araújo
Portavós UNMIT nian
Email: araujoc@un.org
Tel: +670 731 1513
Louise Stoddard
Responsavel PNUD nian ba Mídia
Email: louise.stoddard@undp.org
Tel: +670 732 7211\