UN study shows community leaders are the most trusted source of information in Timor-Leste
Dili, 11 October 2011 – A United Nations study shows that although access to radio, television and newspapers has increased throughout Timor-Leste, community leaders are still the most trusted source of public information.
The study was commissioned by the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) to help the United Nations, Government of Timor-Leste and non-governmental organizations design more effective communication strategies and provide up-to-date information on the Timorese people's access to information.
The study was conducted by INSIGHT, a Timorese research agency. INSIGHT interviewed 2,500 people 15 years of age or older throughout the country, between May and June 2010. The study builds on similar research conducted in 2006 by the media NGO Hirondelle Foundation.
Here are some of the study's key findings:
· Radio still has the highest reach of any communication medium.
· Community leaders are the most accessed and most trusted sources of information.
· Mobile phone penetration is increasing. Mobile phones are present in 61% of households in Timor-Leste.
· 16% of the population still has no access to any form of media (radio, television, newspapers, internet or mobile
phones). This group obtains information about issues of concern from traditional leaders and by word of mouth.
· The majority of people prefer the use of Tetum in the media.
· There are significant regional variations in reach of media - with remote districts such as Oecusse having less access.
To view the study, visit UNMIT's website at: www.unmit.unmissions.org
For more information contact:
Carlos Arujo, UNMIT Spokesperson
araujoc@un.org, +670 731-1513.
Stephen Malloch UNMIT Outreach Coordinator
malloch@un.org, +670 7230759.
Estudu Nasoins Unidas nian hatudu katak lider komunitária sira nu'udar fonte informasaun ne'ebé ema fiar liu hotu iha Timor-Leste
Dili, Loron-11 fulan-Outubru tinan-2011 – Estudu ida Nasoins Unidas nian hatudu katak maski asesu ba rádiu, televizaun no jornál aumenta ona iha Timor-Leste laran tomak, lider komunitária sira nafatin sai fonte informasaun públika ne'ebé ema fiar liu hotu.
Estudu ne'e organiza husi Nasoins Unidas nia Misaun Integrada iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) hodi ajuda Nasoins Unidas, Governu Timor-Leste no organizasaun sira naun-governamentál atu dezeña estratéjia sira komunikasaun nian ne'ebé efikás liu no hodi fó informasaun atuál kona-ba povu Timoroan nia asesu ba informasaun.
Estudu ne'e hala'o husi INSIGHT, Ajénsia Peskiza ida Timor-Leste nian. INSIGHT fó entrevista ba ema na'in-2.500 ho otas tinan 15 ka liu iha nasaun laran tomak, entre fulan-Maiu no Juñu tinan-2010. Estudu ne'e hatutan peskiza oin-hanesan ne'ebé hala'o iha tinan-2006 husi ONG mídia nian, Hirondelle Foundation.
Iha-ne'e mak rezultadu xave balu husi estudu ne'e:
· Rádiu nafatin iha alkanse aas liu hotu kompara ho kualkér meiu komunikasaun.
· Lider Komunitária sira nu'udar fonte informasaun ne'ebé ema asede no fiar liu hotu.
· Utilizasaun telefone movel aumenta daudaun. Totál umakain 61% iha Timor-Leste mak uza telefone movel.
· Totál populasaun 16% mak sei la hetan asesu ba kualkér forma mídia (rádiu, televizaun, jornál, internet ka telefone
movel). Grupu ida-ne'e hetan informasaun kona-ba kestaun preokupasaun sira husi lider tradisionál sira no husi ema
seluk nia ibun.
· Povu maioria prefere uzu lian Tetun iha mídia.
· Iha diferensa signifikativa rejionál kona-ba alkanse mídia – ho distritu remotu sira hanesan Oekusi hetan asesu
Atu haree estudu ne'e, vizita UNMIT nia website iha: www.unmit.unmissions.org
Karik hakarak informasaun liután, favór kontakta:
Carlos Araujo, UNMIT nia Portavós
araujoc@un.org, 73115131
Stephen Malloch,
malloch@un.org, 7230759