UNFPA and ICM Joint Message on International Day of the Midwife

6 May 2010

UNFPA and ICM Joint Message on International Day of the Midwife

International Day of the Midwife, 5 May 2010 - Joint message of Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director of UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, and Agneta S. Bridges, Secretary-General, ICM, the International Confederation of Midwives.

"The World Needs Midwives Now More than Ever"

Each year, hundreds of thousands of women die and three million newborns do not survive the first week of life because they lack access to maternity health services and skilled midwifery care. For every tragic maternal death, another 20 women face serious or long-lasting illness or disabilities such as obstetric fistula.
On the International Day of the Midwife, the International Confederation of Midwives and UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, are calling on the governments of the world to urgently address the shortage of 350,000 midwives worldwide. UNFPA's Thoraya Obaid said: "No woman should die trying to give life. Increased investment is needed to provide midwifery skills and life saving services and to make midwives a priority within health programmes, policies and budgets."
The ICM's Agneta Bridges said: "Skilled midwives are urgently needed in many communities that are hard-to-reach, have insufficient midwives or are affected by conflict."
The UNFPA and ICM point out that midwives can prevent up to 90 per cent of maternal deaths where they are authorized to practice their competencies and play a full role during pregnancy, childbirth and after birth. They have a critical role in providing family planning, counselling, and preventing HIV transmission from mother to child.
As the world gears up for the 10-year review of the Millennium Development Goals, both organizations will be campaigning to increase funding for goals 4, 5 and 6 to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health and combat HIV and AIDS.
We look forward to the high-level Midwifery Symposium from 5 to 6 June in Washington, D.C., immediately preceding the Women Deliver Conference. The symposium aims to raise awareness around the core role of midwifery services in achieving MDGs 4, 5 and 6; address challenges in global standards on education and regulation of midwives; and strengthen midwifery services.
On the International Day of the Midwife, the ICM and UNFPA confirm our commitment to work together to improve the education, regulation, status and working conditions of midwives in communities. We do so in celebration of quality midwifery worldwide and in recognition that the world needs midwives now more than ever to protect the lives of women and babies.
Mensajen konjuntu husi Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Diretór Ezekutivu UNFPA nian, Fundu Nasoins Unidas nian ba Populasaun, no Agneta S. Bridges, Sekretáriu Jerál, ICM, Konfederasaun Internasionál ba Parteira

Loron Mundiál Parteira nian, 5 Maiu 2010

"Agora Mundu Presiza Parteira Liu Fali Uluk"

Kada tinan, feto rihun atus tomak mak mate no bebé millaun tolu mak moris mai la aguenta moris iha semana dahuluk nia laran tanba sira falta asesu ba asisténsia saúde maternidade no kuidadu saúde husi parteira sira ne'ebé kualifikadu. Ba kada inan mak mate trájiku, feto nain 20 seluk tan mós sofre moras ka defisiénsia ba tempu naruk mak hanesan Fistula Obstétrika.
Iha loron Mundiál Parteira nian ne'e, Konfederasaun Internasionál ba Parteira no UNFPA, Fundu Nasoins Unidas nian ba Populasaun, husu ba governu hotu-hotu iha mundu tomak atu urjentemente tau matan ba númeru parteira ne'ebé la sufisiente iha mundu ne'ebé hamutuk nain 350,000. Diretór Ezekutivu UNFPA nian Thoraya Obaid hateten: "Labele iha feto ida mak mate bainhira koko atu hahoris. Presiza aumenta investimentu atu fó koñesimentu obstétrika nian no servisu salva moris nian no atu hatuur parteira sira sai prioridade ida iha programa saúde nian, polítika no orsamentu sira."
Sekretáriu Jerál ICM nian Agneta Bridges hateten: "Parteira sira mak iha koñesimentu agora daudauk presiza urjentemente ba komunidade barak iha área remota, ho númeru parteira mak la sufisiente ka afeta husi konflitu."
UNFPA no ICM hateten katak parteira sira bele prevene mortalidade inan nian to'o porsentu 90 bainhira sira hetan autorizasaun atu pratika sira-nia kompeténsia no hala'o sira-nia knaar tomak durante isin rua, bainhira hahoris no hafoin hahoris. Parteira sira iha knaar importante atu halo fornesimentu ba planeamentu familiar nian, akonsellamentu no halo prevensaun ba transmission HIV husi inan ba labarik.
Hanesan agora daudauk mundu komesa prepara an atu halo revizaun ba tinan 10 Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu nian (MDG), organizasaun rua-ne'e sei halo kampaña hodi hasa'e fundu ba Objetivu 4, 5 no 6 hodi hatún mortalidade labarik nian, hasa'e saúde inan nian no kombate HIV no AIDS.
Ami hein Simpóziu Obstétrika altu nivel ne'ebé sei hala'o husi loron 5 to'o 6 fulan juñu iha Washington, D.C., depois komesa kedan ho Konferénsia Partus Feto nian. Simpóziu ne'e ho ninia objetivu atu hasa'e sensibilidade kona-ba knaar hirak hamutuk iha servisu obstétrika nian hodi atinje MDG sira hanesan 4, 5 no 6; atu taumatan ba dezafiu sira ho padraun globál kona-ba edukasaun no regulamentu ba parteira sira; no hametin servisu obstétrika nian.
Iha loron Mundiál ba Parteira nian, ICM no UNFPA fó-sai ami-nia kompromisu atu servisu hamutuk hodi hadi'ak edukasaun, regulamentu, estatutu no kondisaun servisu parteira sira nian iha komunidade. Ami mós halo selebrasaun ba kualidade obstétrika mundu tomak no nu'udar rékoñesimentu ida katak agora mundu presiza parteira sira liu fali uluk hodi próteze feto no bebé sira-nia moris.