UNMIT Press Release:

26 Apr 2012

UNMIT Press Release:

UN Secretary-General appoints Ameerah Haq to head Department of Field Support in New York

Dili, 26 April 2012 –
The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon selects Ameerah Haq, the head of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT), as Under-Secretary-General for the UN's Department of Field Support which services all peacekeeping and political missions.

Ameerah Haq, a citizen of Bangladesh, joined UNMIT as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) in 2009. Ms Haq will depart Timor-Leste on 9 June 2012 to take up the new appointment.
"I am honoured to have this responsibility bestowed upon me by the Secretary-General," said Ms Haq. "Of course, I am very sad to be leaving this beautiful country. But the recent presidential elections showed me the strength of Timorese institutions; the electoral management bodies and the national police in particular did an outstanding job in managing and conducting the elections. I am confident that Timor-Leste has a great future ahead."
Ms Haq previously held the positions of Deputy SRSG, as well as UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator, in Sudan and before that in Afghanistan.
Ameerah Haq has worked for the United Nations for the past thirty seven years, holding senior positions both at headquarters and in field missions. She brings to her new position extensive management and operational experience, supporting complex missions, including crisis management and transition activities.
For more information, please contact:
Carlos Araujo
UNMIT Spokesperson
Telephone: +670 731 1513
Ivo dos Santos Cancio
UNMIT National Spokesperson
Phone: +670 731 1537
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Komunikadu Imprensa UNMIT:
Sekretáriu-Jerál nomeia Ameerah Haq atu xefia Departamentu Apoiu ba Misaun iha Terrenu iha Novaiorke
Dili, 26 Abril 2012 – Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas, Ban Ki-moon hili Ameerah Haq, xefe Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste, hanesan Sub-Sekretáriu-Jerál ba ONU nia Departamentu ba Apoiu Misaun iha Terrenu ne'ebé tau-matan ba misaun manutensaun no polítika sira hotu.
Ameerah Haq, sidadaun Bangladexe nian ida, ne'ebé tama iha UNMIT hanesan Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál (RESJ) iha tinan 2009. Señora Haq sei la'o hela Timor-Leste iha loron 9, fulan-Juñu 2012 atu simu nomeasaun foun.
"Ha'u onradu atu hetan responsabilidade ne'ebé tula mai ha'u hosi Sekretáriu-Jerál," Señora Haq hatete. "Konserteza, ha'u laran-susar tebes atu la'o hela rai-murak ida-ne'e. Maibé eleisaun prezidensiál sira foin lalais ne'e nian hatudu mai ha'u kbiit instituisaun sira Timor-Leste nian; orgaun jestaun eleitorál sira no polísia nasionál partikularmente hala'o servisu ida-ne'ebé prominente hodi jere no hala'o eleisaun. Ha'u iha konfiansa katak Timor-Leste sei iha futuru ida-ne'ebé furak tuirmai."
Señora Haq antes ne'e kaer pozisaun nu'udar RESJ Adjuntu, no mós Koordenadora Rezidente ONU no Koordenadora Umanitária iha Sudaun no molok ne'e iha Afagenistaun.
Ameerah Haq serbisu tiha ona ba Nasoins Unidas durante tinan tolunulu resin hitu liubá, hodi kaer pozisaun senior sira tantu iha sede-jerál no iha misaun sira iha terrenu. Nia lori esperiensia operasionál no jestaun nian ne'ebé estensivu ba nia pozisaun foun, hodi apoia misaun sira ne'ebé kompleksu, inklui jestaun krize no atividade sira tranzisaun nian.
Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór kontakta:
Carlos Araujo
Portavós UNMIT
Telefone: +670 731 1513
Ivo dos Santos Cancio
Portavós Nasionál UNMIT
Telefone: +670 731 1537