UNMIT Press Release: UN delegation to assess the need for UN support post-2012

27 Jan 2012

UNMIT Press Release: UN delegation to assess the need for UN support post-2012

Dili, 26 January 2012 —
A United Nations delegation arrived today in Timor-Leste to learn more about the situation in the country and the support that Timor-Leste would like to receive from the UN after the proposed withdrawal of UNMIT in December 2012. The visit is in line with the Joint Transition Plan signed by President José Ramos-Horta, Prime Minster Xanana Gusmão, and UN Special Representative Ameerah Haq.

The delegation's assessment will contribute to the planning of UNMIT's withdrawal by the end of 2012, and future UN support for Timor-Leste. The delegation will be in Timor-Leste from 26 January to 2 February. It will meet representatives of the Government, political parties, embassies, civil society, and Timor-Leste's media.
The UN delegation members are:
Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber - Director of the Asia and Middle East Division,
UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Tamrat Samuel - Director of the Asia and the Pacific Division,
UN Department of Political Affairs
Onder Yucer - Former Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative,
UN Development Group
Toby Lanzer - Chief of Staff,
Ajay Kashyap - Chief of the Police Division Mission Management and Support Section,
UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations
For more information, please contact:
Carlos Araujo
UNMIT Spokesperson
Tel: +670 731 1513
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Komunikadu Imprensa UNMIT
ONU nia Delegasaun sei halo avaliasaun ba nesesidade apoiu ONU nian iha pós-2012
Dili, 26 Janeiru 2012 Bazeia ba Planu Konjuntu kona-ba Tranzisaun ne'ebé hetan asinatura husi Prezidente José Ramos-Horta, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão, no ONU nia Reprezentante Espesiál Ameerah Haq, Nasoins Unidas nia delegasaun ida to'o iha Timor-Leste ohin atu hatene kle'an liután kona-ba situasaun iha nasaun laran no apoiu hirak-ne'ebé Timor-Leste sei presiza husi ONU depoizde UNMIT propoin atu dada an husi Timor-Leste iha Dezembru 2012.
Delegasaun ne'e nia avaliasaun sei kontribui ba planeamentu UNMIT nian atu husik hela Timor-Leste iha tinan 2012 nia rohan, no mós apoiu ONU nian ba Timor-Leste iha futuru. Delegasaun ne'e sei hela iha Timor-Leste husi 26 Janeiru to'o 02 Fevereiru. Delegasaun ne'ebé refere sei hasoru malu ho reprezentante sira husi Governu, partidu polítiku, embaixada, sosiedade sivíl no mídia Timor-Leste nian.
Membru sira delegasaun ONU nian ne'e kompostu husi:
Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber – Diretór Divizaun Ázia no Médiu Oriente,
ONU nia Departamentu ba Operasaun Manutensaun Pás
Tamrat Samuel – Diretór Divizaun Ázia no Pasífiku,
ONU nia Departamentu Asuntu Polítiku
Onder Yucer – Eis Koordenadór Rezidente no Reprezentante Rezidente PNUD nian,
ONU nia Grupu Dezenvolvimentu
Toby Lanzer – Xefe Gabinete,
Ajay Kashyap – Xefe Seksaun Jestaun Misaun no Apoiu, husi Divizaun Polisia nian,
ONU nia Departamentu Operasaun Manutensaun Pás
Informasaun klaru liután, favór kontakta:
Carlos Araujo
Portavós UNMIT
Tel: +670 731 1513