Fulfilling the Right to Food key to creating stability in Timor-Leste

16 Dec 2008

Fulfilling the Right to Food key to creating stability in Timor-Leste

Dili, 16 December 2008
UNMIT's Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section today launched the thematic report on the Right to Food in Timor Leste.

The report examines all the various efforts made by the Government of Timor-Leste, members of the international community and civil society to help realize the right to food for all Timorese.

According to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the right to food is realised when every man, woman and child has the physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.

According to UNMIT's Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section Chief, Louis Gentile, "When most people think of human rights, they think of civil or political rights. What they don't realise is that the right to food is a basic human right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is also one of the key pillars for a sustainable nation.

The right to food in this sense does not mean an entitlement to food- what it means it that every person has the right to have access to the means necessary to provide for themselves and their families."

The report highlights the challenges facing Timor-Leste in its quest to ensure that adequate food is available and accessible and properly utilised by all Timorese citizens. Those challenges are in the areas of infrastructure, pre- and post-harvest handling, transportation, infrastructure to connect villages to local markets, and knowledge on nutrition.

As UN World Food Programme Representative Joan Fleuren explained, "Food security can only be reached when all the three main aspects of food security (availability, accessibility and nutrition) are adequately addressed."
The Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council on the right to food, Mr De Schutter said of the report:
"I am pleased to note that the Government of Timor-Leste in cooperation with the UN mission decided to devote part of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights to re-affirming their commitment to the realization of the right to food through the launch of this important thematic report."

Mr Gentile also welcomed the recent Government decision to propose an increase in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries budget for 2009 as well as making food security and rural development national priorities for 2009.

"If effective measures are made to compliment the Government's decisions, this would mean that Timor-Leste will be on its way to fulfilling the Right to Food for all its citizens, particularly for the most vulnerable." For more information contact Rosa Xavier, +670 723 0755.


Kompleta Direitu ba Ai-han prinsipál hodi kria estabilidade iha Timor Leste

Seksaun Direitus Umanus no Justisa Tranzisionál UNMIT, ohin loron hala'o lansamentu ba relatóriu temátika sobre Direitu ba Ai-han iha Timor Leste.

Relatóriu ne'e haree ba esforsu hotu-hotu ne'ebé hala'o husi Governu Timor Leste, membrus komunidade internasionál no sosiedade sivíl atu ajuda sensibiliza direitu kona-ba ai-han ba ema hotu iha Timor-Leste.

Tuir Komisaun ONU ba Komisaun Nasoins Unidas sobre Direitus Ekonomiku, Sosiál no Kultura, direitu ba ai-han bele sensibiliza bainhira mane, feto no labarik ida-idak iha ona direitu ba asesu fíziku no ekonomiku iha tempu tomak hodi hetan ai-han adekuadu ou kresimentu ba ninia proventus.

Tuir Xefe Seksaun Direitus Umanus no Justisa Tranzisionál UNMIT, Louis Gentile katak "Bainhira ema barak hanoin kona-ba direitus umanus, sira imediatamente hanoin kona-ba direitus sivíl ou polítika. Buat ne'ebé sira seidauk toma konxiénsia maka hanesan direitu ba ai-han nudar baziku direitu umanu ne'ebé hatuur tiha ona iha Deklarasaun Universál Direitus Umanus nian, no mós hanesan piláres importante ba sustentabilidade nasaun ida nian.

Direitu ba ai-han iha arti ida ne'e la siknifika perogativu ba ai-han – maibe siknifika katak ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu hetan asesu ba nesesiedade baziku nian ne'ebé atu fornese ba sira nia an rasik no sira nia família."

Relatóriu ne'e fó atensaun liu ba dezafiu hirak ne'ebé dezafia hela Timor Leste iha ninia ekspedisaun ne'ebé atu asegura katak ai-han hotu atu eziste, asesivel no utiliza própriu husi sidadaun hotu iha Timor Leste.

Laiha infraestrutura, koileta ne'ebé sufisiente, transportasaun no laiha estrada ne'ebé atu liga husi suco sira ba merkadu lokál sira, laiha kompetisaun entre prodútor sira lokál ninian, no mós laiha koñesimentu kona-ba nutrisaun sai hanesan dezafius ne'ebé tenke rezolve, se karik nasaun ne'e atu estabelese seguransa alimentasaun iha rai laran tomak.

Reprezentante Programa Ai-han Mundiál Joan Fleuren esplika katak, "Aspeitu tolu deit maka importante hanesan seguransa alimentasaun, ezisténsia, asesibilidade no nutrisaun presiza atu fó atensaun ho adekuadu, maka Timoroan hotu-hotu sei goza sira nia Direitu ba Ai-han."

Reporter Espesiál Konsellu Direitus Umanus ONU kona-ba direitu ba ai-han, Senhor De Schutter hatete iha ninia relatóriu:

"Hau sente kontenti hodi nota katak Governu Timor Leste ne'ebé iha koperasaun diak ho misaun ONU deside tiha ona atu dedika hodi hola parte iha selebrasaun Aniversáriu Deklarasaun Universal Direitus Umanus dala 60 nian, atu reafirma sira nia komitmentu hodi realiza direitu ba aihan liu husi lansamentu relatóriu temátika importante ida ne'e. Mr Gentile mós simu desizaun Governu nian foin lalais ne'e hodi propoin ba orsamentu Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas tinan 2009, no mós atu tau seguransa alimentasaun no dezenvolvimentu rurál sai prioridade ba tinan 2009. "Se karik atu hola meius efetivu ba komplementa desizaun Governu nian, ne'e siknifika katak Timor Leste iha ninia dalan ona atu kompleta Direitu ba Ai-han ba ninia sidadaun hotu, partikularmente ba ema hirak ne'ebé vulneravel tebes.

Atu hatene informasaun klean, favor kontaktu Rosa Xavier, iha +670 723 0755