UNFPA hands over vehicle to PRADET

17 Dec 2008

UNFPA hands over vehicle to PRADET

Dili, 17 December 2008 - The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will tomorrow hand over a vehicle to the national NGO, PRADET. UNFPA has assisted PRADET in its work in providing counselling and shelter to victims of gender-based violence since 2003. The purchase of this vehicle will allow for timely referral of clients to partner organizations in the support services network as well as ensuring that there is follow-up to the cases.

This is part of the activities supported by UNFPA in order to promote gender equality, one of the Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015.

UNFPA Timor-Leste is also developing in collaboration with other civil organizations a law against Domestic Violence, expected to be promulgated in 2009.

Journalists are invited to attend the handing over ceremony. Date: Thursday 18 December Time: 10:00 a.m. Venue: Fatin Hakmatek, Hospital Guido Valadares, Bidau.

For further information please contact Mr. Mariano Redondo – Tel: +670 734 6517


UNFPA entrega karreta ba PRADET

Dili, 17 Dezembru 2008 - Aban Fundu Populasaun Nasoins Unidas nian (UNFPA) sei entrega karreta ida ba ONG nasionál, PRADET. UNFPA tulun tiha ona PRADET iha ninia servisu hodi fornese orientasaun no abrigu ba vítima sira violénsia nian ne'ebé bazeia ba jéneru dezde tinan 2003. Kompra karreta ida-ne'e sei permiti atu iha referál ba kliente sira tuir oráriu ba organizasaun parseiru sira iha rede servisu sira apoiu nian no mós garante katak iha asaun tuirmai ne'ebé hala'o ba kazu sira mak iha. Buat ida-ne'e sai hanesan parte atividade sira-ne'ebé apoia hosi UNFPA atu promove igualdade jéneru, nu'udar Objetivu ida Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu nian, ne'ebé sei alkansa molok tinan 2015.

UNFPA Timor-Leste nian mós, ho kolaborasaun hamutuk ho organizasaun sivíl sira seluk, sei dezenvolve lei ida kontra Violénsia Doméstika, ne'ebé hein atu promulga iha tinan 2009.

Jornalista sira hetan konvite atu atende seremónia entrega karreta ne'e. Data: Kinta, loron 18, fulan-Dezembru Oras: Tuku 10:00 dadeer. Fatin: Fatin Hakmatek, Ospitál Guido Valadares, Bidau.

Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór kontaktu Sr. Mariano Redondo – Tel: +670 734 6517