Influenza “A” pandemic - United Nations assists the Government of Timor-Leste

4 May 2009

Influenza “A” pandemic - United Nations assists the Government of Timor-Leste

Dili, 1 May 2009 – Representatives of United Nations Country Team in Timor-Leste met today to review the situation on influenza "A" (H1N1) pandemic. Cases of human influenza A (H1N1) have been identified in countries throughout the world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reviewed the level of the influenza pandemic alert, and has raised the level from phase 4 to phase 5. This upgrading recognizes that there has been sustained human-to-human transmission of the influenza virus and that there is the risk of community level outbreaks. This indicates that the likelihood of a pandemic is increased, and is considered imminent. A pandemic occurs when there is worldwide, sustained transmission of a new type of influenza virus.

There are presently no reported cases of influenza "A" (H1N1) virus cased infection in Timor-Leste. The United Nations in Timor-Leste is emphasizing the need for calm and community awareness of the related issues whilst increasing preparations to detect arriving cases of influenza "A" (H1N1) into Timor-Leste.

United Nations, particularly The World Health Organization (WHO), is assisting the Ministry of Health of Timor-Leste to monitor and respond to the situation. WHO is coordinating the global response to human cases of influenza "A" (H1N1) and monitoring the corresponding threat of an influenza pandemic. WHO in Timor-Leste will continue to monitor the situation and disseminate information.

The WHO Director-General has recommended not to close borders and not to restrict international travel. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention. Given the widespread presence of the virus, the WHO Director-General considers that containment of the outbreak is not feasible. The current focus should be on preparedness measures. All measures should conform to the purpose and scope of the International Health Regulations.


PRESS RELEASE: Epidemia Influenza "A" – Nasoins Unidas Asiste Governu Timor-Leste

Dili, 1 Maiu 2009 – Ekipa Reprezentante Nasoins Unidas nian iha Nasaun Timor Leste ohin hala'o sorumutu ida hodi análize ba situasaun kona-ba moras Influensa hosi epidemia virus "A" (H1N1) ne'e. Kazu influenza umanu A (H1N1) ne'e identifika tiha ona iha Nasaun balun atravezde ema. Organizasaun Saúde Mundiál (WHO) hala'o tiha ona ezaminasaun ba nivel alerta epidemia influenza ne'e, no hasa'e ona nivel moras ne'e hosi fase 4 ba fase 5. Aumentu ida-ne'e rekoñese katak hetan ona virus hosi influenza ne'e kontinua transmite hosi ema ba ema no katak iha mos risku atu nia bele hada'et ba nivel ne'ebé boot liu iha komunidade sira. Ida-ne'e indika katak iha posibilidade atu epidemia ne'e bele aumenta, no konsidera ida-ne'e hanesan bele akontese duni. Epidemia A ne'e mosu bainhira hetan iha nasaun balu, transmisaun ne'ebé kontinua hosi virus influenza foun ida ne'e.

To'o agora seidauk hetan relatoriu kona-ba kazu moras Influenza "A" " (H1N1) ne'e, ne'ebé maka bele karik afeta prezentemente iha Timor Leste. Nasoins Unidas iha Timor Leste subliña katak presiza duni atu komunidade sira kalma no atensaun ba asuntu hirak ne'ebé maka relasiona ho moras ne'e, purenkuantu halo mos preparasaun hodi deteta hetan moras hosi Influenza "A" (H1N1) ne'ebé mak karik tama iha Timor Leste.

Nasoins Unidas, partikularmente Organizasaun Saúde Mundiál (WHO), asiste daudaun Ministeriu de Saúde Timor-Leste atu tau-matan no responde ba situasaun ne'e. WHO koordena daudaun responde globál ida ba kazu humana husi influenza "A" (H1N1) no monitoriza korespondensia ameasa husi pandemiku influenza ne'e. WHO iha Timor-Leste sei kontinua monitor situasaun no fahe informasaun.

Diretor Jerál WHO nian rekomenda ona hodi la taka fronteira sira no la kansela movimentu internasionál. Ne'e konsidera prudente ba ema ne'ebé moras la hapara movimentu internasional no ba ema sira ne'ebé mak dezenvolve simptoma tuir movimentu internasionál atu buka tratamentu médika. Virus ne'e, ne'ebe Diretor Jerál WHO konsidera katak atu hapara epidemia ne'e la fasil. Fokus daudaun tenke kona-ba sasukat preparasaun nian. Sasukat tomak tenke haktuir objetivu no mata-dalan Regulasaun Saude Internasionál nian.
