UN Police community project for becora orphanage “Orfanato Santa Bakhita”
Dili, 12 May 2009 - The Sri Lankan police contingent of the UN Police initiated a community project for the Becora "Orfanato Santa Bakhita". The 54 members of the contingent have decided to donate an assortment of items, which included a refrigerator and other electrical appliances, to the orphanage.
On 8 May 2009, the Sri Lankan contingent commander Premalal Liyanarachchi presented the gifts to Miss Inacia das Flores Faria, the Manager of Santa Bakhita Orphanage.
UN Police Commissioner, Luis Carrilho, who was also at the presentation, said he was very proud to see an UN Police contingent initiating the community project. He added that when he took over the helm of the UN Police, his priority is to make community policing the fundamental concept of policing in Timor-Leste. An important part of community policing is humanitarian programmes, as through these humanitarian programmes, Police can better engage the community, gain their trust and raise the credibility of the UN Police.
Commissioner Carrilho also exhorted the children of the orphanage to rise up and be strong, just like their country which is rising up from a turbulent past. He urged them to work hard and become model members of the society and contribute to building up this beautiful country.
For further contact please call to KEOK Tong San, UNPol Public Information Officer, on (670) 743 8551
Komisariu Polisia Nasoins Unidas nian, Sr. Luis Carrilho, ne'ebé mak akompaña mos serimonia ne'e, hateten katak nia sente orgullu tebes bainhira haree Kontijente Polisia Nasoins Unidas nian ida bele inisia projetu komunitaria hirak hanesan ne'e. Nia mos hatutan tan katak bainhira nia simu hikas kna'ar hodi dirize Polisia Nasoins Unidas ne'e, ninia prioridade mak atu halo konseitu fundamental ida ba Polisia komunitaria nian iha Timor Leste. Parte importante ida hosi Polisia Komunitaria maka programa sira umanitaria nian, nu'udar liuhosi programa umanitaria nian sira hanesan ne'e mak Polisia bele halo servisu hamutuk ho komunidade sira di'ak liutan, hetan fali konfiansa no hamoris fali kredibilidade hosi Polisia Nasoins Unidas nian.
Komisariu Carrilho mos enkoraza labarik sira hosi orfanatu ne'e atu bele hamrik metin no forsa nafatin, hanesan mos ho sira-ninia nasaun ne'ebé mak hamrik fali hosi turbulensia pasadu nian. Nia mos ejize ba sira atu servisu maka'as no sai nu'udar modelu ba membru sosiedade sira no kontribui ba denzenvolvimentu Nasaun ida-ne'ebé mak furak tebes ne'e.
Ba informasaun liu tan bele kontatu ba KEOK Tong San, Ofisial Informasaun Publiku UNPOL, iha (670) 743 8551