National Police resume responsibility over the Police Intelligence service

18 Dec 2009

National Police resume responsibility over the Police Intelligence service

Dili, 18 December 2009 - Today Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law, Mr Takahisa Kawakami and Secretary of State for Security, Dr Francisco da Costa Guterres, presided over a ceremony in Dili marking the resumption of primary responsibility for the conduct of the Police Intelligence Service of the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL).

The ceremony took place at the PNTL headquarters in Dili in the morning, with Deputy UNPOL Commissioner Idris Abraham and PNTL General Commander Longuinhos Monteiro also present.
Following the resumption of primary responsibility by PNTL earlier in the week of the Maritime Unit, the Police Intelligence Service is the seventh police entity for which PNTL has resumed responsibility. PNTL has resumed responsibility in four districts – Lautem (May), Oecusse (June), Manatuto (July) and Viqueque (December) – and for the Police Training Centre (September).

The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT are implementing the resumption process in a gradual manner – district by district, unit by unit. Assessments of further districts and units are conducted by joint teams comprising representatives of the Government and UNMIT, including PNTL and the United Nations Police (UNPol), using mutually agreed criteria.


Polísia Nasionál asumi hikas responsabilidade ba Servisu Intelijénsia Polisía

Dili, 18 Dezembru 2009- Ohin Vise Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál ba Apoiu Setór Seguransa no Estadu Direitu, Sr.Takahisa Kawakami no Sekretáriu Estadu ba Seguransa, Dr Francisco da Costa Guterres, prezide seremonia ida-ne'ebé marka retomada responsabilidade prinsipál ba kondusaun Servisu Intelijénsia Polisía nian hosi Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) nian.

Seremonia dader-san ne'e hola fatin iha Kurtel-Jerál PNTL nian iha Dili, marka mós ho prezensa hosi Vise Komisariu Polisía UNPOL nian, Idris Abraham no Komandante Jerál, Longuinhos Monteiro.

Haktuir asumi hikas fali responsabilidade prinsipál ba PNTL iha inisiu semana ne'e nian hosi Polisía Unidade Maritima, Unidade Servisu Intelijénsia nu'udar entidade ba dala-hitu ne'ebé PNTL asumi hikas tiha ona responsabilidade polisiamentu prinsipál dezde prosesu retomada responsabilidade polisiamentu iha distritu haat – Lautem (fulan-Maiu) Oecussi (fulan-Juñu) Manatuto (fulan-Jullu) no Viqueque (Dezembru) no Sentru Formasaun Polísia (fulan-Setembru).

Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT implementa daudaun prosesu asume hikas fali responsabilizasaun iha maneira ida-ne'ebé graduál—distritu ba distritu, unidade ba unidade. Avaliasuan sira ne'e hala'o hosi ekipa konjunta sira ne'ebé komposta hosi reprezentante sira Governu no UNMIT nian, inklui PNTL no Polísia Nasoins Unidas (UNPol), ne'ebé uza kritéria maka konkorda mutualmente.
