PM and SRSG welcome the start of the resumption of responsibilities by East Timorese

13 May 2009

PM and SRSG welcome the start of the resumption of responsibilities by East Timorese

Dili, 27 March 2009 -
The first step in the resumption of responsibilities by Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) was announced today by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (SRSG) Atul Khare. They decided that the resumption would begin in the District of Lautém, followed by Manatuto District. The resumption in these two districts will depend on the conclusion of an agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) concerning the resumption process and compliance with the certification procedure. Practical arrangements for the resumption are currently being made in the two districts.

Dili, 27 March 2009

Assessments have also been completed in Aileu and Ainaro. However, these two districts were found to require improvements before they can be declared ready for resumption. Government and UNMIT experts are now assessing Oecussi and Manufahi. The remaining districts and PNTL special units will then be assessed.

The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT have already agreed that the resumption will be a phased process based on a joint assessment on the PNTL preparedness in accordance with mutually agreed criteria. UN Police will remain in the districts where the PNTL has resumed responsibilities to provide advice and to monitor the PNTL, including in the area of human rights protection.

Prime Minister Gusmão congratulated the PNTL and welcomed the agreement. "We will start with two districts because this is a gradual process and in the future other districts will follow. Therefore we ask the state and the government to create conducive conditions, which means adequate facilities, logistics and each of the commands will be prepared to take on leadership responsibilities," said the Prime Minister.

"Today we happily celebrate the ninth anniversary of the PNTL, with the hope that the police will be able to overcome a number of existing problems in order to move ahead and properly fulfill their duty as a highly professional police force," stated Prime Minister Gusmão.

SRSG Khare, welcoming that the Government and UNMIT had reached the decision to begin the resumption of the PNTL's policing responsibilities in Lautém and Manatuto, stated:

"Timor-Leste has taken major steps in the past 12 months towards restoring stability. PNTL beginning to resume full responsibility for policing is a further step in the efforts to ensure that this stability is sustainable over the long term."


PM no RESJ sauda komesu hahú simu filafali responsabilidade hosi polísia Timor-Leste nian

Dili, 27 Marsu 2009 - Pasu dahuluk iha simu filafali responsabilidade hosi Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) anunsia ohin hosi Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian (RESJ), Atul Khare. Sira desidi katak simu filafali responsabilidade ne'e sei hahú iha Distritu Lautém, tuir fali ho Distritu Manatuto. Simu filafali responsabilidade iha distritu rua ne'e sei depende ba iha konkluzaun akordu entre Governu Timor-Leste no Misaun Integradu Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) kona-ba prosesu simu filafali responsabilidade no kumpri ho prosedimentu sertifkasaun nian. Aranju prátiku sira ba simu filafali responsabilidade nian oras ne'e daudaun hala'o hela iha distritu rua ne'e.

Avaliasaun sira mós kompleta tiha ona iha Aileu no Ainaro. Maibé, distritu rua ne'e sei rekere melloramentu molok distritu sira-ne'e deklaradu prontu atu simu filafali responsabilidade. Peritu sira Governu no UNMIT nian oras ne'e daudaun hala'o avaliasaun ba Oecussi no Manufahi. Distritu sira ne'ebé resta no unidade espesiál sira PNTL nian depois mak sei hetan avaliasaun.

Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT konkorda tiha ona katak simu filafali responsabilidade ne'e sei sai prosesu ida hala'o ho faze, ne'ebé bazeia ba iha avaliasaun konjunta ida kona-ba preparasaun PNTL nian, tuir kritéria ne'ebé konkorda mutualmente. Polísia ONU nian sei kontinua hela iha distritu sira ne'ebé PNTL asumi tiha ona responsabilidade hodi fornese konsellu no atu monitoriza PNTL, inklui iha área protesaun direitus umanus nian.

Primeiru Ministru Gusmão kongratula PNTL no simu akordu ne'e. "Ami sei hahu husi distritu rua (2) tamba prosesu ne'e lao neneik sei ba mos distritu sira seluk bele halo tuir . Neduni ami husi estadu no governu maka tau kondisoens, nebe'e dehan iha duni fasilidade, lojistika rasik no komando sira mos iha preparasaun atu asumi lideransa", hatete Primeiru Ministru.

"Ohin loron aniversario PNTL nian, ita hotu kontente tamba komemora ba sia (9) loron PNTL nian, katak ita iha esperansa ba polisia, maske infrenta problema oi-oin, sira mos hakat ona ba oin hodi kumpri didiak sira nia dever nudar polisia nebe profisionalismo duni", hatete Primeiru Ministru Gusmão.

RESJ Atul Khare, bainhira sauda katak Governu no UNMIT alkansa tiha ona desizaun atu hahú simu filafali PNTL nia responsabilidade sira polisiamentu nian iha Lautem no Manatuto, hatete:
"Timor-Leste foti tiha ona pasu sira ne'ebé boot iha fulan 12 liubá hodi restaura estabilidade. PNTL ne'ebé hahú atu asumi responsabilidade tomak ba polisiamentu sai nu'udar pasu ida tuirmai iha esforsu katak estabilidade ida-ne'e sai sustentavel iha tempu naruk."
