PNTL and UNPOL crack down human trafficking ring
Dili, 6 July, 2009 - On Wednesday, 2 July 2009 at 5pm United Nations Police (UNPOL) and the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) jointly carried out an anti-human trafficking operation at a bar in the Marconi neighborhood of Dili. Ten persons, including one woman, were arrested on the suspicion that they were part of a human trafficking ring.
Police also found 22 other women, between the ages of 17 and 29, working in the bar. One of them is a minor. They are currently being processed as victims of human trafficking, and are being cared for by the International Organization for Migration and non-governmental organisations.
The suspects are currently detained in the Becora Prison, awaiting pre-trial hearing. Preliminary investigations reveal that the suspects deceived the victims into travelling to Timor-Leste on the false expectation that they would be working legitimately as masseuses or waitresses. Upon entering Timor-Leste, they were forced to provide sexual services. Police are continuing investigations.
"The successful operation culminates from information received by the police and joint efforts between UNPOL and PNTL," said Luis Carrilho, UN Police Commissioner. "It reflects the support the police enjoy from the community and the good relationship between UNPOL and PNTL."
"The UN regards human trafficking as a form of serious exploitation and abuse," said Commissioner Carrilho, "police will not hesitate to take action against human traffickers."
Police urge any person with information regarding this case or other human-trafficking activities in Timor-Leste to contact the police through the 112 hotline.
PNTL ho UNPOL kaer grupu ne'be halo trafiku umano
Dili, 6 Jullu, 2009 - Iha kuarta-feira, 2 Jullu 2009, tuku 5 lokraik, Polísia Nasoins Unidas nian (UNPOL) ho Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste nian (PNTL) hala'o operasaun hamutuk ida kontra tráfiku umanu iha bár ida iha bairru Marconi iha Dili. Sira prende ema na'in-sanulu, inklui feto ida, tanba iha suspeita katak sira hola parte iha grupu ne'ebé halo tráfiku umanu.
Polísia mós hetan feto na'in-22 tan, ho tinan entre 17 no 29, ne'ebé serbisu iha bár ne'e. Ida husi sira sei menór. Sira liu daudaun husi prosesu nu'udar vítima tráfiku umanu nian, no Organizasaun Internasionál Migrasaun nian no organizasaun la-governamentál balu maka tau matan ba sira.
Suspeitu sira agora dadur hela iha Prizaun Bekora, hodi hein audiénsia molok-julgamentu. Investigasaun preliminár hatudu katak suspeitu sira lohi vítima sira ba sira atu viaja mai Timor-Leste liuhosi bosok vítima hodi dehan katak sira sei mai serbisu legalmente nu'udar kumu-na'in ka empregada-meza. Bainhira sira to'o tiha iha Timor-Leste, ema obriga sira atu fornese serbisu seksuál. Polísia kontinua investiga daudaun.
"Operasaun ne'ebé hetan susesu ne'e nu'udar rezultadu husi informasaun ne'ebé polísia simu no husi esforsu hamutuk UNPOL no PNTL nian", Luís Carrilho, Komisáriu Polísia ONU nian, hateten. "Ida-ne'e hatudu apoiu ne'ebé polísia hetan husi komunidade no mós relasaun di'ak entre UNPOL no PNTL".
"ONU konsidera tráfiku umanu nu'udar forma esplorasaun no abuzu grave", Komisáriu Carrilho dehan, "polísia sei la laran-rua atu foti asaun kontra trafikante sira ne'ebé halo tráfiku umanu".
Polísia husu ba ema ne'ebé iha informasaun ruma kona-ba kazu ida-ne'e ka atividade seluseluk tráfiku umanu nian iha Timor-Leste atu kontakta polísia liuhosi númeru-telefone 112.