PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Manatuto

27 Jul 2009

PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Manatuto

Manatuto, 25 July 2009 – Today the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (SRSG) Atul Khare and Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão presided over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) in the District of Manatuto.

Manatuto is the third district where the PNTL is resuming primary policing responsibilities since the process started in May 2009 in the district of Lautem and continued in June 2009 for the district of Oecussi.

The Government of East-Timor and UNMIT are jointly implementing the resumption process in a gradual manner – district by district, unit by unit. The decision for Manatuto PNTL to resume primary policing responsibilities was made based on the result of rigorous assessments on the preparedness of PNTL in the district. The assessments were conducted by joint teams comprising representatives of the Government of East Timor and UNMIT, including PNTL and UNPOL, using mutually agreed criteria.

For a time UN Police will maintain their presence in the districts where the PNTL have resumed responsibilities, in order to monitor, advise and support the PNTL, including in the area of human rights protection.

Manatuto is one of the 13 districts of East Timor, located in the central part of the country, bordering capital Dili to the west. It reaches both the south and north coasts of the island, and is only one of two districts to do so (the other is Lautém in the far east) and has the most geographical diversity. The city of Manatuto is known for its salt production and abundance of tamarind. It has a population of 38,580 (census 2004) and an area of 1,706 km2.


PNTL foti fila fali responsabilidade primáriu kona-ba polisiamentu iha Manatutu

Manatutu 25 Jullu 2009 - Ohin Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian ba Timor-Leste (RESJ) Atul Khare no Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão prezide serimónia kona-ba foti fila fali responsabilidade primária ba operasaun polisia nian husi Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Distritu Manatutu.

Manatutu nu'udar Distritu datoluk ne'ebé PNTL foti fila fali knaar polisiamentu nian dezde prosesu ne'e komesa ona iha Maiu 2009 iha Distritu Lautem, no kontínua iha Juñu 2009 iha Distritu Oekusi.

Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT hamutuk hala'o prosesu foti fila fali knaar ne'e liuhusi maneira ida-ne'ebé graduál – kada distritu ba distritu, unidade ba unidade. Desizaun ba PNTL Manatutu atu foti fila fali knaar primáriu kona-ba polisiamentu ne'e foti bazeia ba rezultadu avaliasaun ne'ebé rigorozu, kona-ba prontidaun PNTL nian iha Distritu. Avaliasaun ida-ne'e hala'o husi ekipa konjuntu ne'ebé kompostu husi reprezentativu Governu Timor-Leste no UNMIT, inklui mós PNTL no UNPOL, uza kritériu ne'ebé parte rua konkorda hotu.

Polisia ONU nian sei mantein sira-nia prezensa iha distritu sira ne'ebé PNTL foti fali ona sira-nia knaar, hodi halo monitorizasaun, fó konsellu no tulun PNTL, inklui mós iha área protesaun direitu umana.

Manatutu nu'udar distritu ida husi distritu 13 iha Timor-Leste, lokalizadu iha parte sentru nasaun nian, iha parte oeste baliza ho Dili. Distritu ne'e to'o ba kosta norte no kosta súl husi illa ne'e nian, no nia mak distritu ida husi distritu rua ne'ebé iha área hanesan ne'e (ida seluk fali mak Lautem ne'ebé iha parte leste nian) nu'udar distritu ida mak iha diversidade jeográfiku ne'ebé barak liu hotu. Sidade Manatutu, koñesidu nu'udar fatin produsaun masin no sukaer ho kuantidade barak tebes. Ninia populasaun 38,580 (sensu 2004) no área 1,706 km2.